Chapter 13. Stuck

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"Hey you two! Stop this now!!!" Suga oppa yelled at Taehyung oppa and Jungkook

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"Hey you two! Stop this now!!!" Suga oppa yelled at Taehyung oppa and Jungkook.

"Hmph fine! But you will pay jungkook!" Taehyung oppa angrily said. "Tsk like i care!" Jungkook replied back.

"Heh... you two" i sighed at their silly action. "Seriously fighting over FOOD! Thats just so funny 🤣" i giggled. "Grrr whatever! The point is that Taehyung STOLE my CHICKEN!" Jungkook spoke. "Ahem excuse me? YOU stole my chicken!" Taehyung oppa spoke. "Well you're the dumb one!" "No you are!" "Hah no YOU are!"

"ENOUGH! You two seriously STILL fighting over that? Again?" Jin oppa complained. "Well hyung Taehyung is just so dumb okay!" Jungkook complained. "Hah me? Dumb? Pfft you're dumb!" Taehyung oppa replied. "*sigh* you two... you know that you can share right? And also jisoo unnie just cooked new ones for you both! She cooked four more chicken for you! So you can get two chicken each okay!" I told them and they were silent. "Fine... im so sorry maknae i should've been a better hyung" taehyung oppa apologized to jungkook. "Heh im so sorry too hyung... i shouldn't be rude to you. Besides we get TWO MORE CHICKENS!!!" Jungkook apologized and he went to the dining room with taehyung and ate the chickens.

"Sooo is this normal?" Rosé unnie asked jimin oppa. "Hm? Oh well its normal. They do bicker a lot but they really are close but yeah... close friends equals  bicker friends too huh?" Jimin oppa replied to rosé unnie's question. "Hehe true! Lisa and i are really close! But we always bicker too! Its kind of like... a normal thing for us heh." Rosé unnie told jimin oppa. "Yeah i can see that" jimin oppa teased. "Oh come on! Stop it you! Tehe" rosé unnie blushed.

"So! Come one now guys! Lets go!!!" Jennie unnie said. "Yes come on now!" Hoseok oppa agreed. "B-b-b-but how about our chicken? i haven't finished it!" Taehyung oppa pouted. "Yeah... my chickens..." jungkook oppa replied and we all laughed. "Fine! You two are such childish! Just bring them to the car would ya!!!?" Jennie unnie replied to them. "Sheesh calm down jennie do you have some kind of illness?" Suga oppa asked her. "What? Do you have problem with it?!" Jennie unnie sass him.

"Oh dont you dare sass me ma'am" suga oppa replied. "Alright alright stop it you two! Are you seriously gonna fight now? Come on now lets get into the car quickly before you two kill each other" i spoke. "Fine. You do have a point there" jennie unnie said. "Eeeek i did it! Im such a great maknae!" I squealed.

"Anyway come on now lets go to the mall!" Jungkook said.

As we all arrived to the mall, we discuss on what to do next.

We all agree to buy the ticket for the movie we are going to watch. We all discuss on what movie to watch, and we decided to watch a movie called "Twilight".

This movie is about vampires, and its of course a romantic movie (my favorite!)

"Guys im super excited about the movie! I heard that it was so sad and there are hot guys there hehe!" Rosé unnie fangirls.

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