Chapter 37. Is this the truth?

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Rosé POV

Anger took over me... i ran up to him and i was about to slap him when a girl took my hand. "Whats wrong with you?!" I looked at her and its...


"Let go off me!" I yelled. "Tsk not so fast... Rosie" she said and laughed. "Whats wrong with you freak! Why are you with that jerk!" I yelled. "Pfft dont you remember that were engaged? Oops teehee" she said. "You son if a bi-" i said and tried to slap her, but Jungkook took my hand. "Dont you dare touch my fiancé you horse" he said. I slapped him. "HOW DARE YOU! YOU LEFT LISA WITH THAT JERK?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I yelled. "Tsk you psycho. Lisa is such a loser..." he said. "How dare you call her a loser!" I yelled. "What? Am i annoying you?" He mocks. I was so angry, frustrated and sad. Tears started to fall from my eyes. "YOU JERK! HOW DARE YOU HURT MY BEST FRIEND! LISA IS LIKE A SISTER TO ME! I HAVE TO PROTECT HER! YOU KNOW THAT SHES IN A COMA FOR ALMOST 3 YEARS AND SHE JUST WOKE UP YESTERDAY, AND YOU'RE JUST HERE GOING TO CLUBS AND DO WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING HERE, MAKING OUT WITH OTHER GIRLS?! SHE WENT THROUGH A LOT! GETTING BLACKMAILED BY YERI, ETC, AND THIS IS WHAT YOU'RE DOING?! YOU MONSTER!" I yelled. "Girl lemme tell you. Actually i blackmailed Yeri to do all this. The cops got her and i told her to not tell the truth so i gave her 1 million won and i also prepared the blackmail i was gonna tell and show everyone if she told the cops that i blackmailed her to do all of this. And now that shes in prison, i dont have to pay that dumb girl the 1 million won i promised her too." She said and just laughed. "Y-you what?!" I screamed in disbelief.

So it was Nancy's game all along? She was the one who ruined Lisa's life by using Yeri?! So Yeri was innocent this whole time?!

I was outraged with anger and punched her in the face. She was bleeding, but do i care. "Ouch! You'll pay for this" she cried. Gurl does it looked like i care? "Babe do something!" She said annoyingly to Jungkook. Yuck. Jungkook stood up and almost chocked me, but BTS came and saved me. "JUNGKOOK WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU?!" Taehyung yelled. "Dont worry hyung... its none of your business" Jungkook said psychotically. Taehyung punched him, and Jungkook was knocked out.

"I got pictures of you punching Jungkook mwahahaha" she laughed historically.

"But i got videos of of Jungkook strangling Rosé and a video of the truth you said. How bout that?" Jimin said. We all are shocked but relieved. "W-what. DONT! DELETE IT PLEASE! I-I'LL GIVE YOU ALL EACH 1 MILLION WON!" She said panicked. "Tsk we dont need your stupid money." Taehyung said. "P-PLEASE I'LL DO ANYTHING!" She said.

"You're so smart babe..." whispered to Jimin and kissed him. "I know" he replied with that smirk on his face.

"Hmm alright then how about you stay away from Jungkook and break up with him." Jimin said. "I WILL NEVER!" She yelled. "Well i guess i'll post this evidence then" i said. "F-FINE! I'LL DO IT WHEN HE WOKE UP!" She yelled. "Good." RM replied. "Lets take Jungkook back to our dorm." Yoongi said and we agreed.


We carried him back to BTS' dorm, and put him in his room. We decided to stay in his room so he wont run away.

Lisa's POV

"Nee bye bye" i said goodbye to Jennie and Jisoo unnie.

But then someone came in. I looked at who it was and its


"Lisa unnie! Bogoshipda!" She ran and hugged me. I just stayed quiet and didn't hug her back. "M-mwo? G-gwenchanaeyo?" She asked. "You're dating him... dont you?" I asked her coldly. "Hm? Him why?" She asked. "Jungkook." Said. "W-what? Anhi! I didn't!" She said. "Dont lie!" I yelled. "You're such a bad friend! Why did i even trust you?! I know that you were using me to get close with Jungkook again!" I yelled. "A-anhi! That must be a misunderstanding!" She replied. "Tsk dont lie!" I yelled. "I DIDN'T! I REALLY DIDN'T! STOP ASSUMING THAT IM WITH HIM! HE'S WITH NANCY!" Tzuyu yelled... "N-nancy?!" I repeated... "N-nee..." she cried

Tears started to fall from my eyes... Tzuyu is also crying... i cant believe it... he's with Nancy now, huh?! So he isn't loyal to me?!

"WAE! WAE NANCY?! WHY IS HE LIKE THIS?!" I yelled whilst crying.

"Mianhae... jinjja jinjja mianhae..." Tzuyu cried... i hugged her and she hugged me back. "Anhiya... im the one who supposed to apologize... mianhe... jinjja jinjja mianhae..." i said.

"S-so what actually happened...?" I asked her. "So i heard that you ran away from your dorm and then got hit my a car and then you were in a coma... right?" She asked. "Nee..." i replied. "So i came to visit you... there was Blackpink members, Me, and BTS members except Jungkook. I asked them where Jungkook is but they dont know either. So after we visit you we tried to look for Jungkook and we got a text from Yeri. She said 'you're looking for Jungkook, right? Come to the most popular club in Seoul. He's there'. So we went there. And when we go there, we saw Jungkook with Nancy and Yeri. They were drunk especially Jungkook. We told him that you were in a coma due to a car crash, and we told him to go and visit you but he declined. He said he dont want to see you anymore, and he just wanted to be with Nancy and Yeri. We begged him to go to the hospital and visit you but he was angry. He even punched Taehyung... we gave up and went back home instead. But then tomorrow we found video footages and other evidences to tell the cops on what Yeri have done to you. So then we told the police and now shes in prison. But then we found out that Jungkook is now dating Nancy that stupid bitch! She accused me of trying to 'steal her man' too... so stupid. I hate her so much. And now i think they're still together. Anyways, so then Jungkook said that he'll move in with Nancy and of course we tried to stop him but he's desperate and we cant do anything... he already told BigHit that they're dating and that he'll move to be with Nancy and he wont be that active again with BTS and performing etc. So he was in a hiatus for almost 2 years. Fans begged Jungkook to come back so BigHit forced him to focus on his career again. But he still sometimes goes to Nancy's house without even telling, or go to clubs." Tzuyu explained. Tsk what a jerk. I replied. "Ikr" she agreed.

"Oh yeah and also Jisoo is now dating Jin!" Tzuyu said. "Wah jinjja?!" I asked. "Nee!" She said. "OMG IM SO HAPPY FOR THEM!" I said happily. "Me too!" She agreed. "But also Jennie and Taehyung broke up and now Jennie is with Kai instead." She said. "Awww thats too bad... i shipped them so bad..." i said. "I know me too... but if they're happy, then im happy too." She said. "Heh me too... i wont force her to be with who she doesn't want to be with." I said.
"So who is Taehyung dating now?" I asked. "He's still single" she said. "Ohh ok" i replied. "Anyways unnie i hate to go now! Its almost 10 and i have to go back to my dorm... also you need to rest too." She said. "Yeah okay goodbye!" I said. "Bye bye!" She replied.

She then went back home.

Tsk what a jerk! He left me for another woman!

Also Jennie and Taehyung broke up?! But... why?!

Thoughts kept on coming in until i fell asleep.


Omooo you guyssss! This book has got 29k readers!!! 😱
Thank you so much for reading this fanfic. I promise you i will make more fanfics in the future! But i wont be making any right now cuz im focusing on finishing this fanfic. Anyways, i will upload another chapter also today! Uwu uwu love youuu! Buh bye ya'll!

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