Chapter Eight || The longest night

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"I grant this food will be somewhat dear, and therefore very proper for landlords, who, as they have already devoured most of the parents, seem to have the best title to the children."

- 'A Modest Proposal', by Jonathan Swift.

The day after the debacle in the Narrows was very tense

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The day after the debacle in the Narrows was very tense. Charlotte didn't speak a word to Oswald. The only times he spoke to her was to order her to do something for him. It also didn't help when Charlotte snickered after Mr. Penn told them Ed was making fun of Oswald at some club in the Narrows.

Barbara, Selina, Tabitha, and a member from the motorcycle gang 'Street Demonz' were also there because the three women stole the Street Demonz's money. They also laughed at the pissed off look on Oswald's face. He ended up killing the man from the Street Demonz when he mentioned the name 'The Riddler' and ordered the three women to get Ed.

For some reason, Barbara, Selina, and Tabitha weren't able to bring Ed to the club in time, so Firefly was sent after them. Charlotte was going to go with her, but Mr. Penn said Oswald gave him strict orders not to let her go. Charlotte knew why, though. She knew Oswald was afraid she would betray him and decide to stay there with Ed. Of course, that wasn't going to happen, but Oswald was paranoid and would be mad if Charlotte disobeyed him again. However, Firefly also failed to retrieve Ed and kill Barbara, Selina and Tabitha. As if that wasn't enough, Mayor Burke decided it was a good idea to promote Jim Gordon as the new Captain of Gotham Central. Oswald had Sofia and a kid from the Falcone orphanage with him and didn't start yelling at Mr. Penn, who gave him the news.

On the following day, Sofia was preparing for the fundraiser she would have at the orphanage. Oswald walked into the orphanage followed by Charlotte and Mr. Penn and found Sofia taking care of a flower bouquet.

"Beautiful," Oswald complimented, not specifying whether he was talking about the flowers or Sofia herself. "I predict this evening's fundraiser will be a smashing success".

"If I want Gotham's wealthiest families to support the orphanage, things have to be perfect," she told before turning to Oswald with a sweet smile. "I appreciate you taking part, Oswald".

Oswald frowned at her. "Yes. Sadly, a situation has arisen".

"No," Sofia gasped. "That thing in the Narrows, with your former chief of staff?"

"No, no. This is far more serious," Oswald told her and pretended he didn't suspect Sofia was behind all of it. "It has to do with Mayor Burke promoting James Gordon to Captain of the GCPD".

Sofia crossed her arms over her chest. "You're not really worried about James Gordon?"

"Please," Oswald chuckled and took a few steps closer to Sofia. "The issue is the person who ordered his appointment".

"I see," Sofia nodded thoughtfully.

"Do you?" Oswald asked in reply.

Sofia smiled again. "Oswald, we both know the Mayor is a weasel. Someone must have paid him off".

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