eleven // everywhere

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Stuffing his wiener back into his boxers and jeans, Ashton ran out of the bathroom, almost forgetting to wash his hands as he heard something slam against a wall.

He pushed Michael's door open to find Michael in a rage of anger and tears, about to throw his sunglasses. Running towards him, Ashton held him by the shoulders, watching as the dead look in his eyes turned to one of pure sadness.

"Michael?" Ashton asked tentatively as Michael's eyes pooled.

"I'm s-sorry," He said as a strangled sob escaped his throat and Michael collapsed into Ashton's arms, gripping his shaped forearms as they were the only things keeping him from falling.

"Michael..." Ashton's heart broke, he hated seeing someone, especially someone he liked very much, in so much pain.

Ashton led Michael to the sobbing boy's bed, sitting while Michael curled up in his arms. The dimpled boy rubbed the pale one as he shook, sobs taking over his body.

"I-I see him everywhere," Michael said once he found it in him to speak. He looked up at Ashton with eyes the colour of the finest jade, but which were also glazed and bloodshot. "The man who hurt my mum. I see him everywhere I go, no matter what I'm doing. He's in my nightmares, in my dreams, he's fracking the guy trying to kill me in COD. Everywhere."

Ashton wanted to laugh at Michael's before last statement but forced it back. "I'm so sorry," He whispered as he twirled Michael's hair in his fingers. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't want to seem like a pansy," Michael muttered, and though he had calmed down severely - Ashton playing with his hair and simply being in his arms was enough - he still remained where he was. "I had to be strong for my mum. She's all I have left."

Ashton knew he shouldn't but curiosity got the best of him. "Where's your dad?" He asked.

Michael felt a shudder run through him. "He left when I was seven. Never came back." He said. "I don't really mind though, he talks to me every few months. He lives in Liverpool now."

"Oh," Ashton said, not really knowing what to say when someone says something like that. "And your mum's never dated again?"

Michael shook his head. "I wish she would. Whenever I'm not home I can tell she's sad. She misses my dad, a lot. I don't think she wants to find anyone else."

"I..." Ashton didn't know what to say. Here Michael was, dishing out things about his family, and all he could do was stutter. "I'm sorry, about your mum, your dad, everything. I wish things were different."

Michael sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He climbed off of Ashton, sitting right next to him instead so their thighs and arms touched. They each felt jolts shoot through them but neither moved; the feeling was welcome by both.

"I don't know," Michael said as he played with his thumbs. He looked up at Ashton, pulling at his lip. "I kinda like how certain things are."

"Like what?"

"Well, even though we have some shitty teachers, the school is pretty good. I like the friends I have... I..." Michael didn't know how to finish his sentence.

"You what?" Ashton asked quietly, his mind racing. Oh duck, he said to himself. It's probably Taylor. Or Roxanne. Or maybe it's turtles. Yeah, baby turtles. What are they called again? Oh right, tadpoles.


Ashton was snapped back to reality when he felt his cheek burn slightly. He blinked and found that Michael had climbed on top of him, his hands holding his face. "What the hell?" He asked, his face screwed into one of confusion.

"I... You got a little lost for a minute," Michael said. He shifted slightly and Ashton pressed his lips into a line to keep from groaning.

"Uh... Sorry. I was thinking of baby turtles. You know, tadpoles?" He said.

Now it was Michael's turn to look confused. "Tadpoles aren't baby turtles..."

"Oh," Ashton said, feeling stupid. "They're mosquitos, aren't they?"

Michael looked at Ashton with a mix of amusement and shock. "Tadpoles are baby frogs, you idiot!" He said, shaking Ashton's head with his hands.

"Right," Ashton said, his face heating. "I knew that."

"No you didn't."

"I didn't."

Michael began to laugh and Ashton chuckled softly. "Sorry," Michael apologized. "You're just so cute."

"You're cute too, always looking like a kitten," Ashton said, pinching Michael's cheek.

Michael's face suddenly turned serious. "I need to ask you something." He said. Ashton was marvelled by his ability to change moods so fast.

"Anything," He said. Thoughts flew around in his head of what Michael wanted to ask him, but he tried not to get his hopes up.

"Am I your friend?"

Ashton smiled, almost unable to contain himself from giving Michael a kiss. "Yes. You're probably my best." Ashton said and a wide grin spread over Michael's face.

"Good," Michael said. "Because I really like you."

"I really like you too."



I don't even know what happened to this chapter

It was supposed to be kind of like one in the future, but then it turned into this, and I was going to give you more mashton but... eh.


peace out.//

the pale and the dimpled ;; mashtonWhere stories live. Discover now