you Tell Him You're Pregnant.

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Luke: Your heart was beating fast in your chest as you stared down at the small stick held tightly in your shaking hands. How could this have happened? You rolled your eyes at yourself for asking such a silly question. This was your consequence for being intimate, you knew that. But - you weren’t sure if you were nervous about the fact that you were going to be a mother, or if you were nervous about the fact that you had yet to tell Luke, and you were scared that he was going to end up leaving you once he found out. He couldn’t be ready to settle down and have a child! His career was just now taking off - and here you were, ruining it because you’d been irresponsible and had gotten pregnant. You head snapped up as you heard the front door to your shared home open and shut, signaling that Luke was finally home, and your break up was about to commense. You bit your lip and threw the stick in the trash can, hastily walking out of the bathroom to see him shaking his arms out of his leather jacket. Luke looked up at you and grinned, stepping fully into the living room so he could pull you into a warm embrace. “Hey, babe!” He whispered into your hair, causing your heart to beat even faster than it was before. You grinned and pulled away from him, your hands falling down to his to lace your fingers together as you looked up at him. “Hey. Can we - uh, can we talk?” You whisper, to which Luke shrugs his shoulders and nods before he lets go of your hands and steps to the side of you, walking down the hallway that you’d previously ascended from. “Let me piss really quick, okay?” He chirps before shutting the door behind him - and that’s when your panic really starts. Not that he would just randomly look into the trash can, but what if he did and what if he saw the test? You were so stupid! Why couldn’t you just stuff the stick in your pocket and keep it hidden until you told him? You shook your head and took a deep breath, trying your hardest to calm yourself as you heard the door open and close gently, and Luke walked out of the bathroom with the stick held gently in his hands. “Is this yours, (Y/N)?” He asks, biting his lip as he looked up at your scared, shaking figure. You nodded your head as slowly as possible, watching his face as it went from shocked, to confused, and then to content. “I took it today, so it isn’t something I’ve known for a while…” You continued to explain yourself, toying with your fingers to keep yourself occupied as you waited for Luke to speak up. It was making you even more anxious, the longer it took him to speak. “So, we’re gonna be parents - that’s uh, that’s something I wasn’t really prepared for.” He mutters, sitting down on the couch behind him as you followed him. You knew what was coming, and you weren’t really sure if you were ready to hear the words come out of his mouth. “Well, at least we’ll be there for each other through this, right?” He looks up at you with his blue eyes, causing your heart to calm itself from the phrenzy it was currently going through. You tried to keep the smile from stretching across your face as you nodded your head, leaning back into the couch. “So, are you… okay with it?” You ask him. Luke just chuckles and shrugs his shoulders, placing the test onto the table as he leaned back into the couch and placed an arm around your shoulder. “I’m okay with it as long as you are.” He whispers in your ear, causing you to smile.

Ashton: “You can’t be serious.” You spoke aloud at your doctor as he read off the results to you, looking appauled by your statement. He scoffs and nods his head, giving you the papers so you could read it for yourself. Yes, you were definitely pregnant; it read in fine print right in front of your eyes, and you were scared shitless. “Thank you, doctor.” You whispered as you hurriedly grabbed your things and rushed out of the room, not bothering to check out with any receptionists or such as you continued to rush out of the building, your lip tightly held between your teeth as you continued to panic. How the hell could you have let yourself get pregnant? You were being safe! Ashton always wore condoms and you made sure to take your birth control accordingly to avoid a situation like this - how could you have messed up in a way like this? You weren’t ready for a kid, and neither was Ashton - he was still a kid himself, at least at heart. You took a deep breath as you got into the passenger’s side of the car, letting your head rest against the seat as Ashton started the engine. “How was it? Did they find out what’s been wrong with you?” He asks, trying to make conversation - but you were in no mood. You nodded your head, but kept your mouth shut as you continued to stare at the window at the moving scenery around you. Ashton’s hand came around and laced together with yours, trying to get you to talk to him or to at least give him an ounce of attention, but you weren’t going to do it. Especially since you were going to have to tell him that you were pregnant with his child. He drove the two of you home in silence, trying to blame the attitude on your sickness that you’d been going through for weeks now. He thought it was just the flu, but maybe he was wrong. The flu wouldn’t make you act this way towards him, would it? He pulled into the driveway of your home and as soon as he turned to talk to you, you shook your head and shot out of the car, dashing inside and to the bathroom so you could throw up in the toilet. Ashton sighed and got out of the car himself, following behind you and into the bathroom so he could hold your hair back and rub your back to soothe you. “Is it some kind of flu?” He asks aloud, trying his hardest to figure out what’s wrong with you. You shook your head and leaned back up, catching your breath before you threw up once again. “Are you pregnant, maybe?” Ashton asks again, causing you to look up at him with wide eyes. How could he have caught on that fast? He chuckles and shrugs his shoulders. “It was just a suggestion. When my mom was pregnant with my siblings, she got sick like this for the first little bit - I just thought it could be…” He stops himself from talking once he realizes that you still haven’t spoke a word, and were still staring at him as if he’d just told you he’d committed murder. “(Y/N), you’re not pregnant are you?” Ashton asks again. This time, you can’t help yourself from crying out and clutching onto him as you cried into his body. You were pregnant, Ashton figured it out and now you were waiting for him to make the next call. “What do we do?” You whisper into his shoulder as Ashton holds you and rocks you back and forth, letting you sob into his skin. “We have a baby and we raise it. Together.” He brings his pinky up and you hook yours with his as the both of you bring your lips down and kiss your pinkies, giggling lightly. “I won’t leave you, and we’ll be the best parents we can be. Deal?” Ashton offers, and you nod your head with a smirk. “Deal.” You agree.

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