Chapter 33

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Okay so before, i wanted to say sorry to everyone who's been waiting for new chapters.... im so sorry that i couldn't post another one. I was just so busy with school, and everything going on with life. I decided to take a break anyway. Sorry for the really long hiatus... once again im so so sorry...


???'s POV

" So how's the plan?" I asked. "Everything's going well... her life will be ruined." She said. "Perfect! Time for some revenge" I laughed historically.

Jungkook's POV

I met up with Tzuyu to talk about our past relationship... we talked about Yeri too.

"Hey have you read the news?" Tzuyu asked while drinking her coffee. "No. What news?" I asked. "About Lisa ran Yeri off? Its a car accident. But i dont believe that... its just another scenario of Yeri's probably." Tzuyu said. "Wait what?!" I gasped. "Hm? You haven't heard it?" Tzuyu asked. "N-no... well i belive in Lisa... she would never do such things." I said. "Yeah shes such a wonderful person... she'd never do that." Tzuyu said. "Hey so were good right?" I asked her. "Yeah we are" she said as she smiled.

"Well i gotta go. See ya later" Tzuyu said as she stood up. "Yeah me too. See you later" i replied and we said good bye to each other.

As i went outside the cafe, i heard a clicking sound. It sounds like as if someone took pictures with a camera.

I looked around and saw no one, so i just shrugged it off.

Lisa's POV

"Hey is this cute or not?" I asked Jennie, Rosé, and Jisoo. "Yeah its really cute! You should definitely get this" Jennie  said. "Yeah it looks great on you!" Rosé compliments. "Hehe thanks rosie!" I replied and blushed. "Yeah get that it does look super cute!" Jisoo  said. "Alright then im getting this" i said as i walked up to the cashier and payed for the clothes.

"Ugh im starving!" Rosé said. "Tsk bet you are. You're always hungry!" I said. "Hey! Food is like apart of my life! Without food, how am i suppose to be alive?!" She said. "But you dont have to eat every second" Jennie said. "Whatever" Rosé storms off.

"Ya! Where are you even going!" Jisoo shouted at Rosé. She just walked away.

"Whatever lets just get going she'll probably come back to us" Jennie said. "Yeah lets just go and find a restaurant for us to eat." I said. "Yeah" Jisoo agreed.

We found this cute restaurant near the mall. Its really fancy!

"Eeee cant wait to eat!" Rosé squeal and ran inside. "Wow" i looked at Rosé. "Ugh whatever dont mind her. Lets just eat and ignore her." Jisoo said. "Yeah" Jennie and i agreed.

~Time skip~

So we've finished eating, and now were heading back home.

We have arrived to our dorm, and slept. Today was exhausting!

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