Chapter 20. Interview (And a quick announcement!)

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Lisa's POV

"Ahh home sweet home!" I say as i walk inside our dorm. "Or should i say... dorm sweet dorm!" Jisoo unnie says. "Jisoo i swear if you made one more bad jokes i will spank you!" Jennie unnie says. "Okay okay sheesh!" Jisoo unnie replied.

"Actually since when do you make puns and jokes unnie?" I ask. "Probably since shes with Jin oppa" Rosé replied. "*gasps* ARE YOU TWO A THING NOW?!!" I ask. "Aishh anhi! I will never date that hunk!- i mean guy!" She says.

"( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

"Aish dont give me that look you three! Im going to my room!" She says blushing. "Well unnie if you like that 'hunk'  you can tell us and maybe confess to him!" Jennie says. "Ugh look i didn't mean to say hunk okay! What i meant to say is GUY!" Jisoo unnie says. "I mean he is quiet the 'hunk' for you huh?" Rosé says. "Aishh thats it im going to go to bed. GOOD. BYE!" She storms off. "Wow shes really mad..." i say. "Yeah... i know that she likes him." Rosé says.

"Hey lisa umm sorry to change the subject but did Yeri threaten you like she threaten Tzuyu?" Jennie asks. "Huh? Why so sudden?" I ask. "Well i just wanted to know because maybe we can help you?" She says. "Hmm fine." I say and start to explain what happened in detail and the threat.

"O-oh my... thats horrible..." rosé says. "L-lis are you okay?" Jennie unnie asks. "N-no... im not okay." I say.

I started to cry and they hug me.

"Shhh its okay lisa we will be in this together... if she does ruin your career and try to break our friendship apart, rosé and i will be strong to try and be by your side... always..." Jennie says. "T-thank you unnie... what if she tells you two something terrible? Something that will break us apart?" I ask. "We will ask you if its true first... we dont trust yeri... not at all. But we do trust you with all of our heart." Rosé unnie say and wipe my tears. "Thank you unnie... you guys are the best." I say and we say good night.

                    ~The next morning!~

Lisa's POV

Today i woke up early at 8. I stretch for a few minutes and went to the living room to watch TV.

"Hey lisa good morning!" Jisoo unnie says. "Good morning unnie" i reply.

"Yah why are you watching Cartoon?!" She asks. "Well i like cartoon!" I fire back. "I mean you cant blame her shes still a baby" suddenly Jennie unnie said. "Oh good morning Jendeuk!" Jisoo and i said. "Good morning!" She replied.

"Do you guys want to watch some K-drama?" She asks. "Ooh lets continue 'Descendants Of The Sun'!" I said. "Omo yes we shall!" Jennie says. "Did someone said DESCENDANTS OF THE SUN?!!" Rosé unnie suddenly said. "Yah what is wrong with you two? You kept on appearing so suddenly!" Jisoo unnie complaint and we all laughed. "Alright i will go get the CD be right back." I said and they nodded.

I went to my room since i've been really into Descendants of the sun right now. I searched where i put all of my CD's there and finally found it. "I got it!" I told them.

I went to the living room and the movie just started.

Half way through episode 10, my someone called me.

"Who's calling you?" Rosé unnie asked. "Umm its Papa YG." I said. "You better answer him then!" Rosé said and i answered his call.

~On the phone~

"Annyeong lisa." He said. "Annyeong oppa. Why did you call me?" I asked. "Lisa scandals are everywhere!" He says. "Huh? What scandal!?" I ask. "The Twice scandal! Everyone is really angry and paparazzi's are everywhere! They want an interview." He said. "W-what?!" I said. "Lisa tell the girls to get ready. We will be having this interview today at 10!" He says. "Yes oppa we will." I said. "Thank you lisa. Annyeong" he says. "Annyeong" i said back and he hung up.

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