seventeen // neighbour

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Ashton tapped his foot against the hardwood floor as he waited for the sound of Michael's Range Rover. His chai tea was rested between his hands, though it was starting to get cold. A half-eaten slice of peanut butter sat in front of him.

"Oh, I can't wait for Michael to show up."

"Me neither."

"Do you think he'll like it here?"

"As long as he's able to order pizza and play video games, yeah, I do."

Ashton felt a smile creep up his face when he heard the roaring engine. The smile was quickly replace, however, by nerves shooting through him; How would Michael react? Would he find it strange? Was this maybe a mistake?

Ashton wasn't able to dwell on this more when a knock came from the from door.

"Stay here," He was told, so he nodded, bringing the slightly-warm cup to his lips.

He heard the door open and voices talking quietly. Then he heard a laugh that was slightly old, but yet held so much liveliness that it was nearly undetectable. Afterwards, he heard bigger feet begin to move in his direction, so he set down the cup and tried to look professional.

"So what's this big surprise you have?" He heard Michael's smooth voice say.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll love it."

At that moment Nanie, followed closely by Michael, made way into the kitchen. A smile broke out onto Ashton's face when he saw the shocked expression that quickly turned to happiness on Michael's.

"Ash!" He said, walking over and pulling the shorter boy into a hug. "What are you doing here? Why are you at my Nanie's house? How the hell-"

"Michael, remember our rule," Nanie said, shaking a wrinkled finger at him.

"Heck," Michael corrected himself, knowing that Nanie hated swearing. "Did you know where she lives?" He finished.

Ashton chuckled a little, hugging him back. "Well, I came over because this is half of your surprise, and also because I live next door." Ashton pointed out the window to where his house was, and Michael finally noticed that his car was indeed there.

"You never told me you lived next to my grandma," He said with a pout. "I would've come over more!"

"Excuse me Tweety," Tweety Bird was Nanie's nickname for Michael, since he loved to whistle to the birds when he was outside, "But I have another rule now: No more sex in the house."

"But Nanie!" He groaned though a smile was on his red lips; he really did have the best grandma in the world.

"I'm kidding," She said, sending Ashton a wink that caused him to turn pink in the face. "Just don't be too loud, or break the bed. I'm not paying for another one."

Ashton gaped at Michael, who bit his lip innocently. "It was one time, okay?" He said, looking down shamefully.

"Michael, I've had that bed repaired four times. It's not going through any more of that."

"Whatever. I'll try."

Michael rolled his eyes but his lips deceived him; he was smiling at his friend, though when his eyes darted over his face, resting a second too long on his pale pink lips, Michael couldn't resist the urge to lick his own.

"But it may be a little difficult," He added. "After all, I am quite irresistible."

He flashed his Nanie a grin, while Ashton muttered, "Now that's a fact."


I feel like I should end it here but I don't wanna :(




ilysm, don't ever forget that, okay?

see you soon >:).//

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