Finding out the sex

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Ashton: You had an early doctors appointment because Ash had to be at the studio. When you walked in the studio you were met with three boys staring at you. “Hey guys” you said slightly creeped out. “What are we having?” Calum asked excitedly. “We?” you said giving him a weird look. “Just tell us” Michael blurted. “Well (Y/N) didn’t want to know.” Ashton said. “So you don’ t know?” Luke asked with a confused look. “Ashton does.” You giggled. The boys just gave you a weird look. “(Y/N) thought it would be cool to surprise her at her baby shower.” Ashton said with his famous dimpled smile. “Oh. So can Ashton tell us?” Michael asked. “Only if you can promise to not tell me then I don’t care who he tells” you said smiling. “Alright everyone in the booth” Calum said. The boys went into the booth and Ashton told them what your having and you saw them jump up excited and yelling. They all walked out of the booth and hugged you. “Well since you know you have to help me plan the baby shower in a few months.” Ashton said. “Oh god that will be one interesting baby shower.” you said rolling your eyes. “My mom and sister will help too” Ashton reassured kissing your temple. “Good. Now don’t you have some recording to do?” You said laughing. The boys went into the both one by one to record and you put your headphones in knowing that they would talk about the baby.

Calum: Today you were finding out the gender of your baby and you thought it would be nice to have your family there. You had your parents, Calum’s parents and sister, and the boys with you all in the tiny room. “Hello everyone” the ultrasound technician said surprised by all of the people. Everyone answered “Hello” simultaneously. “We have a big family” you said grabbing Calum’s hand smiling. “Glad to see you all here. Ready to get started?” she asked and you nodded and got ready for the gel. “Ready to see the sex?” the technician asked after the taking several measurements. You nodded and squeezed Calum’s hand. “Looks like you’re having a little…Boy!” she exclaimed pointing to the monitor. Ashton, Luke, and Michael cheered causing the technician to glare at them. You looked up to Calum and smiled “We’re having a little boy.” You said with a tear falling down your cheek. “Congratulations” your parents said and your dad kissed the top of your head. “Thank you” you said back to them. “I’m going to have a nephew” Mali said giving Calum a hug. “i’m really glad you are all here” you said smiling at everyone.” After the appointment you went to lunch with yours and his parents and his sister.

Luke: You were sitting in the doctors office anxiously waiting to see the gender of your babies. “(Y/N) if you’re squeezing my hand this hard now I don’t think I’m going to be able to hold your hand when you give birth” Luke joked. “Sorry I’m excited” you said loosening your grip.”First things first they’re identical” the technician said pointing to the screen explaining how she could tell. “Alright It looks like baby A is a boy” the technician said taking a snapshot of the monitor. You look up at Luke and smile. “What about the other one” you said. “Baby B is also a boy. Congratulations and good luck with twin boys” the technician said. You started to cry “Why are you crying?” Luke asked wiping your tears. “I’m happy” you said smiling at him. “Me too” he said kissing the top of your head. You got the pictures showing the two babies and then left. “We need to celebrate tonight.” Luke said in the car on the way home. “Why don’t we invite our parents out for dinner?” you suggested. “Sounds great now our parents can finally meet” he said. “I know. I’ll call them and have them meet us at the restaurant at 6.” you said. Dinner went well and his parents and your parents got along quite nicely. And they all were excited for their grandsons.

Michael: Luke was still on vacation with his family and you had an ultrasound today and you found out the gender of your baby. When you got home you grabbed your iPad and FacetTimed Luke. “Sorry to bother you on vacation but we have some news” you say smiling into the screen. “What is it?” Luke asked excitedly. You look over at Michael who was sitting next to you and smiled. “It’s a girl” you slightly yelled. “Oh my god” Luke yelled into the camera. “I wish I was there” he said. “I know but you come home in 2 days dont you?” you asked. “Yeah but it still sucks not being there.” he shrugged. You talked for a little bit and he had to go to dinner. 
** 2 days later**
Luke just got home from vacation and he stopped at your apartment before he went home. When he got there you showed him the most recent ultrasound images and let him feel your bump. “Luke since you’re here we need to talk” you said seriously. “About what?” he asked sitting on the couch. “(Y/N) and I are dating” Michael bluntly said sitting across from Luke. “Oh. Well congratulations” Luke said smiling. “Is this all you needed to talk about?” Luke asked giving you a weird look. “Um no. I want to talk about after the baby is born.” you said. Luke nodded “If the baby is yours I promise not to get in the way and let you and (Y/N) make all the decisions for her.” Michael said. “Same goes for you” Luke said to Michael. “And If the baby is Michael’s I want you to be the god father.” you added. “Really?” Luke asked kind of surprised. “Well yeah you have been here for everything and I still care about you and I want you to be involved with the baby as much as possible” you said smiling. Luke pulled you in for a hug. “Thank you guys” Luke said. Michael nodded and you hugged Luke once more.

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