fifteen // idiot

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"Hold on," Ashton said. It was Wednesday now, and he had decided he would drive Michael to an appointment with his doctor after school. "Sunday, when we were talking, you said you liked things..."

"Yeah," Michael said, forcing his cheeks to stay calm. "Why?"

"Well, you were about to say something else, but then I spaced. What were you going to say?"

Michael couldn't hide it any longer; his cheeks turned the colour of his lips as Ashton parked in with the other cars. "Um, it's nothing," He said. "No one."

"You sure?" Ashton turned towards him in his seat, not bothering to unlock the doors. "Cause it didn't seem like it."

"Ash," Michael groaned. "I'm serious."

"So am I. So who is it?"

"You're an eager beaver, aren't you?"

"Don't avoid the question."

"I will if I don't want to answer it."

Ashton leaned over the armrest so his face was in front of Michael's. Michael caught his breath in his throat, noticing how close he was.

And they were in that same stupid car again.

"Tell me."


"Why not?"

"... Because I don't want to."

"Is it Luke?"

"What? No!"


"No, he's just my cuddler."

Ashton tried his best to hide his smirk.


"Who said I'm gay?" Michael said, trying to avoid answering the question, seeing as it was Ashton.

"No one," Ashton shrugged. "But you are bisexual, aren't you?"

"Who the hell told you that?" Michael snapped, eyebrows furrowed in shock.


"What, when?"

"When you were all drugged up."

"I hate painkillers."

"I dunno, it's kind of fun watching you act high."

Michael groaned, running a hand down his face. "I hate everything."

Ashton smiled. "Except duckies."

Michael smiled as well. "Yes, except duckies."

Ashton moved again so this time he was sitting on Michael. He held Michael's face in his hands like he had done, shaking it and asked, "So who is it?"

"You're going to give me whiplash."

"Tell me and I'll stop."


Ashton grinned, but kept Michael's head in his hands. The pale boy traced circles in Ashton's thigh, trying not to stare at a certain manly area. The kinky one forced himself not to move, though he could feel the confines of his jeans getting noticeably tighter around the zipper.

"Well?" He asked impatiently. "Who is it?"

"It's... This guy," Michael said through a heavy breath. "He's really quite cute. He has a cute laugh, the softest hair, and he's in two of my classes. I really like him, but I don't think he likes me back."

Ashton furrowed his eyebrows. "Well that rules out me, Luke and Calum. Is it Frank?"

Michael stared at him blankly. "No, it's not Frank, dumbass. And frankly," Michael began to giggle at his own pun and took a moment before finishing his sentence. "It would never be him."

"So who is it?"

"You're an idiot."



but lbr here I'm the devil for not getting them together yet.


but anyway, I like this chappie, it was cute. Lots of dialogue bc I couldn't find it in me to do much else.

see ya on the flip side.

*flips you off bc I'm punk-rock and I do what I want.*

ps. I don't think any of you realize how hard it was for me to put the d-word I feel so unholy.

wait i have a bit of an imagine for you guys:

okay so imagine michael is all drugged up on painkillers and he's talking to ashton and he's all, "ashy I need to tell you a secret, lean in." and ashton does and michael says, "by the way, I like pineses and vajayjoos."

now imagine Ashton's face.


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