nineteen // melt

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If he was going to be honest, Michael felt like he was on fire. He was the snowman, and the flames were melting him.

In this case, the flames were Ashton.

His insides felt like liquid with Ashton's hand on his hip. His heart felt as if it would explode after finally being able to touch his lips. He finally knew that his feelings were returned.

Michael smiled like an idiot as he lay there in the dark with a sleeping Ashton beside him, remembering what had happened minutes before. His cinnamon hair was in his face, and Michael used his hand to move it out of the way. As he did so, Ashton moved slightly so that his face was buried in Michael's neck. He felt soft lips press against the skin lightly and Michael's heart jumped at the touch.

Sighing, he turned his head. His newly dyed red hair hung in his eyes but he was still able to make out the time on the clock, 2:13 AM. He bit his lip, unsure whether or not to bring Ashton home or leave him where he was.

He decided he might as well bring Ash home, especially since his parents might worry.

He shifted gently away from Ashton to the edge of the bed, standing and stretching his sore muscles. He watched Ashton as he slept, the rise and fall of his back and the light snores that escaped his parted lips. Michael liked seeing him in such a peaceful state.

So he wrapped his arms gently around Ashton until he was holding him bridal style. Ash transformed into a ball, his arms around Michael's neck, who began to creep down the stairs. He could hear Nanie sleeping in her room, the louder snores drifting throughout the house as he approached the front door.

He opened it with slight difficulty but managed to make it out and close it behind him. He carried Ash over his lawn, feeling him get heavier by the second. Ashton wasn't too heavy, but he wasn't a feather either.

Michael made it to the front door and looked around for a frog; his sleeping friend had once mentioned they kept a spare key under it. He found it on some type of ledge thingy on the side, picking it up and taking the key. It unlocked a little easier, and Michael made a note to put it back afterwards.

Michael tried to guess where Ashton's room was, seeing as he had never been in his home. He thought he'd just press his ear to each door until he found the correct one.

It didn't take long; in fact, it was the second door that led him to Ashton's room. The walls were a dark blue and filled with band posters; a drum set, guitar and bass were in one corner; a desk was in another. A king sized bed was pushed diagonally in the corner nearest to the window.

Michael walked over and set Ashton gently on his bed. He turned away immediately, knowing if he stayed longer than he should he would never leave.

"Unh," Michael heard a groan from Ashton and then a hand lightly grabbed his wrist. He turned his head to find a half-asleep Ashton with one eye looking up at him pleadingly. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" He asked and Michael wondered whether or not he was sober, even though they had been together all night.

"Home," Michael said, only to have Ashton pull his hand after a shake of his head. He landed on top of Aston with an 'oomph'.

"No you're not," Ashton said, wrapping his arms around Michael after pulling the sheets over them. "You're staying right here."




"You're not leaving. End of conversation."

Michael sighed, though he didn't know why he had argued in the first place. Having Ashton's arms around him felt amazing, he never wanted to leave.

So he put his arms around Ashton, laying his head on his toned chest. Their legs intertwined and their breaths fell into the same rhythm, the sound of their heartbeats echoing in their ears. Tangled bodies warm to the touch made them feel ways they've never felt before, but it was nice.

It made both of them feel safe.

They would always be safe when in each other's arms.

So that night, under the fading moonlight while wrapped up in white and blue sheets, the two fell asleep with the person they adored most next to them.



buuuuuuut that doesn't mean it'll stay that way >:))


srsly I have so much planned for you guys it's unreal.


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