Chapter 24.

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Lisa's POV

I woke up in the morning and take a bath because Bangtan will be coming here today for a sleep over!

I wore a tube crop top with a skinny jeans.

"Lisa-yah can i come in?" Rosé said. "Sure just come in. Its not locked." I reply while combing my hair.

"Wow lalisa you look amazing! Thank you unnie!" I reply.

"Are you dressing up to look beautiful for Jungkook?" She teased. "Unnie~!" I said. "Hehe im just teasing you. By the way Lisa tomorrow Jimin and i will go to a boutique and buy my wedding dress and his wedding tuxedo." She said. "Oh alright then. I might as well buy a dress for your wedding next week." I said. "Yeah you really should. Make sure its a glamorous dress!" She said and giggled.

"Oh yeah unnie i-" before i finished my sentences, the doorbell rang. That must be bangtan.

"I'll get it!" I said.

I opened the door and saw bangtan.

"Annyeong oppa!" I said. "Annyeong lisa" They say. "Wheres my future wife? I missed her so much!" Jimin says. "Hehe im right here chimmy!" Rosé said.

They hugged each other and flirting.

"Yah! There are still single peoples here. Get a room if you want to flirt and make out you two!" Jin complained and i laughed. "Fineee." Jimin said and took rosé to rosé's room.

"Hey liliii!" Jungkook hugged me. "Kookie! Saranghae!" I said. He then kissed my forehead.

"Yah! You both should go and get a room too!" Jin oppa complained again and we laughed.

"Yeah yeah world wide handsome." I said and went into my room.

"Yah!" Jungkook suddenly yell. "What!" I said. "Im worldwide handsome!" He says. "Hmmm..." i joked. "Yah lalisa! Fine im breaking up with you then!" Jungkook joked. "Yah you're jealous aren't you?!" I teas. "Yeah i'll admit it. Anyway you look gorgeous!" He complimented. "I know. Im always pretty" i flip my hair sassily as a joke. "I love your sassiness and confident." Jungkook said smirking. "Yah why are you smirking?!" I asked. "Oh nothing." He said.

Jungkook and i talked for about a few minutes when Jisoo unnie suddenly knock on my door.

I answered the door.

"Food is ready you two!" She said. "Yasss food! Kookie lets eat first and finish our conversation later." I said and ran to the kitchen.

"Isn't she the cutest?" Jisoo unnie said to Jungkook. "She really is... i love her very much.." he says.

~ Time skip

"Mhhhh this is the best! Let me guess... you both made this right?" Jimin said. "Yes of course!" Jisoo and Jin said at the same time.

"Oooh look who's blushing!" Rosé teased. "Yah!" Jin oppa said. "By the way, have i told you yet that Jisoo unnie once said that you're a hunk!" Jennie unnie said. "Oooh spill the tea sis!" Taehyung said while teasing Jin and Jisoo. "Yah! Its an accident! I didn't mean to say hunk!" Jisoo unnie said. "Sure~" namjoon oppa teas. "Sarcasm!" Jisoo unnie rolled her eyes. "Hahaha atleast you got called a hunk right hyung~?" Jungkook said then Jisoo and Jin blushed.

~ After the delicious breakfast

"Im getting bored. You guys want to go somewhere?" Hoseok oppa said. "Yeah im bored too. Where should we go tho?" Namjoon oppa says. "Nah im just gonna sleep here." Suga oppa said. "Yah you're not fun! Come on lets do or go somewhere!" Hoseok oppa said to suga oppa. "Anhi-yah! Its up to me hoseok!" Yoongi oppa said. "Fine whatever. We cant bother him when he wants to sleep... he'll turn into an evil swaggy devil." Jungkook said and we laughed.

"Hey guys! Nayeon has told me that theres a new cool theme park that just opened yesterday. Want to try there?" Jennie unnie said. "Yeah! I've been wanting to go to theme parks. Its been so long!" Rosé said. "Mhm i agree. Well what are we waiting for? Lets go!" I said.

~ Time skip at the theme park

"Woah! This place is HUGEEE!" Taehyung oppa said shocked. "Yeah! Its amazing! I cant wait to ride all the fun rides!" Hoseok oppa said. "Guys Rosé and i will go together. We want to share more time together before our wedding!" Jimin oppa says. "Yeah i want to be together with this cute little mochi!" Rosé said while pinching Jimin's cheeks softly. "Alright alright you two. We'll meet up after okay?" Jennie unnie said and they nodded.

Rosé and Jimin went out to a ride.

"So its just the 8 of us huh?" Jisoo unnie said. "Yup looks like it." Jin oppa said. "Welp Suga hyung is missing out on a lot of things!" Taehyung said. "He surely does" Jennie unnie said.

We rode a lot of rides. We rode all of the rides except the haunted house and the roller coaster cuz those are the best ones! Save the best for last!

"It looks like we've rode everything except the roller coaster and the haunted house." Jungkook says. "Yeah. Where should we go first? Roller coaster or haunted house?" I asked. "Hey want to meet up with Jirose first?" Jisoo unnie said. "Oh yeah we should. I'll call them." Jin oppa said.

"Alright lets vote first. Roller coaster or haunted house?" Hoseok said. "Umm lets ride the roller coaster first." Jennie said. "Why? Scared of ghosts?" Taehyung oppa said. "A-anhi! Im not scared of ghosts! Those aren't real anyway!" She said sassily. "I want to go to the haunted house first!" Taehyung oppa said. "Hmm i'll vote on... haunted house too." Jisoo said. "Nah. Roller coasters are better!" Jungkook said. "Nah. Haunted house is better!" Hoseok said. "I'll go with roller coaster." Namjoon oppa said. "How about you lisa?" Jennie unnie asked. "I-i... umm... i chose roller coaster." I said. "Alright. Roller coaster it is!" Jin oppa said. "You dont vote?" I ask. "Nah. Also Jimin and Rosé said that we should meet at the roller coaster ride." Jin oppa said. "Oh alright then." Jennie said.


Nothing too juicy in this episode. Oh but im sure it will be really juicy in the next chapter! Looks like they will ride the roller coaster first!

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