paint ball

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Forewarning: I have never played paintball so i am completely uneducated on the activity so if there are any inaccuracies in this chapter please let me know in the comments and I'll fix it whenever I begin editing. Thank you in advance.

The group of eight was once again split into two groups of four. Jin and Hee-yong obviously immediately chose each other and allowed the others to sort the rest out. Taehyung had chosen to be with Hee-yong and Jin, along with Jungkook. This left Jimin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi on the opposing team. Jungkook, as it turned out, was excellent at all sports, so she was extremely thankful he had chosen her team, since she and Jin were not born with athletic genes. The power the siblings possessed lied solely in their striking looks, virtuous personalities and creative abilities. The two groups picked their leaders and naturally Jungkook became the leader that Hee-yong, Jin and Taehyung had chosen. The opposing team had chosen Namjoon as their leader. Jungkook's group became the red team and Namjoon's was the blue team. Everyone had split up to get geared up and ready for the match. Hee-yong pulled on the thick coveralls and sighed at the comfortable fit. She'd barely ever worn them as she barely played paintball but she was glad she had saved them rather than throwing them out as she had considered doing when she was packing up. The rest of the gear included thick red gloves, a bright red vest, a large helmet that covered her entire head and a pair of comfortable hiking shoes that were fit for the terrain of the playing field. When Hee-yong had finished suiting up, she made her way to the clearing that was directly in the center of the field. The rest of the boys had gathered there, already holding their guns and chatting excitedly.

"Yongie, over here!" Jin exclaimed. He had assumed she couldn't tell who was who since everyone's faces were completely covered but Hee-yong could definitely tell which of the boys was her brother. Especially since he was also wearing the same bright red gloves and vest she had donned. Hee-yong stood beside her brother and Namjoon nodded as he took a head count to make sure everyone was there.
"Okay, everyone," he said. There were several hoops and hollers, most of which came from Taehyung alone. The boy was jittery with excitement.
"Before we begin, let's lay down some rules," Namjoon said and everyone nodded in approval.
The blue team leader took that as his cue to continue.
"The goal of the game is for both teams to compete and see who can get the opposite team's flag back to their own base without being eliminated. If you get shot, you have to leave the playing field. If you want to actually win, you have to have not only the opposite team's flag but also your own. If you're successful in that, your team can shout, I don't know, bingo or something. Got it?" Namjoon spoke fast but clearly, he seemed very in his element. Hee-yong thought he made a good leader, even if it was only paintball. The teams picked their bases, and set up their flags and then the game began once everyone was in place. Jungkook motioned for everyone to lean in and listen.
"This game takes a lot of teamwork, communication and stealth. The key is to be quiet, be communicative and be calm. Follow my lead and we'll be fine, okay?" He said. Everyone nodded and the young male. He sized his teammates up silently.
"Jin, Tae, you two stay here and heard the flag. Hee-yong, you come with me to get blue's flag," Jungkook said. Hee-yong nodded, and silently followed after Jungkook. The two of them creeped as low to the ground as they could without outright crawling. They were careful to make sure their feet weren't snapping any twigs or crunching any leaves as they crept along. The playing field was eerily quiet, the only sound being that of the wind. There was a faint sound of a fallen branch snapping im half coming from the right of the pair, and Jungkook stiffened but remained calm. Hee-yong's heart sped up to an incredible pace but she did her best to stay as collected as her partner.
"Get down," Jungkook whispered. His voice was so quiet that she had barely caught his words, but luckily she did. She got down and quickly hid behind a short bush. Jungkook ducked his body behind a tree, and steadied his breathing. One of the boys from the opposing team stalked through the space Hee-yong and Jungkook had just occupied. He seemed as if he was trying to be quiet but he kept stepping on tiny twigs as he wasn't paying as much attention to the ground as he was to the trees. By the build of his body, Hee-yong thought it might've been Hoseok.
When he passed out of their sight, Jungkook nodded and whispered,
"Go easy."
He tiptoed away from the tree and Hee-yong followed his actions, carefully stepping through the field.
They hadn't went very far before they heard Hoseok's voice screaming,
"Oh shit!" Hee-yong suppressed the giggle that threatened to bubble up from her throat.
'one down, three to go,' she thought to herself. Suddenly a blue ball went flying and slammed into a tree, right next to where Jungkook's head was. Jungkook cursed.
"Hurry," he said to Hee-yong. Hee-yong sped up, trying to match Jungkook's now speedy pace. They were no longer trying to conceal their whereabouts since they'd already been found, they were more concerned with losing the person who had found them.
"Try to create a distraction," Jungkook said. Hee-yong nodded, and ran to hide behind a wooden cover that had been placed there strategically. She found a few little sticks that held enough weight to sail through the air and she threw them to an area away from where she actually was. The sound threw her pursuer off guard and they began opening fire around the space where the sticks had landed, thinking Hee-yong or Jungkook we're there. Hee-yong slipped quietly away from her post and hurried toward where Jungkook had already moved onto. Even though he knew Hee-yong couldn't see it, he grinned at her and whispered, "Good job." Hee-yong blushed at the praise and nodded, quickly continuing her mission. She vaguely wondered why it seemed so far away until the base and the flag finally came into sight. They were both completely unguarded and Hee-yong smirked. She had thought Namjoon would be smarter than that, but apparently not. She and Jungkook grabbed the flag and hugged each other, feeling victorious. They had turned around as if to begin creeping back to their base when they realized...
They were surrounded.

Author's Note: oooo, got em. All I could think of throughout this whole chapter was Jungkook playing overwatch lolol.
xx, Angel

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