Chapter 35.

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Lisa's POV

I woke up in a white room... i took a glimpse of where i am, and realized that im in the hospital.

"DOCTOR SHES AWAKE!" I could hear a familiar voice yelling.

"LISA! HEY ITS ME! ROSÉ!" The familiar voiced said.

I looked at her and she looks very familiar.. Rosé... thats right! Rosé!

I suddenly have memories flashing back in my head.

"U-unnie?!" I stuttered. "Lisa!" She says and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"Whats with the yelling Rosé- OMG LISA! THANK GOD YOU'RE AWAKE!" Jennie said and hugged me. I hugged her too.

"Omg lisa! I-is it really you?! You woke up?!" Jisoo unnie said surprised and hugged me too. We all hugged each other.

"Omg thank god! I miss you so so much!" Jennie said. "Yeah me too! Its been years since we've been together without you!" Jisoo said.

Wait years?! Im not going insane right?! "YEARS?!" I screamed. "Yeah years! You've been in a coma for 2 whole years! Next month will be 3 years!" Rosé said. "H-huh? How-" i suddenly remembered something... memories are flashing back...

I remembered when i ran away and then heard a car beeping and a red light... i also saw me in an ambulance... "did i got hit by a car?" I asked. "Y-yes..." Jennie said. "What exactly happened tho?! Did i break something?!" I asked terrified. "As soon as you were brought to the hospital you were already in a coma. The doctor did a check up on you and it seems to damage your head a lot, so thats why you were in a coma. And also you broke your left arm, and left leg. There are also damages on other places along with cuts and bruises." Jennie said.

"W-wait so i cant walk anymore?!!" I screamed terrified. "No no no you can! You could probably walk now... try moving your left arm!"  Jennie suggested. I did what she said and moved my left arm and also my right arm... it feels normal? I also moved my legs and it felt okay.

"Unnie can i walk?" I asked. "Idk... we need to ask a doctor first." Rosé suggested. "Doctor!" Jisoo yelled.

As soon as she called the doctor, the doctor came. "Ah finally you woke up! You were in a coma due to a fatal car accident." The doctor said as he wrote something on his book.

"Doctor can i walk?" I asked. "No i dont suggest you to walk yet. Have you tried moving your arms, legs, head, and the rest of your body?" The doctor asked. "Not all" i said as i moved my body and stretched on bed.

"How do you feel?" The doctor asked. "I feel okay but anxious a bit..." i said. "Okay you should rest for today... tomorrow you could try to walk. I'll bring you food to eat too." The doctor said and left.

"I-i want to see Jungkook..." i said.

As i said that, everyone stopped talking and looked upset.

"W-whats wrong?!" I asked. "H-he... he... he's busy..." Rosé said as she faked a smile.

Something's up but i couldn't put my finger on it...

"Im desperate." I said coldly as i look sharply to Rosé's eyes. "H-he... i cant tell you." She said as she turns away. "Tell me whats wrong! Stop hiding everything away from me!" I yelled. "Look im sorry! Its better for you to not know!" She yelled back at me. "Fine! All of you get out of here! I dont want to talk to you." I said. "B-but lisa please understand-" Rosé tried to explain but i cut her off. "No. I. Said. Get. Out!" I yelled.

They all left, and now im alone in this hospital room... i realized on what i've done... i felt bad, but theres nothing else i can do...

"Unnie mianhae!" I screamed. "Mianhae..." i cried. "Jinjja jinjja mianhae..." i cried out more.


OMG 666 WORDS! 😱

Also this ff is coming to an end soon! Will it be a happy ending? Or will it not be a happy ending? I guess we have to find out....

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