First Ultrasound/Due date

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Ashton: When you woke up you turned around to see Ashton staring at you. “What the hell babe?” you say kind of freaked out. “What?” he said smiling. “Why are you staring at me like that?” you asked giving him a weird look and sitting up. “Today’s our first ultrasound and I’m excited” he said sitting up with you. You giggle and shake your head “You’re a dork” you say laying your head on his shoulder. “But I’m your dork” he said kissing the top of your head “Unfortunately” you joked. “Hey” he pouted. You smile and shake your head “Just get ready so we aren’t late” you say walking into the bathroom. You got ready and made it to your appointment on time. You were sitting in the ultrasound room waiting for the ultrasound technician. “Good Morning Mr. and Mrs. Irwin.” the lady said walking in and sitting on a stool. You both smile and say “Good morning.” “Is this your first Ultrasound?” She asked. “yes it is” you said smiling. “How many weeks are you?” she asked. “8” Ashton said. “Lets get started.” she said. You laid back and lifted your shirt and she put the gel on. She moved the handle around “There we go” she said. “Here is your baby” she said pointing to the screen. You look over at Ashton and see him staring at the screen in Awe. After she looked at the baby at different angles and printed some pictures for you the doctor came in. “Hello (Y/N). Ashton” he said walking in and shaking Ashton’s hand. “By the looks of everything your due date is around September 15th” he said. After the appointment you and Ashton went to show the boys the pictures of the ultrasound and tell them your due date.

Calum: You were currently sitting in the waiting room for your ultrasound appointment. Calum was running late so you called him. “hello” “Calum where are you?” “I’m at home why?” he asked. “My ultrasound is in 20 minutes” you say. “Shit I thought it was tomorrow. I’ll be there in 10 minutes” he said. You sat there looking at your phone when they called your name. You stood up “Uh the baby’s father isn’t here yet his name is Calum if he comes can you send him back?” you ask the receptionist and she nods your head. You had just started the ultrasound when Calum walked in. “10 minutes huh” you said as he sat in the seat next to you. “Shut up” he said causing you to giggle. “Just in time. Here is your baby” the technician says. “wow” Calum says grabbing your hand. “I know” you say smiling. “All done here the doctor will be in shortly. And I’m sorry for this but I just think you too are so adorable together” the technician said before walking out of the door. “See even she thinks we should be together” You just shake your head and the doctor comes in and Introduced himself. “It looks like your due date is around January 16th” he said. “That’s close to my birthday” Calum said. “Well congratulations you two” the doctor said before leaving. After the appointment Calum took you to lunch because he wanted to talk to you about something. “What did you want to talk about?” you asked. “I want to be together again” he said. “Calum I-” “Please (Y/N” he cut you off. “Promise not to leave when things get scary? because its going to get scary” you said. “I promise” he said. “Then I dont see why not” you say. He smiles and kisses you from across the table.

Luke: You were sitting in the waiting room with Luke to have your first ultrasound and to find out your due date. The nurse called your name and you followed her to the room with Luke close behind you. After answering a few questions they started the ultrasound. “Congratulations it looks like you will be having twins” the technician said pointing at the screen. You look at Luke and he looked like he was going to faint. You grabbed his hand and he instantly smiled. “All done I’ll go get the doctor” The technician said handing you a towel to wipe your stomach. The doctor came in “I heard it”s twins congrats” she said. “Wasn’t expecting it but still very excited” you said squeezing Luke’s hand. “Ready to find out the due date?” she asked. “Yes” Luke said quickly. “It looks like it will be around November 20th” she said. “Michael’s going to love that” you laughed. You got your ultrasound pictures and left. Luke called the boys telling them that you had exciting news and to meet at your apartment. The boys were there when you got there and you let them in. “So whats the big news.” Calum asked. “We’re having twins” Luke said showing them the ultrasound picture. “Wow congratulations.” They all said. “Michael you’re going to enjoy this part” you said. He looked at you and raised his eye brows. “Their due date is your birthday” you said with a smile. “Does that mean I can be the godfather?” he asked. “We’ll see” Luke said with a chuckle. Luke Calum and Michael were looking at the pictures and Ashton walked over to you. “Look (Y/N) about what I said about wanting to be with you was selfish and I’m sorry. I see how happy you and Luke are and I’m happy for you both. Can you forgive me?” he said to you. “Of course Ash. I told Luke so there is no more secrets and he doesn’t hate you” you said. “Good. Now let me see some babies” he laughed looking at the pictures with the others.

Michael: Today was your first ultrasound and you were extremely excited. “Michael we get to see the baby today” you yelled jumping on his bed waking him up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. “when is the appointment?” he asked. “noon” you said sitting down next to him. “Then why did you wake me up at 9?” he asked smiling. “I was excited” you said pouting. “Its fine I couldn’t go to sleep last night because I was excited” he said putting an arm around you. You giggled and laid your head on his shoulder. “Is Luke meeting us there?” Michael asked. “Yup” you said. You both sat there for a while then got up to get some breakfast. After breakfast you both got ready and headed to your appointment. When you got there you didn’t see Luke so you texted him “Where are?” he replied a couple seconds later “I’m almost there sorry I’m running late.” You sat in the waiting room and Luke walked in right when they said your name. “Hello Miss. (Y/L/N)” the technician said and smiled. You smiled and waved “Ready to see your baby?” he asked. “Yes” you said excitedly grabbing Michael’s hand. You got ready and he put the gel on your stomach. “how many weeks are you?” he asked. You turned and looked at Michael knowing he would know the answer. “10” he said laughing. The technician laughed and looked at the monitor. “Right here is your baby.” he said pointing at the screen. “Oh my god Michael there it is” you said squeezing his hand. After a while of looking he said “The doctor is going to come talk to you” and he left. The doctor came in and introduced herself. “It looks like your due date is around May 24th” she said. After your appointment Luke pulled you aside. “(Y/N) I get you are mad at me but can you at least be happy for me too that baby could be mine also” he said. “I’m sorry I do appreciate you being here I will include you more” you say. “thank you” he said. He waved good bye and left. You and Michael went back home and played PlayStation for the rest of the day.

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