In The Delivery Room.

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Michael - He was surprisingly a lot calmer than you. You on the other hand, not so much. After his mom and your mom finally talking some sense into you for yelling at every one, you finally calmed down. You were finally 8 cm dilated, and Michael was sitting next to you, his hand in yours. “You ready to have our baby?” You nodded, as he watched the doctors prop your legs up. The whole time, he continued to wipe sweat off your forehead, and 10 minutes later, your baby girl was finally born.

Luke - He was just as nervous as you were. Him pacing the room and along with you crying in pain, the delivery room wasn’t a pleasant sight at the moment. “Listen to me.” His mother began, as he finally sat down, his leg still shaking. “You two need to calm down, it won’t be healthy for either of you if you deliver this baby and your stressed. Both of you clam down, take a breather and everything will be ok.” She put her hand on his shaking knee and you both nodded. And 25 minutes later, your healthy baby boy was born.

Ashton - You cried every hour, you were on website after website, every woman complaining about how bad giving birth was. Ashton was too focused on the tv to look and see that you were crying. You felt the urge to push, and your baby was pushing your bladder. “Ashton. I don’t want to do this.” You cried, holding both his hands. “You have to. Think of how beautiful it will be to finally hold him or her. Do this for us.” His words caused you to push through the pain, delivering your baby boy.

Calum - Of course, you out of all people had to have a C-section. Calum expected the worst, and he wasn’t making the situation any better. Just as they rolled you into the operating room, Calum was next to you, already in scrubs and a face mask. “Okay darling. We can do this.” You nodded, holding his hand as he lowered his mask. He talked you through it, you only felt a few pinches as you laughed at his stories. Soon he left, returning with your daughter. “I told you, you could do it.” He said, tears soaking his red face.

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