forty // sneaks

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"Shh." Michael giggled as Ashton shoved his way through the window. "Nanie's not home."

"Then why the hell are you shushing me?" The older boy groaned as he finally got his legs in, tumbling to the floor. Michael shrugged before his eyes lit up.

"Hold on, just stay right there," Michael said. Ashton, confused, remained on his back on the carpeted floor of Michael's bedroom.

"Wait--one sec--I'll get it in a minute-" He said, placing himself next to Ashton. He turned his head, forcing Ashton to as well, and said cheekily, "Smile for Hazel and Augustus.", snapping a photo.

Ashton blushed as he posted it on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, sitting up and playing with the small fabrics of the floor. "Really Michael? I look horrible today." He pouted, his eyebrows furrowed in discomfort.

"Hey," Mikey said, scooting over so he sat next to Ash. "You always look amazing to me. I don't think there's ever been a day where you didn't look like a motherfreaking god."

Ashton's blush deepened and he wouldn't meet Michael's eyes. "Maybe to you." He said quietly.

"Ashton, you look fantastic to anyone and everyone. Even the straightest guys would turn for you, I bet." Michael said, hoping to get a smile.

A small one was better than nothing.

"Ashy, don't be so insecure. Listen to some One Direction, or, I dunno, give me some lovin'. Whatever works for you to feel as beautiful as you should." Michael said, pressing a butterfly kiss to Ashton's open shoulder.

Ash giggled quietly, shoving Michael slightly. "Stop it. I came here to hang out, not get a problem in my pants."

"Actually, if I remember correctly, you came here to get rid of the problem in your pants."

"F*ck you, Clifford, I'm out."

"No, stay," Michael whined. He desperately wanted attention, especially from Ashton. After all, he'd been deprived for quite some time.

"Fine," Ashton said with a fake groan. "Only cause you're cute." He said with a smile, booping Michael's nose.

Michael went scarlet, looking at the ground. "I am pretty cute, aren't I?" He said nonchalantly.

"Very. Very cute."

"Is being very cute enough to get some?"

"Mmm, I love it when you talk dirty to me." //an wTF IS GOING ON I//

"Do you now?"

"Oh yeah."

"DUN NUH NUH NANANANANANA NANANANANA TALK DIRTY TO ME." Michael began to sing, standing up and ripping his shirt off. Ashton died as he watched his best friend dance, cracking up especially when Michael ran his hands over his zipples. //sideways n guys//

"Stop it I'm gonna pee," Ashton managed to choke out as he shook with laughter.

"I can make you do more than that," Michael went suddenly serious, dropping to a crawl and going in front of Ashton. "So much more." He whispered in his ear.

Ashton sat up, his face red and his jeans constricting. "If you insist." He said, before tackling Michael with a kiss.

Things quickly got interesting, until half an hour later both boys were red, exhausted, and still slightly filled with lust. Michael was pressed up into Ashton's chest on his bed, listening to the older boy's heartbeat, when suddenly a thought came to mind.
"Ash," He asked, his voice soft and curious. "What are we exactly?"

Ashton thought for a moment as he was unsure himself. "I don't really know. I mean, I know I like you a lot, but this wasn't really how I would plan to ask you out. You know, not after sex."

Michael chuckled a little, hearing a quick thump of Ashton's heart. "That's okay." He whispered.

"Then Michael, will you be my boyfriend?"

Michael buried his face in Ashton's chest as he didn't know how to contain his excitement; he and Ashton were a thing, item, couple. Ashton had asked him out. He could actually call Ashton his.

"Yes, oh my God, yes," Michael said, leaving kisses all over his boyfriend(how it felt good to say that)'s naked torso.

"Really? Wow okay. Dam I don't know what to say I'm so happy." Ashton said, placing a small kiss himself on Michael's pale head.

"You're adorable," Michael said. "And another thing; does this mean I can freely hold your hand and give you hugs and kiss you? Like, in public?"

"I think so. I've never done this before."

"Neither have I. But I think that's what you're supposed to do."

"Okay then, of course."

"One last thing...does this also mean more sex?"

"I feel like that's all you like me for."

"It's not! It's not, I promise. I was just wondering cause you know, I kinda like you a lot and we're kind of dating now so I need to know these things."

"Yes, Michael. I guess it also means more sex."

"Awesome!" Michael cheered. "Do I get a kiss now?"

Ashton shook his head at his boyfriend (he really enjoyed that) and leaned his head down, pressing their swollen lips together. It wasn't chaste or deep, but gentle, because they were each trying to let the other know how much they were adored.

"I like you a lot, Ashton Irwin." Michael breathed once they pulled apart, his green eyes staring into Ash's hazel ones.

"I like you a lot, too, Michael Clifford." Ashton said back, before they fell asleep.


so much freaking mashton fluff and I just ifkelofme

this chapter was not supposed to be like this at all but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

oh well.

ps. I'm so sorry if the spacing is messed up. wattpad's being stupid 😒 //

the pale and the dimpled ;; mashtonWhere stories live. Discover now