Chapter 27. Love is in the air

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Jennie's POV

Taehyung and i just got separated away from Jimin and Rosé. Gosh darn it!

"We lost them..." i said. "I know. She was really scary!" Taehyung said. "She really is! That girl is so good at acting! It felt too real!" I said. "Well atleast were not chased by whats her name again? Sarah?" Taehyung said. Tears started to flow from my eyes.

"H-hey look its okay... i'll stay here by your side. No need to be scared Jennie" Taehyung comforted me. "I-i im just scared..." i sobbed. Taehyung wipe my tears and hugged me tightly. His hugs was really comfortable.

Then suddenly i heard foot steps. I thought it was Rosé and Jimin, but it was her. "I see you!" She said and chased us.

I screamed from the top of my lungs and i cried. I felt like im about to pee my pants. Taehyung holds my hand and we hid in a bedroom.

I cried my eyes out. Im just so scared...

"Shhh hush there... dont cry... everything will be fine just dont cry, okay?" He tried to comfort me. I then rest my on his shoulders. I can see him blushing. Im also blushing.

He then hugged me. "Jennie..." he whispered. I looked up at him. He took my chin and i blushed. Our eyes were locked into each other. I felt like i was lost in his eyes. We then got closer and closer until our lips met.

We kissed for about 3 minutes and Taehyung pulled away. "D-did we just... k-kiss?!" Taehyung blushed. "Gah!" I squealed a little. "I-im sorry if i stole your first kiss or something i sincerely do! I know you dont like me like that its just-"

Before i let him finish talking, i kissed him again.

"I-i like you Kim Taehyung..." i said as i blushed. "I-i like you too Jennie Kim..." Taehyung said and we kissed again.

"Jimin over- a-are you two KISSING?!!" I heard Rosé said that. Taehyung and i then quickly stopped kissing. "Oooh you two! Im telling everyone!" Jimin says. "W-wait dont! Let us tell them later..." Taehyung said. "So are you two now official?" Rosé asked with her quirky face. "I-i"

"Yes. We're official." I said. "W-we are?!" Taehyung blushed. "We are now, baby." I said as i kissed him again. "Awww cute!!!" Jimin and Rosé said.

~After All of them got turns~

Lisa's POV

"Im so tired i just wanted to sleep now!" I said. "Its okay were almost there!" Rosé said. "Jin oppa you're driving right?" I asked. "Yes i am. Whats wrong?" He asked. "Could you please go quicker? I just want to lay on my beddd!" I complained. "Aishhh just be patient for a little okay our second maknae?" Jin oppa said.
I look around and see Jungkook sleeping. He looks so cute! I took a picture of him sleeping.

I then looked next to me and saw Jennie unnie sleeping on Taehyung oppa's shoulder. I also took a picture of it. They will love it! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


See what i mean by juiciness guys? TAENNIE IS OFFICIAL NOW!!! Yassss!

For the next chapter, i will be focusing more into Jirose and their wedding plans, etc. I also had some amazing ideas from @istanvixx27 (i believe thats the account name.)

Anyways hope you enjoyed this awesome chapter! Bye!!!

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