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The sun shone down on Hee-yong's face as she slept in her bed. The girl was a snoring mess and looked completely unladylike as she was sprawled across the mattress, arms and legs thrown about in all directions. Yoongi was also still asleep in his bed, but he looked much more peaceful and still. Namjoon and Seokjin had already woken up and begun preparing for the day.
"Okay, so Taehyung's family is having a big party to announce some sort of news," Jin said as he rummaged through his suitcase. Namjoon nodded in understanding before he realized...
"Jin, I didn't bring any kind of suit or anything," he said in a panicked state. Jin grinned at Namjoon.
"I'm pretty sure Taehyung and I are the only ones who came prepared," Jin said. Namjoon groaned and asked, "what are we supposed to do?" Jin patted Namjoon's back with a big smile.
"We're all going shopping," he said.

Twenty minutes later, Jin stood on top of his bed, bouncing around and screaming at the top of his lungs.
"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" He exclaimed. Hee-yong groaned in annoyance and rolled over. She accidentally rolled too far and ended up falling off her bed.
"Fuck!" Hee-yong hissed as she rubbed her head. Jin laughed before continuing his assault on Yoongi's ears by screaming and jumping around. The bed underneath him creaked and because Jin was so tall, his head was coming very, dangerously close to smacking right into the ceiling. Yoongi hadn't moved a muscle at all, despite Jin's attempts, and that only pushed Jin to be louder. He jumped harder on the bed and Hee-yong saw what was coming next.
"Jin, stop!" She screamed but it was too late. Seokjin's head collided with the ceiling and the man dropped to his knees on the bed.
"Oh my fucking God," he said, cringing. Hee-yong giggled and then turned a scolding eye to her brother.
"Language, oppa," she said. Jin glared at his younger sister and huffed.
Yoongi finally peeled one of his eyes open and smirked.
"Serves you right," he said. Jin gaped at his friend.
"Were you awake this whole time?" He exclaimed. Yoongi shrugged as he sat up and yawned. Hee-yong was hysterically laughing at the entire situation.
"Shut it, brat," Jin said as he glared at Hee-yong. Hee-yong grinned and ran her fingers across her lips in a zipping motion. Jin nodded in approval and turned to Yoongi.
"Get dressed, grandpa, we're going shopping," he said. Yoongi groaned but still stood up from the bed and stretched.
"You look like a cat," Hee-yong muttered, but Yoongi still heard.
"You little brat, don't start with me this early in the day," he whined. The group laughed just before a loud knock sounded on the door.
"Who is it?" Namjoon called.
"Me!" A deep voice said in response.
Hee-yong grinned, for some reason, she was very hyper and excited. She jumped up and ran to the door.
"Tae-Tae!" She exclaimed as she pulled it open and jumped onto a stunned Taehyung.
"Um, good morning?" He said, but it came off as more of a question than a statement. Hee-yong kissed Taehyung's cheek and skipped away, allowing him to enter the room. The four boys stared in shock as Hee-yong began grabbing clothes from her suitcase.
"What?" She asked. The boys remained silent, cautiously watching her.
Yoongi leaned over to Jin and asked, "Is she still drunk?" Jin snorted and shook his head.
"I can still hear you, ya know!" Hee-yong exclaimed. Namjoon had an uneasy feeling in his stomach and his mood quickly soured.
'why did she kiss his cheek? Does she remember our kiss? Do I want her to?'
All these things ran through Namjoon's mind, pushing him into a darker mood. He was confused. He didn't know Hee-yong was suddenly so friendly toward Taehyung, he didn't know if she even remembered that they had just had a mini-makeout session the night before and he wasn't sure he wanted her to remember. He sighed heavily and turned around.
"Well," Hee-yong began. He still didn't turn back toward the girl, instead he just listened.
"I get the bathroom first!" Hee-yong shouted and dashed to the bathroom.
"Hey!" Yoongi exclaimed. He had been just about to make his way into the bathroom but Hee-yong dashed straight in front of him.
"I'm debating becoming enemies again," Yoongi mumbled under his breath.
"I heard that!" Hee-yong called from behind the closed door.

After everyone had gotten cleaned up and dressed, which took a considerably large amount of time, the two groups had met up at the van in which they'd be traveling.
"Let's get it!" Hee-yong exclaimed and climbed inside.
"That's my line, though," Jungkook said causing Hee-yong to shrug. Jimin hadn't said a word to Hee-yong yet. He had confessed his rekindled feelings to her the night before but she didn't even get to hear it. Jimin was unsure of how to feel. On one hand, he knew Namjoon was right and he shouldn't put Hee-yong through anymore complication or heartache, and he shouldn't ruin their freshly rebuilt friendship, but some part of him couldn't let it go. Instead of sitting next to Hee-yong this time, Jimin chose to sit with Jungkook.
"Hey, mochi," Jungkook greeted. Jimin glared at the boy.
"Hey, bunny," he said. Jungkook rolled his eyes playfully and said,
"I'd rather be a bunny than a tiny little mochi." He ruffled Jimin's hair. Jimin slapped Jungkook's hands away. Taehyung and Namjoon sat on either side of Hee-yong I'm the backseat. Hee-yong briefly wondered why she was always the one to be squished in the middle. Taehyung sat on his phone with one earbud lodged into his ear as he scrolled through his Twitter feed. Hee-yong peeked over his shoulder and her eyes bulged.
"Taehyung!" She exclaimed. Tae quickly locked his phone and looked over at the girl, startled.
"It was just a thirst tweet on my timeline," he said in defense. Hee-yong erupted into a fit of giggles.
"Taehyung loooooves Mark," Hee-yong sang. Tae flicked Hee-yong's nose and crossed his arms over his chest as he began giving her the silent treatment. Hee-yong shrugged and looked over at Namjoon. She could tell he'd been tense and upset all morning but she didn't know why. Hee-yong quickly pulled out her phone and typed up a message.

Are you okay?

Namjoon's phone vibrated in his front pocket so he quickly slid it out and unlocked it. After he read the message, his eyes slid over to Hee-yong who was watching him expectantly.

I'm not sure actually.

What's wrong?

It's complicated.

You can tell me, but I won't push you to do it if you don't want to.

I kissed a girl last night and I don't think she remembers so I'm very nervous and confused.

Hee-yong felt her heart drop to her stomach as she read the text. She ran through all the possible girls he could've kissed, but the options were very limited. She was the only girl with them.
Then it clicked in her head and a blurry memory surfaced in her mind. Her leaning up from her laidback position, grabbing Namjoon's face and pushing their lips together. Hee-yong's face heated up.

She does remember..

Namjoon had begun to type out a message but he wasn't quite sure what to say. His fingers hovered over the keyboard as he desperately tried to find the words to write but for once, he was speechless. He was saved from his struggle when Jin announced,
"Get out losers, we're here!"
All eight of them began piling out and Hee-yong was slightly disappointed that Namjoon hadn't responded. Now, she was the one who was confused and nervous. Hee-yong tried to separate from the boys to find a dress while they tried to find a suit but Jin stopped her.
"We could help you pick a dress, you know," Jin said as he hugged Hee-yong's shoulders. Jin felt as if he had to pick Hee-yong's dress, slightly worried that she'd pick an ugly one and embarrass him. Hee-yong wasn't the best when it came to fashion, she just simply wore whatever she found lying around and usually, it looked good on her. Not many things didn't look good on the beautiful girl, though.
"No thanks, we'll waste less time if we all just get straight to it and do our own thing," Hee-yong said as she declined her brother's offer. Jin was slightly disappointed but he nodded and pushed his sister away, motioning to the boys to come on. Hee-yong smiled and waved bye to them as she went off to find her perfect dress. For some reason, she wanted to dress to impress that night.

Author's note:
Hiiii! I'm gonna put pictures of their outfits in the next chapter, it's gonna be gOOD. TO BE HONEST THOUGH, I'll probably have the boys dressed in the suits they wore to the Grammys because they looked FINE. Don't even get me started. I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was kind of a filler. Next chapter will be good, I promise!
xx, Angel.
Word count: 1587

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