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When Taehyung walked back into the waiting area, a smile graced his face. Jin and Hee-yong took that as a good sign, and the worry in their chests finally eased. Taehyung stopped in front of the siblings and said, "you two can go see him now but you have to go one at a time." Jin and Hee-yong looked at each other, silently asking who would go first. Hee-yong sighed and because her nerves were too haywire to see Namjoon yet, she told Jin to go on. Jin ruffled his sister's hair and left to go see his friend.
Taehyung sat in the seat that Jin had left behind and smiled at Hee-yong.
"I didn't know you knew Namjoon," he said. Hee-yong smiled back at the handsome boy and reflected over his question.
"We haven't known each other long, but I really care about him," she admitted. Taehyung nodded in understand.
"Namjoon does that to people. He has this aura that drags people in and holds them captive. I couldn't stop being his friend if I wanted to," Taehyung chuckled, and a small giggle exited Hee-yong's throat as well. Taehyung's face suddenly turned serious as he looked at Hee-yong.
"Namjoon has a bad history with women, so all I ask is that you please don't hurt him in any way. I don't think he could handle another heartbreak, no matter how tough he tries to act," Taehyung said. His face looked saddened at the thought of his best friend being hurt, and Hee-yong's own heart squeezed in her chest. She didn't like Namjoon being hurt, either. She hated it, really. She felt like Namjoon deserved all the happiness in the world, all the love and respect that can be given. Namjoon was a special person and he deserved to be treated as such. Hee-yong said all this to his best friend and he smiled, a very boxy and cute smile.
"If I didn't know better, I might think you have feelings for Joon," he teased. Hee-yong rolled her eyes but she thought about what he said. Did she have feelings for Namjoon? Or were they strictly platonic? She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts.
"The last thing Namjoon needs right now is a girl falling for him," Hee-yong said aloud. Taehyung rubbed his chin in thought, and finally asked,
"But what if that's exactly what he needs?" Hee-yong bit her lip and looked at Taehyung in confusion.
"What do you mean by that?" She asked. Taehyung sighed, thinking it was obvious. Nevertheless, he still obliged to explain to the young woman next to him.
"Namjoon has been single for years now. His last relationship ended very badly and I know for a fact he gets lonely. Of course, he has friends but romance is something everyone craves and Namjoon has always been a little bit of a hopeless romantic." Hee-yong bit back a gasp.
"And you're saying I should provide those romantic feelings he craves?" She asked in surprise. Taehyung shrugged at his friend.
"I'm not pushing you to do it, but if you have any romantic feelings for Namjoon, I'm saying you should go for it," Taehyung responded with a slight smile. Hee-yong mulled over the thought. She had felt an undeniable attraction to the boy as soon as they'd met, but then when she found out who he was, she was so shocked she hadn't even thought about it again. Yet whenever he was around, she felt giddy and shy which wasn't normal for Hee-yong at all.
"I might have some kinda feelings for Namjoon, but I can't put myself on him yet. Not until I know I'm over Jimin for sure," she said. Taehyung nodded in understanding. Taehyung, being a friend to both Jin and Jimin, knew the whole situation, even Jimin's perspective which not even Hee-yong fully knew. Taehyung could understand why Hee-yong wouldn't want to pursue Namjoon yet and he was thankful that she was kind enough to realize she wasn't ready and wouldn't lead his best friend on.
"You're a good person, Kim Hee-yong," Taehyung said. Hee-yong smiled cockily and replied, "I know, Kim Taehyung."

Jin and Namjoon had been chattering lightheartedly, cracking jokes and being goofy together. Jin brought out a playful side of Namjoon that not many people got to see. But after a while, even Jin had to break the silly atmosphere and asked,
"Joon, are you okay? Why did you skip your last appointment?" Namjoon bit his lip when his friend asked that question. He wasn't sure how to respond to it, truth be told. He didn't want to make Jin feel guilty but he also didn't want to begin their blossoming friendship with lies, so in the end Namjoon decided to be honest.
"I skipped it because I wanted to spend the day with you, Hee-yong and Jimin," he said. Jin's jaw dropped and he suddenly swatted at Namjoon's head.
"Pabo!" Jin exclaimed. Namjoon swatted Jin's hands away as he attacked him. The older male finally gave up, sat back and huffed.
"You didn't even tell me you were sick and then you went and missed a treatment because of me, am I a bad friend?" Jin asked, more to himself than to Namjoon but Namjoon answered regardless.
"No, you're a great friend. It was my choice to skip the appointment," Namjoon said sternly. Jin didn't answer, he simply looked at the floor I'm thought.
"Jin-" Namjoon began but Jin cut him off by holding a hand up.
"Ya! I'm older than you, use your honorifics, kid!" Jin said. The tension in the room immediately broke, both males laughing at Jin's sudden request for respect. A knock on the door interrupted the boys from their fit of laughter. Jin got up and opened the door quickly, expecting to see a doctor waiting there but instead, he found his little sister.
"Time's up," she said with a smirk.

A/N: so this chapter is kinda short compared to other chapters but I just wanted to get this chapter out there, it's more of a filler than anything but it is pretty important in terms of progressing the plot so I hope you enjoyed and I hope you continue reading.
xx, Angel

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