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"Suck it in, Yongie!" Hee-yong's friend and Jungkook's girlfriend, Rosella exclaimed as she attempted to zip up the beautiful dress. Hee-yong's mother, Chiyoung held up the upper part of the dress so as to aid in the zipping of the dress but it was still very much a struggle. 

"Seriously, girl, what have you been eating?" Rosella asked and chuckled lightly. Hee-yong groaned, nearing tears. It was her wedding day, this was definitely not supposed to happen.

"I can't help it! Namjoon insists on spoiling me with food all the time, and it's not like I can just reject it," She defended. Her mother laughed at the statement, her hands shaking with the action. 

"Babygirl, yes you can," she said. Hee-yong groaned again, and tried her best to hold in her tears. She was trying to be quiet enough that Namjoon wouldn't hear the embarrassing predicament she was in since the beach house where they were getting dressed had very, very thin walls, but with every passing second that her dress didn't fit, she grew more upset, and thus more vocal. Finally, there was a sharp tug and a loud zipping sound and then Hee-yong felt the constriction of a fully zipped dress. She gasped and spun around to the other women in the room. 

"It worked?" She asked. Rosella and Chiyoung nodded, their grins wide and bright. Hee-yong nearly jumped for joy but she realized she was running out of time. 

"Shit, I'm gonna be late to my own wedding," she said. Chiyoung scowled at her daughter and said, 

"Watch your language, pabo." She sounded eerily like Seokjin, who was waiting with the very anxious Namjoon. 

"Do you think she's okay?" Namjoon asked in a whisper. Jin nodded and patted Namjoon's shoulder. Jin said, 

"It's not even officially time for the ceremony to start, pabo, calm down." Namjoon nodded and glanced at the clock on the wall. 

"Let's head out there now and wait," He said. Jin nodded and followed Namjoon out of the beach house. The ceremony was taking place on the beach in Busan where Namjoon and Hee-yong had once had their first kiss, even if it was very sloppy. There were white chairs separated into two sections, creating a long and open aisle in between them where a beautifully clean, white carpet was rolled out all the way to the altar. The altar was just a white arch with sunflowers and roses wrapped around it like wild vines. The sun was hanging low in the sky, although not quite low enough to be considered dusk yet. Both Namjoon and Hee-yong's families had come and were sitting in the chairs, chatting excitedly amongst one another, along with the other five boys who formed their little group of friends. It was a relatively small ceremony, but it included all the people who mattered, and that was what counted. As Namjoon arrived, all eyes turned to him. Some people looked on with tear-filled eyes, and some were just plainly and obviously happy for him. Namjoon was so nervous that he felt he could vomit at any moment, but he suppressed the nasty urge. Jin whispered something to Namjoon before he took his place in the best man's seat. Namjoon smiled at Hee-yong's brother, feeling very grateful for him always being there to calm his nerves. Suddenly, Heeyong's father pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked something, whispered to Jin, then quickly vanished toward the beach house. Not long afterwards, all of the boys and girls who were dubbed as bridesmaids and groomsmen disappeared as well. Namjoon knew what that meant. His bride-to-be was coming. His nerves went haywire once again and he wished desperately that Jin hadn't have left. The music finally started and one of Hee-yong's cute little cousins began throwing rose petals over the white carpeted aisle. She smiled widely, showing off a few missing teeth and a pair of deep dimples. The sight was adorable and eased Namjoon's anxiety the slightest bit. Behind the flower girl was Chiyoung and Jin, the maid of honor and the best man. The rest of the groomsmen and bridesmaids followed behind them, and at the very end of the line was the love of Namjoon's life, accompanied by her crying father. Hee-yong was trying to refrain from laughing at her father's sniffles as they got closer and closer to the altar. Namjoon's eyes were filling with tears as his eyes locked onto Hee-yong's. Suddenly, it was as if no one else was there with them. It was just Namjoon and Hee-yong there on that beach. A single tear escaped Namjoon's eye, and he didn't even care. The feeling of unconditional and endless love was overwhelming in that moment as Hee-yong finally, FINALLY reached the altar. Her father had departed and taken his place at his seat, leaving Hee-yong with Namjoon and the priest.


The world was red. Red with love, with passion, with fire, desire. All Hee-yong saw was red as she writhed on the bedsheets underneath her newfound husband. A faint whimper escaped her bruised lips, earning a growl from Namjoon.
"I love you," he said huskily. She cried out for him.
"I love you," he said again and thrusted slower and deeper into his wife. Hee-yong arched her back upwards to meet Namjoon's thrusts and pulled his face down to hers to lock him into a fiery, passionate kiss. She had waited for that moment for the longest time. This was all she'd ever wanted. To love and to be loved by Kim Namjoon so completely and fully that they were just one person, one body joined by passion and desire.
"I love you, Namjoon," Hee-yong cried out. She felt her high coiling up inside her stomach with every slow and meaningful thrust, and she felt like crying at the utter love and care with which Namjoon handled her. His hands were everywhere on her body, stroking her long hair, caressing her face, kneading her full breasts. Namjoon couldn't get enough of his wife. If she was a drug, he was surely addicted. Hee-yong couldn't hold herself back anymore, she had finally reached her limit.
"Namjoon, I'm almost there," she said, nearly out of breath. Namjoon cradled her lips with his own.
"You're so beautiful, baby," he whispered against her lips. She whined loudly as the knot in her stomach unraveled and she released on her husband. Hee-yong's release triggered his own, and he locked his lips against his wife's once again as he spilled himself inside her. He let his body collapse on top of her as they both caught their breath and recuperated from the passionate love making.
"I love you so much, wife," Namjoon said with a weak smile, exhaustion taking him over. Hee-yong returned the sentiment.
"I love you, husband," she said sleepily. Namjoon slowly pulled himself out of Hee-yong and laid himself down next to her before pulling her into his chest to cuddle.
"I'm so lucky," he whispered, allowing sleep to take him over.

Author's note: this was my first time ever writing smut and it's so cringy I'm so sorry
Yikes. But there's only two more "chapters" to write if you could call them that. How are y'all feeling?
xx, Angel
Word count: 1244

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