Chapter Ten || Miss me?

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"Be careful who you become after heartbreak.

All of your monsters may suddenly show up in the mirror."

- Erin Van Vuren

Charlotte rolled to her right side in bed, feeling too lazy to open her eyes and stand up

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Charlotte rolled to her right side in bed, feeling too lazy to open her eyes and stand up. It had been a crazy night. Well, actually the whole week had been wild. She had been staying at Cherry's and even fought on the ring. At night, Charlotte would drink until her whole body went numb. The pain from the fights would ease and so would the psychological distress.

The blonde rolled to lay on her back again, but at that moment she heard movement from her right. She opened her eyes at the same time she grabbed the gun hidden under her pillow, only to see Ed staring back at her with a smile on his lips while sitting on a chair beside her bed.

"Hello, sleepyhead," he greeted.

Charlotte sat up with a gasp. The sudden movement caused pain to erupt through her head. She lowered the gun, took her free hand to her head and squinted her eyes because of the sunlight shining through the windows. "Ow, my head".

"You're experiencing a hangover," Ed told her with a reprimanding shake of his head. "Another one, actually. You know, you probably shouldn't drink so much. You've been staying here for a week and there isn't a night I don't see you get drunk".

"The fights, the whiskey, and the vodka are the only things that make me feel better. They don't come necessarily in that order, by the way," Charlotte chuckled, remembering the times she fought while drunk. "The perks of having Bipolar disorder. You never know what you'll be into next".

Ed stared at her not knowing what to say. He had never seen her acting like that. He wanted to help, but he didn't think she wanted his or anyone's help. It wouldn't stop him from trying though. At the rate she was going, Charlotte would end up getting herself killed. She kept on fighting, but Ed asked himself for how long would that last?

"What is it to you anyway? No, wait. Why are you in my room in the first place?" She asked as she sat up straight on the bed. Ed's eyes looked down her body. She was only wearing a purple shirt Lee had given her and the sheets were no longer covering her legs. How he missed touching her silky skin. Charlotte noticed him look down her body and arched an eyebrow. "Ed, my eyes are up here," she reminded him as she pointed at her eyes.

Ed snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at the aspirins in his hands before looking into Charlotte's blue eyes. "Lee told me to give you these aspirins for your headache and she also gave you those clothes". Ed pointed at the clothes he had left on the chair by the door.

"How sweet of her," Charlotte commented and rubbed the gun against her thigh. Ed couldn't resist looking at her legs again. He jumped when Charlotte used the gun to pull his chin back up. "But couldn't she give me all that herself?"

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