Chapter 36.

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Rosé's POV

I went to the BTS dorm to talk to Jungkook.

"Jungkook-ah! I need to talk to you." I yelled.

"Jungkook is not here babe." Jimin says. "WHERE IS HE?!" I yelled. "Tsk probably went to a club or something." Jimin said. "I need to go find him ASAP!" I begged. "Alright... whats wrong?" He asked whilst he sighed. "Lisa just woke up from her coma!" I said. "S-she did?!" Jimin and the others replied shocked. "Yes! She did! Thats why i need to talk to him. Lisa is desperate to see Jungkook, but i didn't tell her anything about him. I just said he's busy." I said. "We want to see her first then we'll go find him together." Jimin suggest. I agreed with him and were now heading back to the hospital to see her.

~Time skip at the hospital~
Lisa's POV

I said goodbye to my parents... i miss them so much... they helped me walk too... it reminds me of my childhood... how my parents taught me how to walk and talk... i realized how much i missed them... i love you mom and dad... 💜

I stood up from the hospital bed to walk again. I carefully stood up whilst holding the bed for support. As i walked 1 step i heard the door opened and i looked at who it is. Its Rosé unnie with BTS! They all ran up to me and hugged me.

"Lisa im so glad you've finally woke up from coma!" Taehyung said. "Yeah we missed you so much!" Jimin and Hobi said. "Honestly i was scared if you will wake up or not... but i guess you woke up now!" Yoongi said. "Yeah im glad that you woke up!" RM said. "Heh thanks you guys..." i said whilst smiling. "B-but wheres J-jungkook?" I asked. As i asked that question everyone was quiet. "Tell me where he is... pls..." i begged. "Pls..." i begged again. "L-listen Lisa we dont know... were gonna go find him..." Rosé replied. "Where is he! Let me go find him with you guys!" I said. "No you cant. You have to rest... you just woke up yesterday! The doctor said that you have to stay here in the hospital for a week so you'll recover fully." RM said. "No. Im gonna find him now." I said. "No you cant." Taehyung said as he hold my hand preventing me from running away. "I just want to know! I know you guys are hiding something!" I said.

"We cant tell you..." Jimin said. "Yes. Its better for you to not know." Rosé replied to Jimin. "B-but i-" i said but RM cut me off. "No. We'll tell you later." He said coldly. "F-fine..." i said.

You know what? I give up trying to know what happened to him.

I sat back on the bed, and just fidgeting my fingers. "Lisa you're okay with that, right?" Yoongi said. "Y-yeah..." i replied. Tho im not okay...

We talked for like an hour, and then they left the hospital to find Jungkook. Tbh idek what to expect... what im feeling... im just... giving up.

Im worried about my fans too... do they think im dead? Did they know that im alive? Did they know im in a coma? Did they know i've woken up from coma? Am i replaced?

So many thoughts came in my head... i missed my fans... i hope they wont forget me...

Rosé's POV

We stared to drive to the club he always come to.  We looked for him, but then theres a group if guys checking me out. "Damn hi pretty!" One guy said. "Lookin' hot huh? Wanna go to my house and we can have some fun" another guy said. They kept on complimenting me, but it made me feel so uncomfortable. They cornered me and i tried to get out but cant. They're so strong...

"Let me go!" I yelled. "Nu-uh sugar baby come on lets have fun" another guy said. "Never! Let me go!" I yelled. They touched me and one guy tried to touch my private square but i slapped him. "GO AWAY YOU FREAK!"! Screamed. As i said that, Jimin cane to the rescue, knocking all of them out. I hugged him i relief.

"Are you okay?!" He asked concerned. "Y-yeah... but pls dont go without me... im scared..." i said. He then hold my hand tightly. I feel... so safe around him...

"You guys i found him!" Hobi said. "Where?!" Jimin asked. "There!" Hobi pointed. I looked at where he pointed at, and saw him. I want to slap him so hard...


What is he doing? Find out in the next chapter.

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