Chapter 3.

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Yesterday was a strange day

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Yesterday was a strange day. Jungkook asked me to go to his favorite arcade and play games, archery, bowling, etc. it was sure fun, but it was confusing for me.

He won most if the games there of course, which is not surprising because he's the golden maknae, so its not surprising that the strong, "good at everything" maknae won.

"Unnie make more of these pancake!" I spoke while eating the pancake that jisoo unnie made for us. "Yes its soo yummy!" Rosé unnie spoke and ate her pancake. "Yum yum yum" rosé unnie spoke cutely.

"Unnie do you have any sauce? Like maple syrup or something? And maybe fruits?" Jennie unnie asked jisoo unnie. "Its in the fridge." Jisoo unnie spoke. "Okay" jennie unnie spoke, and she walked to the fridge and took maple syrup and fruits.

"Anyone wants maple syrup or fruits?" Jennie unnie spoke and whilst she took the maple syrup and add some to her pancakes along the fruits either. "Me me me!!!" I spoke and she gave me the bowl of fruits and the maple syrup. "I want some too!!!" Rosé unnie spoke and i gave her the maple syrup and the bowl of fruits. "Want some?" Rosé unnie asked jisoo unnie. "No thanks im on a diet" jisoo unnie spoke softly. "Oh okay. I'll put these back in the fridge." Rosé unnie said and she puts the bowl of fruits and maple syrup into the fridge.

As i finished my breakfast, my phone started to vibrate. As i check my phone, it was bambam calling me.

I answered the call and went to the living room.

"Unnie, im going to answer my call in the living room" i spoke. "Okay" jisoo unnie spoke.

I went to the living room and started to talk to him. "Annyeong lisa" bambam spoke. "Annyeong bammie! Why did you call me?" I asked him. "Lisa were you in the arcade yesterday with jungkook?" He asked me.

What the? Why did he know?!

"Umm yes... how do you know?" I asked him. "Hahaha pabo! I saw you two from the cafe infront of the arcade silly!" He laughed. "Aishh bam its not what it seems okay!" I yelled at him. "Calm down lis! I haven't spoke yet!" He said. "Aishh what is it then?" I said coldly

"The problem is... why does jungkook looks so upset lately? I've called him about like ten times but he declined all the call." He spoke.

I was so worried about jungkook. I dont really remember what happened.

"Did you do anything wrong yesterday???" He asked. I can tell by his voice that he is really worried about him. "I-i dont remember bam..." i spoke, and my voice are a bit shaky.

Wait... i remembered something!!!

"Bam! I think i know why he was upset..." i spoke as i cleared my throat, my voice shaky.

"What? What happened?!" He asked worriedly. I can tell his emotions by his voice. "Well... yesterday me and jungkook played a few games there and i got a call from my manager that i have go go to my dorm now..." i explained

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