Chapter 21.

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Lisa's POV

"Yesterday was insane right?" Jennie unnie said. "Yeah it really was!" Rosé unnie replied. "Its insane how Twice came yesterday and the sudden interview!" I said. "Yeah i know right! Also guys i have something to tell you guys that i cant hide anymore..." jisoo unnie said. "Hm? Whats wrong?" I asked. "Well... alright breathe jisoo breathe!" She calmed herself. "?" All of us is a bit confused.

"J-JIN AND I HAVE BEEN DATING!" Jisoo unnie said and i scream in happiness.

"AHHHH I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!!! OMOOO DID YOU GUYS DO SOMETHING? HOW LONG HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN DATING!!?" Rosé unnie screamed and spat lots of questions to her. "Yah calm down Rosie! A. No we haven't done something lika that, you dirty! And B, we've been dating since before our comeback." She said. "UWUUUU IM REALLY HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS! OOH AM I GONNA BE AN AUNTIE?!" Rosé scream again. " *sigh* we are NOT! Engaged! Or atleast not yet!" She said. "I wish he proposed to me..." She whispers to herself. "Whats that?" I ask. "Oh n-nothing!" She said.

"Well guys i must tell you girls something quiet important..." Jennie unnie said. "Which is?" I ask. "Ummm i liked Taehyung..." she said. "MY SHIPPPPPPPP!!!" Jisoo, Rosé, and i scream. "Sheesh ya'll are loud! But anyway. I also liked Kai..." she said. "W-what?" I said confused. "K-kai exo?" Jisoo unnie asked. "Yeah Kai from exo..." she said. "But i ship you with V not Kai!" Rosé unnie said disappointed. "Well i mean if you liked kai better than tae, then you should date him i guess..." i said. "Thank you for understanding lisa. But dont worry guys i promise you i will think about this first okay?" She said. "Well i think you should. Plus i think Taehyung oppa likes you" Rosé unnie said. "Wait r-really?!" Jennie unnie asked. "Yeah duhh!" Jisoo unnie replied. "Omo im really happy! i guess..." Jennie's mood seems to be off.

"Yah unnie whats wrong? Is it because you liked kai too, huh?" I asked. "Mhhh no im fine! Well im gonna go to my vocal coach okay? I needed a vocal lesson." She said. "Alrighty Jendeukie! Good luck!" Jisoo unnie said. "Baiiii! Saranghae!" I said. "Bai bai unnie!" Rosé said. Jennie smiled.

"Hwaaaa why does she likes Kai!?" Rosé unnie asked us. "I dont know... Kai is a criminal..." i reply. "Yeah we know that, but does she?" Jisoo unnie asked. "Hmm but maybe we shouldn't tell her now... she seems upset right now." I said. "Yeah you're right lili... also how will you feel if they dated? We will meet exo all the time too! That means you will meet your ex!" Rosé said. "Yeah i dont want to meet sehun... he's such a cheater!" I said. "Yeah it really bothers me!" Jisoo unnie said. "Well lets just trust her and her feelings i guess?" I said. Jisoo and Rosé nodded.

*Lisa's phone rang*

"Hm? Who's phone rang?" Jisoo unnie asked. "Mine." I said. "Its Jungkook..." i added.

"What really?" Jisoo unnie asked. "Yeah... should i answer it?" I ask. "Yeah you should" Rosé unnie said, and i nodded.

I answered the call.

~On the Phone~

Ls : H-hello?
Jk : Lisa i miss you very much! Do you miss me?
Ls : Y-yeah... i do...
Jk : Lili whats wrong? I know theres something
that upsets you...
Ls : oh its nothing im just tired... heh
Jk : You should get some sleep then!
Ls : Yeah i really should...
Jk : anyways lisa want to meet me in the park?
Ls : Umm... i-i
Jk : Pleaseeeee?
Ls : Alright then...
Jk : Cool see you there?
Ls : Yeah see you

~Call dismissed~

"You are going to that park!" Rosé said. "B-but Yeri's plan..." i said. "Its okay girl! Now get your butt up and get ready!" Rosé said. "Alright fineeee" i said and got up and went to my room.

I take a bath and picked out an outfit. Im using something casual. I wore a black cropped tank top with a balenciaga bomber jacket on top, ripped denim jeans, and my timberlands. I apply my make up on and comb my hair.

"Alright im done." I said. "Wow lisa you look amazing! Its casual, but its really fashionable!" Jisoo unnie compliments. "Wow you look like a swaggy badass princess!" Rosé said. "Thanks girls. Im gonna get going now. Annyeong!" I said. "Annyeong" they both said.

I walked to the park. To be honest im really nervous because i liked him a lot, but also im scared if Yeri or her minions saw us together... i dont want that to happen...

I saw kookie, so i quickly ran to him and greet him.

"Annyeong kookie!" I said. "Annyeong lili. Hey since when did you call me kookie?" He smirked. "None of your business!" I reply. "Yah! You dont have to be rude missy! Im just joking." He said. I pouted.

"Yah dont pout! You look so cute!" He teased and i blushed. "Yah! Stop teasing will ya?!" I said. "Hmm maybe..." he said. "Aishh you're so annoying... jerk" i said. "Tsk jerk?" He said. I just pouted and ignored him.

"Lisa..." he said. "Hm?" I looked at him, and then he kissed me on the lips. I responded to the kiss and i kissed him back. We kissed for about 2 minutes.

"Lisa you know that i loved you right?" He said and broke the kiss. "Y-yeah.." i reply. "Do you love me back?" He asked. "Of course i do!" I replied. "Lisa theres something i've been wanting to ask you..." he said. I was really confused but i guess i'll roll with it.

"L-lisa... will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I froze. I dont know what to answer... should i say yes? Or should i reject him...?

I want to accept his offer, but im scared... im scared of Yeri's evil threat...



So did you enjoy this chapter? Sorry that i have not posted for a long time now, but i was on my vacation and i just started school. School is amazing so far! Also there is a guy i like in my class... he's really cute and handsome... kind of reminds me of Jungkook 😜

Anyway i left ya'll a cliffhanger! MWAHAHAHA! IM EVIL! 😂 anyways lets see what Lisa's answer is... will it be a yes? Or will it be a no? WE WANT TO KNOWWW!

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