Chapter 29. The Wedding Bell Rings

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Jungkook's POV


My alarm clock went off.

I turned it off, and take a bath, remembering today is Jimin and Rosé's wedding day.

I then dressed up using my tux, and looked at myself on the mirror.

Jungkook's Tuxedo
(Pretend Jungkook is wearing it)

"Gosh i looked so handsome" I complimented myself on the mirror

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"Gosh i looked so handsome" I complimented myself on the mirror.

All of us wore the same tuxedo, except Jimin of course.

I got out of my room and saw everyone already getting ready.

"You looked like you need to fix your hair up" Taehyung hyung said. "Yeah. Is our hair stylists here yet?" I asked. "They're here. Its Jin hyungs turn." Taehyung hyung said.

~Time skip~

Hyungs and i arrived at the wedding place. It is amazing! This place is really beautiful, and decorated. The decors are amazing! The wedding planner must be really good at decorating.

The place is out door. There are lots of fancy tables and chairs. There are balloons everywhere too.

There are a few people there, which is Jimin and Rosé's family.

We greeted them.

Lisa's POV

"Gosh what took you so long unnie! Come out already!" I complained. "Yea yea wait! I just had to fix my hair again. Its ruined!" She shouted from her room.

"Ugh she took so long!" Jisoo unnie complained. "Yeah i know right." I replied.

A few minutes had past and she finally finished.

Our driver drives us to the location where the wedding is.

~Time skip~

Everyone has arrived to the wedding. Jennie, Jisoo, all bangtan members and i stood at the front with Rosé and Jimin's family.

We saw Jimin standing there, waiting for Rosé to come out.

Not gonna lie, but Jimin looks pretty good today.

The wedding planner came and told us to meet Rosé unnie.

Jennie, Jisoo and i went with the wedding planner.

By the way, us 3 are the bridesmaids.

We saw Rosé unnie fixing her hair.

She looks like a goddess!

"Omo you look so pretty!" Jisoo unnie said. "Yeah you look like a goddess!" Jennie unnie said. "Unnie im sure Jimin will fall in love with you even more! You look amazing!" I said. "Thanks you guys. Im so nervous... what if our wedding's ruined?" She said. "Yah! Of course it wont! Your wedding will go well as planned. Maybe even better!" Jennie unnie said. "Yeah stop thinking so negatively." Jisoo unnie said. "Alright. Im just so happy that i can marry Jimin my love!" Rosé said. "Good for you!" Jisoo unnie said. "Lol thats what you get for being a single pringle!" I joked. "I'll kill you!" Jisoo unnie said. "Oh you wont." I said.

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