Chapter 22. Yes or Yes?

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"I-i" i stuttered. "You only have two choices... yes or yes?" He said. "Hehe you're so funny! Umm i-i..." i thinked. "So?" He said. "I accept your offer!" I said and he hugged me. "Thank you lisa. You have made my day" he smiled. "Your welcome" i smiled back at him.

"So we are now a couple huh?" He teased. "Hehe i guess so" i reply. He then kissed me again, and we walked around the park for a while.

I saw an ice cream stand. "OMG JUNGKOOK CAN I GET AN ICE CREAM PWEASEEE?" I asked him excitedly. "You're so cute lis." He said and kissed my forehead. "Hehe i know i am! So can i have the ice cream?" I asked him. "Hmm you can if you do a cute aegyo for me." He said. "Yah! Why are you doing this to me jungkook!" I complained. "Dont call me Jungkook. Call me kookie or babe" he winked. "Yah kookie!" I blushed. "Or you can call me oppa if you want" he smirked. "Aishh why are you good at teasing!" I said. "Because im a charmer. Anyways go to the aegyo if you want the ice cream." He said. "Ugh fineee!" I said and do the aegyo that he asked for.

"Ahhh kyowooo!" He said. I didn't say anything but i just blushed. "Alright your aegyo was so cute! You can get two scoops of ice cream!" He said. "Jinjja?!!" I said. "Nee! Why should i lie to my beautiful girlfriend." He said. I kissed him on the lips for 1 second and he smiled.

"Lets go get ice cream!" He said. "Yeah lets go!" I reply.

"Annyeong haseyo you lovely couple! Which flavor would you like?" The seller asked. "Annyeong haseyo. I would like 1 scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream, and 1 scoop of chocolate ice cream please." I said. "Alright how about your lovely boyfriend over there?" She asked. "I would like 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream and 1 scoop of salted caramel please!" Jungkook said. "Alright then your ice cream will come right up!" She says.

"Ahh thank you very much babe!" I said. "Your welcome sweety pie!" He replied. "Yah dont call me sweetie pie!" I blushed. "But you look so cute when you blush babe." He said.

"Alright your icr creams are done! Here you go love birds!" She said and gave us our ice creams.

"Mmm this is sooo cute! Thank you again my beautiful boyfriend for this ice cream!" I said while eating my ice cream. "No problem." He said and eat his.

We walked around the park again while eating our ice cream. We then sat on a bench.

"Haha i have finished my ice cream first!" I said. "Alright then i guess you won." He said. "Hey lisa you have ice cream all over your lips!" He said. "Hm? Oh do you have a tissue or something?" I asked. "No. But i have a way to clean it off you." He said. "What do you mea-" before i finished my sentences, he licked the ice cream smudge on my lips. "Mmm your ice cream is good... but your lips taste better." He teased. "YAHH JEON JUNGKOOK! Will you stop teasing me! I kept on blushing! I might get a heart attack!" I said. "Yah its your fault you're too cute." He giggled. I blushed.

We've hang out a lot until its late at night.

"Hey babe lets go back to our dorms. Its getting really late" i said. "Mhhh but i want to be with youuu" he said cutely.

Aishhh this boy...

"Well we can meet tomorrow okay?" I said. "Hmm alrighty. But first, kiss me or else i wont let you go!" He said. "Aishh you're such a baby. Alright then." I said and kissed him.

"Happy?" I aksed. "Very." He replied. "Alright see you tomorrow i guess" i said. "See ya" he said and we went home.

Ahhh today has been an amazing day!


Annyeong! This chapter is a short one, because im really lazy right now. I'll make another one after i rest for a while... im really tired and i just wanted to sleeep! Are you happy that Lisa accepted to be Jungkook's girlfriend? Well dont be too happy yet. Things will go upside down soon... just soon ;)

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