Chapter 30.

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~Time skip to June 15, 2018~

Lisa's POV

Today we uploaded our new comeback song called Ddu du ddu du ddu du.

Our views had already hit 1 million views already! Its insane!

BTS has released their comeback which is Idol.

We all went to a bar and celebrate our comebacks.

~Time skip~

After a few drinks, we all decided to go back to our dorm.  Everyone else was inside the car waiting for me, but something stopped me.

I saw Yeri. She was there, flirting with guys surrounding her.

She just went inside the bar, and i just pretended that i didn't see her.

As i shook off all of my thoughts, i just walked towards my car, but then i can feel someone took my hand from behind.

I looked behind me and there it is. I saw that disgusting familiar face... Yeri.

She just smirked and pulled me. I tried to escape, but since i was a bit drunk, she managed to pull me.

She lead me to a dark alleyway. Im so scared... what will she do to me?

"Well well well. What a coincidence. We've met again in such a perfect time, huh?" She said. "All you must know is, Jungkook is mine. He will always be mine. I will take him away from you. Remember that." Yeri whispered to my ear.

"Look im not here for your shenanigans. I just wanted to go home." I said coldly. "Thats not happening today, Lisa." She said. "YOU DIDN'T HEAR WHAT I SAY, AND NOW YOU'LL PAY. I KNOW THAT YOU AND JUNGKOOK DATED. I KNOW EVERYTHING. JIMIN AND ROSÉ IS MARRIED. I KNEW EVERYTHING, I KNOW EVERYTHING!" She then yelled.

She pushed me and knock me to the ground. She then punched me on the face.

"You will pay for this lisa. You asked for it." Yeri said as she walked away.

I shrugged myself in pain. I cried my eyes out.

Fear, is the only thing i had in mind. Fear... fear of losing my family, fear of losing my fans, fear of losing my friends, and unnies, fear of ruining my career, and fear of losing Jungkook.

Thoughts were going wild, until i passed away.

Jungkook's POV

"Haha finally i got my dream gucci bag!" Taehyung squealed happily while looking at his new gucci bag.

"I mean you always got the newest gucci products." I said.

"True." Taehyung replied.

"Hey you guys lets just use the short cut through that alleyway. Sasaengs always stayed on the street that we always go to." Jimin said. "Sure. But that alleyway looks so creepy. It gives me chills." Taehyung said. "Yeah. It gave me this weird feeling..." i replied. "C'mon dont be scaredy cats! Are you guys chicken?!" Jimin said. "Anhi" Taehyung and i shouted. "Great. If you're not chicken, lets go to that alleyway." Jimin convinced. "Fineee" Taehyung and i sighed.

We went to the alleyway, but then i saw someone...

"Hey guys..." i said.

"Mwo?" Taehyung and Jimin asked.

"I think theres someone over there. Theres a shadow in a human shape." I said.

"Want to look?" Jimin asked. "Anhi! Are you crazy?!" Taehyung said. "Why not?" Jimin asked. "Because thats dumb?" I said. "Aishh come on" Jimin said.  "Fine" i sighed.

We walked to that shadow, and then my eyes were widened.

I saw Lisa passed out.

We quickly called the ambulance and i carried her.

"Will she be alright?" Taehyung asked. "Hopefully..." i replied.


Oiii! This chapter was short, but a chapter is a chapter, right?

This story is coming to an end soon sadly ;(

I really wanted to keep going with this story but idk what to add if i did. But i made a new story which is also a Lizkook Fanfiction. Its the cliche High schoolers, but why not? It will have so many plot twists too!  I only made 2 chapters so far, but i will be writing more chapters soon. If you want to check that out, the story is called "Hurtfully used". Please support that story, and share it to your friends <3

Anyways, we hit 18k reads on this story! 😱 this story/book grows so fast! I just wanted to thank you all for reading, and supporting this story. It really appreciates me, and motivated me to make more stories in the future! Anyways, i'll be going now. Buh bye!

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