Chapter 11. Hurt

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Today is my birthday, and im not on the mood to do anything

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Today is my birthday, and im not on the mood to do anything... since well... jungkook and rosé...

I want to confront rosé for being such a bad friend! Shes just a fake friend!

"Lisa! Open the door!" Jennie unnie screamed. "Ugh what do you want?!!" I yell at her. "Lisa... this is not like you... whats wrong?" Jennie unnie said sadly. Ugh i wish i could tell her!

"I-im just... not okay..." i said as i sighed. "Lisa... we can talk about this together, with rosé!" Jennie squealed. "NO WAY! I. DONT. WANT. TO. SEE. ROSÉ!!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled from the top of my lungs. "Oh- okay lisa... i'll leave you..." jennie spoke and i can tell by her voice that she is very disappointed and confused.

"Unnie... just... ugh never mind" i tried to tell her but i cant. She might tell rosé and i dont want that to happen!

This morning is already harsh enough for me... we had a fan meeting too...

I opened my door and went outside to get some fresh air. "Lisa..." a familiar voice called me. "I dont want to talk right now..." i said coldly. "Lisa..." the familiar person spoke and lift my head to look at him. It was jungkook... of course.

"Ugh what do you want!" I yelled at him. He just smirked and sat infront of the door.

"I hate you... now please leave me alone jungkook... im not in a good mood!" I said sassily as i roll my eyes. I closed my eyes for a while, and i think jungkook went back inside, so i opened my eyes.

As i open my eyes, he was infront of my FACE!

We were like 2 cm away! "Aishh what are you doing-" before i finished my sentences, he kissed me.

Why would he kiss me?

Isn't he with rosé?

I mean he said he liked me, but the whole... rosekook thing -_-

I kinda enjoyed that but i realized that i HATED HIM AND I SUPPOSED TO KICK HIS BUTT!

I quickly pushed him away and ran back inside. I glance at him, as i ran to my room... again.

"Ugh i need to calm down! Calm down lisa, calm DOWN!" I told myself. I looked at the clock, and it was 1 pm! I am gonna be late to the fan meeting!

I quickly dress myself as i waited for the rest of my member, and to be honest, i felt a little better, when rosé suddenly appear out of nowhere and interrupt me!

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