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I'm sorry that I wasn't the one to tell you. I'm sorry that you had to hear from someone else. I know it was wrong of me, but in my defense, you've refused to talk to me when I tried. When I saw you come into my hospital room, --

Hee-yong blinked. Hospital room? She wondered if Kim Namjoon was okay.

I expected you to be pitying me and crying, but you were just utterly pissed off. You slapped me, really hard. Hard enough to leave an exact handprint on my cheek. My heart monitor started going crazy as my heart rate sped up. You stared at me and for the first time ever, all I saw was anger and hatred in your eyes. You've never looked at me like that, so I think seeing you that way broke my heart even more than when you told me we were over. I know that I should probably give up on you now, but I can't find it in myself to do it. I don't have a lot of life left to live, after all. You knew that already though, and instead of running into my arms, you slapped me and cursed my name and left. My feelings are all jumbled up right now, I don't know how to untangle them and make things right. I guess there's no way to, really. What's done is done. But I can't help but want you, want us. You were- no, you are the only girl I've ever truly loved. Please take care of yourself. I won't be around much longer to look over you, so please be safe.
Yours truly, Kim Namjoon.

Tears stung Hee-yong's eyes as she finished the letter. Only three letters in and it was an emotional rollercoaster already.
"So this Namjoon is dying, and Areum rejected him again," she muttered to herself before scoffing.
"I wonder if this is even real. It sounds like some fiction story," she said. Hee-yong placed the letter back into the envelope, then the box, and then put it away.
"Time to get ready to see Jimin," She said.

Despite knowing that Jimin wasn't romantically interested in her anymore, Hee-yong took special care to make sure she looked good. She curled the ends of her long hair, and applied light but cute makeup. She wore a pink and blue gradient crop top with a peace sign on it paired with ripped, blue, high-waisted jeans and some white converse. Hee-yong checked her appearance in her mirror before sighing.
"I wish I was good enough for him," she said with a sad sigh. Hee-yong shook her head, refusing to overthink anymore as she grabbed her things and left her apartment.

Jimin was waiting at the table, two coffees sat untouched. One was his, plain with a little bit of cream, but Hee-yong's was a mocha with whipped cream and chocolate and caramel syrup, just the way she liked it. He'd only been waiting for ten minutes, but it had felt like forever. He didn't know exactly why he'd asked Hee-yong out, he just missed her company. When Hee-yong finally walked through the doors to the cute cafe, Jimin's breathing stalled. She was even more beautiful than the last time he'd seen her. Her once short, bobbed hair had grown out to reach her shoulder blades and light makeup enhanced her cute facial features. Her outfit suited her body type perfectly and Jimin found himself admiring the younger Kim sibling. She looked up and met Jimin's eyes and a bright smile graced her face. Jimin threw his famous eye smile back at her and Hee-yong felt heat rising in her cheeks. She sat down across from Jimin quickly and smiled as she spotted the mocha.
"You remember my order?" She asked. Jimin nodded.
"Of course I do. I remember everything," he admitted. Hee-yong smiled, but her heart throbbed in her chest. How could she get over him if he was always this cute and sweet? Hee-yong opened her straw and popped it into her mocha, taking a long sip.
"This is sooo good," she grinned. Jimin grinned back before taking a sip of his own coffee.
"So was there a reason you wanted to meet up?" Hee-yong asked. Her eyes were trained on Jimin and under her gaze he began to feel uncomfortable. It was the gaze of someone who he had once called his girlfriend, his lover, his best friend. At one point, Jimin even thought they'd get married. His face heated up.
"Not really, we just haven't hung out in a while and after hearing your voice on the phone I had a sudden urge to see my good friend," he explained. Hee-yong nodded, smiling again but those words broke her heart again. 'good friend.' not girlfriend or even best friend. They weren't close anymore.
"Well, I'm glad you acted on your urge, Chim. I missed you," Hee-yong said as she flicked Jimin's tiny hand that was laid flat on the table. Out of instinct, Jimin grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers. Just like he did when they were dating. Although Jimin didn't even notice how treacherous the act was to Hee-yong's heart, he felt butterflies in his stomach.
"I missed you too, Yongie. But you know you could just ask me to hang out whenever you'd like to, I don't bite," Jimin said. Hee-yong scoffed at his words and replied, "Sure you don't." Memories of their relationship flooded both of their minds. Jimin always loved biting Hee-yong- her neck, her lips, her shoulder. The thought brought heat to both of their cheeks and Jimin let go of Hee-yong's hand as his grew sweaty. He chuckled amusedly, brushing off his momentary shock at Hee-yong's implication.
"Well I guess you're right," Hee-yong said with a smirk, changing the subject.
"I can just ask to hangout whenever but I don't know when you're busy and when you're not," she continued. Jimin smiled at his ex girlfriend.
"I promise you, my schedule is exactly the same as it was before. Nothing has changed," he said.
'Nothing has changed except for the fact that you don't love me anymore,' Hee-yong thought, bitterly. She got lost in her thoughts and didn't notice Jimin talking to her until he got up and touched her shoulder gently.
"Yongie?" He asked. Hee-yong snapped out of her stupor and looked up at him warily.
"Are you okay?" Jimin asked. Hee-yong looked at Jimin's hand resting on her shoulder and a million feelings rushed to the surface. Hee-yong's eyes began watering, her bottom lip began quivering. Jimin, catching sight of this, quickly pulled Hee-yong to her feet and into his embrace.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, worriedly. Hee-yong tried her hardest to contain the tears, but she couldn't. She knew she was probably beginning to cause a scene but she couldn't help it. Kim Hee-yong was madly in love with Park Jimin and he didn't return those feelings. That would devastate any girl. Hee-yong thought she could handle seeing him, but after all the sweet gestures and the casual chatting, it had become too much for her. Hee-yong pulled away from her ex boyfriend and looked at him with sad eyes.
"I don't think I can hangout with you yet, Jimin. I'm still not..." Hee-yong paused as Jimin's face softened, small tears building up in his eyes as well.
"I'm still not over you yet. I promise as soon as I am, we can hangout though," Hee-yong promised. Jimin nodded and let her go. He felt unbelievably sad. Too sad for someone that was the cause of this situation. He shook his head as Hee-yong gathered her things and exited the cafe.

A/N: this part was so sad. poor hee-yong. how do you feel about her relationship with Jimin and do you really think Jimin doesn't love her?

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