kim namjoon

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After reading the first letter, Hee-yong was thoroughly intrigued. She wasn't aware of the situation between the writer of the letter and the recipient, but one thing was clear: Kim Namjoon was in love. Hee-yong almost felt sorry for the stranger. Just as she was about to open the second letter, her phone blared loudly at her side. The caller ID told her it was none other than Park Jimin on the other end. Hee-yong bit her lip and debated answering the phone or not. She and Jimin had a very long history. Jimin was one of Seokjin's closest friends, and when word got out that Jimin and Hee-yong were dating, Jin nearly popped a vein as he yelled at the both of them. After a little bit of convincing and some bribery on Hee-yong's part, the couple gained Seokjin's blessing. Jimin and Hee-yong were a beautiful couple for more than five years. They knew everything about each other, from shoe size to favorite movie to the exact way they liked their coffee in the morning. Jimin was Hee-yong's first real love, and the pain of their breakup was immense. Although Hee-yong had felt the gap between them growing in the last few months of their relationship, she hadn't wanted to end things, but Jimin had decided he couldn't lead her on if he was beginning to lose feelings, and the couple had split up. To this day, Hee-yong still harbored fairly strong feelings for the boy, but she kept it to herself. With a sigh, she answered the phone just in time.
"Hello?" She said. Jimin's voice boomed through the phone as he said,
"Hey, Yongie. I just wanted to let you know that Jin said he would come over to help you tomorrow, he's crashing at my place tonight." Hee-yong rolled her eyes.
"Tell my dear brother that there's no need, I'm nearly finished already," she said. There was a bit of mumbling as Jimin relayed the message to Jin.
"He says you'd be a great toy maker," Jimin said with a chuckle. Hee-yong tilted her head in confusion as she asked, "why?" There was more mumbling as Jin explained his statement to Jimin.
"He said if you work that fast unpacking boxes, imagine how fast you'd work an assembly line," Jimin said at last. His tone was slightly amused, and Hee-yong could hear her brother's obnoxious windshield wiper laugh in the background. A grin graced her face at that.
"I hate him," Hee-yong announced with not an ounce of hatred in her voice. Jimin laughed as he replied,
"Don't we all." In the back, Hee-yong faintly heard Jin yelling at Jimin to, "Stob it!" And a small giggle erupted from Hee-yong's lips. Jimin sighed heavily on the other end of the phone.
"Okay, Yongie. I should probably go now. Do you wanna get coffee with me tomorrow?" Jimin asked. Hee-yong's heart raced at the thought, but she knew that it wasn't a date. She knew all too well that Jimin didn't feel that way about her anymore. She agreed to Jimin's proposal and they said their farewells. Hee-yong sighed and looked down at the letter in her hand. Was she and the author of the letter more alike than she knew? Both of them were still pining after someone who had dumped them. Maybe that was why Hee-yong found herself opening the letter and indulging herself in its contents.

I saw you today. You looked... Stunning. You must have dyed your hair. Red suits you really well, you know? I also saw you with Kai, and I couldn't help but wonder if there really is something going on between you two again but I shook that thought away. I trust you, I trust your every word so I know that if you said there's nothing romantic between the two of you anymore then there really isn't. I'm still so jealous though. He gets to be so close to you, while me... I'm too ashamed to even approach you when I see you in public. Yet here I am, writing silly love letters to you. I'm a fool, I know. But none of that changes the fact that I love you, Areum. My grandmother asked me about you. She asked when you're coming around again. She's not doing too well right now, so I didn't have the heart to really tell her that her "grand-daughter in-law" isn't coming around anymore. I just shrugged at her and smiled at her in that way that I do. You know the smile I'm talking about. Where I look like I'm planning something but I'm really not? Yeah, that smile. Maybe you could visit her sometime? You don't have to see me to visit her. She loves you. I do too... But anyway, Taehyung and Marnie broke up today. Marnie is moving back to America, and she ended things with Tae. He won't talk to me about it much, but I'm worried about him. I haven't seen him this down since Yeontan went missing. Good thing we found Tannie within an hour because seeing Tae so upset hurts me a lot. He's been like this for hours now though, ever since she broke up with him and I don't know what to do. Usually I would just ask you for help but I can't now. I miss you.

Hee-yong placed the second letter back into it's envelope and sighed. This Namjoon boy seemed desperately head over heels for Areum.
"I feel like I'm reading some kind of Wattpad love story," Hee-yong mumbled to herself. She placed all the letters back into the box, and sat it on her dresser.
"We'll finish these later, she said as she retrieved a towel and some clothes.
"Right now, I need to shower before I stink up the whole apartment."

After a long awaited shower, Hee-yong dried herself off and dressed in her favorite fluffy, pink robe that felt just as soft and smooth as a bunny's fur. She cuddled into the robe and sighed. It had been a long day, and Hee-yong found her eyelids to be growing heavier and heavier. She glanced over to the box of letters and sighed. On the one hand, she was curious and wanted to read all of the letters in one go, but on the other hand, she was exhausted. Hee-yong did most of the moving by herself, since her big brother was too lazy at times. She sighed heavily.
"I wonder if Jin's okay," Hee-yong mumbled. Since they were kids, Hee-yong and Seokjin had a daily tradition. Every night at bed time, they'd seek the other out and check up on them, this usually ended with Jin tucking his little sister into bed, even as she got older. Tonight would be the first night that they didn't honor their tradition, and it made Hee-yong feel uneasy, so as she climbed into bed, she grabbed her cellphone and dialed Jin's number. There were three rings before,
"Hee-yongiiiiieeee," Her brother cooed on the phone. Alcohol was clearly in his system, but Hee-yong trusted her brother to not drink so much that he would get himself into trouble.
"I miss you, Yongie," Jin pouted. Hee-yong giggled.
"I miss you too, oppa. It felt weird not talking to you before bed," she said. Jin hummed in agreeance.
"I was actually just about to call you for the same reason. I can't believe my baby sister is out living on her own," Jin whined. Their whole lives, they'd been extremely close, almost inseparable to be honest. If you messed with Hee-yong, you messed with Jin and vice versa. They always stuck up for one another and did everything they could to make sure they were happy, even if they had little arguments and playfully fought and bantered. Hee-yong was grateful to have a brother like Jin, she wouldn't know what real happiness feels like if it hadn't been for him.
"I love you, Seokjinie. I'm gonna go to sleep now. Be safe please," Hee-yong's eyes were growing heavier and heavier by the second until she could just barely keep them open.
"I love you too, baby sis. I promise I'll be safe, okay? Sweet dreams," Jin said and after hearing those words, Hee-yong fell into a peaceful sleep.

A/N: I wish me and my brothers had a relationship like Hee-yong and Jin, sibling goals am I right? And please do not get confused, I am not writing incest about Jin and Hee-yong at any point in time, however their close relationship and tight Bond as siblings is going to play a very important role in this story. Thank you for reading. Until next time 💜
xx, Angel

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