Humans are fueled by fear, we breath it in, absorb it's every essence, and allow it to control us. We are fear's little puppets, carefully controlled and picked apart. Our brains like puzzles only fear has figured out how to solve. Digging deeper into our minds and pulling out every single insecurity, making us shameful that we could hide such dark, twisted information like that. This isn't the fear like being scared of heights or spiders. This is the fear of failure, that ultimately leads us to hold ourselves back from success. The fear of confrontation, that leads to unresolved heartaches that will tear you apart for the rest of your life. The fear of death, that never allows you to truly live life fully. The fear of love, you can never let yourself become attached to anyone. The fear of change, so you avoid it at all cost even violently fighting its inevitability. Fear, however, is like our parents. Fear prevents us from dying, keeps us safe. It is also fear that has brought people from up under evil governments. Yes, you read that right. If it were not for the people being afraid of a life lived controlled by dictators, revolutionary events would have never happened. Fear drove individuals by the masses to then create courage. With a fist held high, we become the most unionized under fears wretchedly magnificent grasp. Even the fear of failure has driven people towards success. It all depends on how an individual perceives the situation. Take fear by the horns, or let the horns take you. Fear is the good, fear is the bad.
Broken Pieces
PoetryThis is a collection of my pain over the past 6 or so years. Writing has always been my outlet. While many of us suffer from mental illness everyone of us copes in different ways. My style advanced over the years so bare with me in the first few cha...