Chapter 18.

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Lisa's POV

The ambulance has arrived and they carry all Twice members to the ambulance.

"Can i come inside the ambulance?" I ask. "Sure but only one person." The doctor says. "Thank you" i thanked him.

"Lisa are you sure?" Jungkook asked. "Yes im sure. You and the rest can go use the car." I said. "Oh okay then" he replies.

I went inside the ambulance and sit in one of the small tool. "I hope you're okay..." i say.

We finally arrived at the hospital. The doctor checked them up and figured out whats wrong with them.

"So?" I asked. "They're okay but they might wake up a few more days." The doctor says. "W-what?!" I say shocked. "Im not sure what made them like this but whatever they made them pass out is really strong." He says. "I-is there any other explanation?" I ask. "No. But we'll find out soon." He says. "Alright thank you doc." I thanked him. "Oh yeah they will be staying here in the hospital because they're mental health has other issues too." He says. "What issues?" I ask. "I have no clue. But we will find out soon." He says. "Alright. Once again thank you so much doctor!" I thanked him. "My pleasure." He replies.

I walked out of the check up room and called Rosé.

"Hey Rosé" i say. "Lisa what did the doctor say?" She asked. "They say they will wake up in a few days. There are some issues that they need to figure out too. They will stay in the hospital until they wake up." I say. "Alright then. We are on our way there" she says. "Alright then. Bye" i say. "Bye" she replied and she hung up.

Alright now im just gonna wait until they arrive. I opened my instagram and scroll down to the explore page.

As i scroll down, i saw another post about yeri.

I decided to see what post she posted about and it was a fake news about Twice.

It says that Twice didn't come up to stage because of....


I was so shocked at what she has made up... i did not do that! I tried to save them... my unnies, BTS and i saved them! This is so wrong! I will get attacked by everyone now... Blinks and Once will hate me forever and think that i did something bad...

I would never do such things to them... i would never in a million years!

I was so shocked that i didn't realize everyone has arrived.

"L-lisa?" Rosé unnie says.

I just stayed quiet and think to myself...

"What did i do wrong?! Why do i deserve this...? What did i do to Yeri to be accused for trying to hurt Twice...??? What did i do wrong? Is it because of Jungkook? Is it wrong for me to like him???" I kept on thinking in my head...

Tears started to flow because i was so confused, scared, and felt betrayed... im so mad...

Why does she do this?! This will ruin my career! What if everyone think i staged and planned all of this? What if everyone hates me?!

Yeri is the most innocent and trusted one in Red velvet... everyone will trust her...

"Lisa-yah! Why are you crying?!" Jin oppa asked.

I snapped out and i looked confused.

"O-oh you all has arrived?!" I ask. "Yeah we arrived here for about 10 minutes ago!" Jennie unnie says. "O-oh..." i say and wipe my tears.

"Lalisa why did you cry?" Rosé unnie ask. "N-nothing im just worried about Twice..." i say. "Oh... im really sorry..." rosé unnie replied and hugged me. "Thank you unnie..." i say and i hugged her.

"Hey does anyone see Jungkook?" Jimin oppa asked. "Hmm he says he is going to the bathroom." Jennie replied. "Ohh okay." Jimin says and stood there.

"Lisa can i talk to you in private?" Jimin asked. "S-sure..." i say and follow him.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I ask. "I was asking if i should ask Rosé to go on a date with me..." he says shyly. "Ooooh so you like her huh?" I teased and he goes red. "Yah! Stop it lalisa!" He says and i just giggled. "Hmm well what if i tell you that Rosé likes you too? She likes you a lot!" I says and he was so shocked and his eye shines. "R-REALLY?!!" He says. "Yeah silly! Why should i lie?" I say and he was so happy. He jumped up and down and thanked me.

"Well about the date plan, maybe we should plan it with Taehyung, Jennie, Jin, Jisoo, Jungkook, and the others!" I suggest and he agrees. "D-do you think we look cute together?" He asked shyly. "Mhm! You both will be the cutest couple ever!" I squealed. "Alright im gonna ask Tae and Jungkook later. Also Lisa theres something i want to ask and tell you." He says. His face looks so serious now... wow that difference. "Huh? What is it?" I ask confused.

"Well i know that something between you and Yeri happened... you seem to be intimidated and dislike her. Why is that so?" He asked. I was so shocked that he found out.

"O-oh thats nothing oppa! Its just a miss understanding!" I lied. "Mhmm? I know if you lie you know" he says un convinced. "Oh what do you mean? I have nooo idea!" I lied again. "Sureeee~" he says. "Ugh fine! Yeah there is something between us." I say. "What is it?" He asked.

I explained him everything even about the fake news Yeri posted and what Tzuyu told me... i didn't tell Tzuyu's secret tho. I only tell him about Yeri threaten her to break up with Jungkook.

He looks very shocked and at first he didn't even believe me.

"Theres no way she'll do that! She looks so innocent!" He says. "Yeah i know... but its true..." i say. "Its okay Lisa. I know that you are strong and i bet you can survive from her lies. If she threaten you something like that make sure to tell us all. Maybe we can help." He gives me and advice and i felt better. "Thank you Jimin. You are the best!" I say and hugged him and he hugged me back. "You will be a good boyfriend for Rosé" i say giggling and he blushed.

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