Chapter 38.

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~1 week later~

Taehyung's POV

"Jungkook-ah! Tomorrow we have a tour! DONT go anywhere okay!" Namjoon said. "We cant let fans know whats going on with you." He added. "Dont make me punch you." Suga said. "Tsk whatever" he said as he eats.

"Hey Tae where are you going?" Hobi asked me. "Hm? Oh im going out with a friend" i replied. "Ooo who is this friend, huh?" Hobi asked me with a smirk. "Tsk its a guy! Im hanging out with NCT members today." I said. "Oh okay!" Hobi said. "NCT?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah why do you care?" I asked. "N-nothing..." he said.

I know that he wants to come with me cuz i know that he's close with Jaehyun and Winwin. When will this guy stop being so cold and rude? I miss the old Jungkook... the nice and caring maknae...

As i stepped out of the dorm, i got a call from Taeyong so i picked up.

"Hey Tae! Where are you?" He asked. "I just got out from the house." I said. "Oh alright. Were on our way to the bowling alley." He said. "Alright im on my way." I said and hung up.


I then arrived to the bowling alley and saw the 127 members.

"Hey!" I said and they looked at me. We all greet each other.

We played bowling and talking for maybe 3 hours now! So we went to a restaurant to eat.


We arrived in the restaurant, and we all talked again.

"Hey hyung did you get a new girlfriend yet?" Jaehyun asked. "No not yet. Actually im not really interested in a relationship right now..." i replied. "Aww thats sad. You know that theres a lot of girls who want you right?" Jaehyun added. "Yeah maybe... but i want someone who loved me for me, not because of my fame, my looks, and my wealth." I added. "Wow okay. I hope you'll get a new one eventually." Jaehyun added. "Thanks" i said. "Hey so hows Jungkook btw?" Johnny asked. "Eh he's still that bastard." I replied. "Why is he suddenly like that, hyung?" Mark asked. "I dont know... every time i talked to him he either never listened to me or just scream at me." I said. "I miss him... TT" Jaehyun said. "Same... i missed hanging out with him and the rest of the 97 liners..." Winwin replied to Jaehyun. "Yeah me too... honestly i want to put him in an asylum but i felt bad too..." i said. "Anyways Lisa is already out of the hospital, right?" Taeyong asked. "Yeah she is. Shes still recovering tho." I replied.

We talked more, and then saw Lisa and Jennie going the the same restaurant were in. Im happy to see Lisa, but in a different way... and its kind of awkward to see Jennie, but we decided to stay as friends. She probably have   Moved on from me already... i mean shes with Kai now...

"Hey is that Lisa and Jennie?" Doyoung asked. "Yeah it is i think." Haechan replied.

They waved at them and brought them to the same table as us, but i was just staring and Lisa... whats this feeling? It feels so familiar but i cant put my hands on it...

"Oh my hi you guys! What a coincidence!" Jennie said. "Yeah it is. We were just talking about you guys..." Taeyong said. "Say Lisa did you recover fully yet? He added. "Yeah! I dont feel anymore pain, but there are still bruces and scars left. But they'll recover soon." She said. "Great then!" He added. "Were so glad that you recovered from the coma... honestly we all weren't sure if you'll make it out... but we stayed positive and always pray for you. We miss you so much!" Jaehyun said. "Awww thank Jaehyunieee" i replied. "Hey you guys lets order something first and then we can talk again. Im really hungry... my stomach is craving for food..." Jungwoo said. We all laughed, and then ordered food.


The food arrived, and we all started to eat our meal. It was sooo delicious!

"Mmm its so good!" Jungwoo said. "Wow you eat fast" Jennie commented. "Thats because i love food too much i think" he said. "Yeah you do! You always eat my food!" Taeil said. We laughed.

We talked more, and joke around. I think we stayed in the restaurant for hours! Time flies... it felt like were here for only 1 minutes, tho in reality... its been hours!


We talked and joked around for another hour, and then decided to go back home because its getting pretty late. We all said goodbye, and went home.

But as i was walking back home, i saw Lisa waving at Jennie. Are they separating?

I went back to go to Lisa and asked her whats wrong.

"Hey where is Jennie?" I asked her. "Oh Jennie unnie is with Kai oppa now... they went on a date-" she said but quickly realizes that shes talking to me. "U-umm i-im so sorry i-" she stuttered but i just hushed her. "Its fine..." i said. "A-alright..." she said. "Hey so want to walk together?" I asked. "Yeah sure!" She replied. "Alright then." I said.

We walked together for a while and i felt this feeling again... its so familiar but i dont know what is it!

She suddenly stopped in front of a convenience store. "Whats wrong?" I asked her. "Its really cold..." she said. I mean true cuz shes just wearing jeans and a crop top. I was wearing a shirt and a sweater on top, so i gave my sweater to her. "Hm?" She asked. "Here just wear this" i said. "N-no its fine i could buy one for myself." She said. "No no here i insist!" I said. "A-alright" she said and wore the sweater. "Better?" I asked. "Yeah better... thanks Tae" she said. "No problem." I said. We then started to walk again.


Ooo you smell that? Its fish! You probably know whats gonna happen, but its not gonna be how it looks like its gonna be. Buttttt "the possibility of all those possibilities being possible is just another possibility that can possibly happen" Mark Lee 2k19~

Lmao i just have to put that iconic quote 😂 anyways im now a crazy NCTzen so i have to put NCT here in this story somehow. Thats another group to add on my ult group list... 

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