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Luke: It had been a few days since the incident; and you still weren't really comfortable on talking about that. Luke had tried to call you everyday, and texted you too, but you'd just ignore him. You were staying at a friend's house 'till it was all resolved, and you knew that in order to do that, you needed to talk to him. But you just couldn't do it, you knew that if he apologized, you wouldn't be able to say no to him. You still loved him, obviously, but you were quite scared; you never thought he'd do that, who knew what else he was capable of?! You would go talk to him, eventually, but you just needed some time to make up your mind. Suddenly, you heard a knock at the door; it couldn't be your friend, 'cause she had her keys. "Who is it?", you asked as you approached the door. No answer. You took a knife from the kitchen and opened a crack of the door, only to find those piercing blue eyes staring back at yours. "(Y/N)," his voice cracked and you dropped the knife. "What do you want?", you asked, trying to sound stron and independent. "I want to talk to you, (Y/N).", you were going to shut the door, but he put his foot on the way. "Please", he begged. "Fine," you said, opening the door and mentioning for him to come in. "(Y/N), I know that no answer will ever be good enough; nothing will give what I did reason.", you crossed your arms in front of your chest, waiting for him to continue. "That picture, it's really old, she was a fan and kept flirting with me, I didn't tell you 'cause I knew you'd freak out and think that there was something else, but nothing happened, I swear", he sighed. "I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I don't expect you to get me back, but I just want you to know that I love you so much, and that I'm sorry that I couldn't treat you the way you deserve. I love you", it was one of the moments your decision would change your life, and you knew you couldn't take him back, but you knew you couldn't live without him. "Luke," you sighed, "I-I don't think I'll ever forgive you for what happened", he looked as if he was about to break down. "But, I also don't think I could ever live without you", he looked up; eyes glinting with hope. "For now, all that I know is that I love you, Luke", you put your arms around his neck and pulled him in, kissing him passionately. Once you had stopped for air, he whispered apologies against your lips, before kissing you once again. 
Ashton: You woke up with a big headache, only to find yourself with a huge bruise on your cheek. Flashes from the night before came in your mind; Ashton drunk, your fight, his hand, you on the ground, the note... You were at your friend's house, God knows for how long you'd be there; you wouldn't go after Ashton, he should go after you. You opened the door to go to the living room, but stopped when sobs came to your ear; they weren't from (Y/F/N), the voice was different. "Shh, I can talk to her", now that was her voice. "No, I need to talk to her, I need to tell her how I was an idiot", Ashton; he was already looking for you. Your heart started to race; maybe 'cause you were scared, maybe 'cause you were happy to see that he had regretted it so soon, maybe 'cause you loved him, you didn't know. "Tell me then", you said stepping into the room. Ashton instantly got up to look at you; eyes red and puffy, tears rolling down his cheeks, an expression of horror when he saw you. "I'll leave you two alone", (Y/F/N) said. "Did I-I do that to you?", he asked weakly, raising his hand to try to touch your cheek. Your reflex made you wince and take one step away from him, he looked broken. "Great, now you're scared of me", he said, breaking into sobs again. "I'm not scared", you said, "I'm just confused". "I'm really sorry, (Y/N), what I did to you, no man should ever do that to a woman. Ever. There's no way I can apologize for my actions, nothing will justify it; I just want another chance to treat you the way you deserve", he said looking up at you. "I was drunk, out of my mind, my head was messed up; nothing was making sense. You were right; I wasn't spending enough time with you; and if you give me another chance, I'll dedicate all of my time to you. I just needed to make sure you knew this, taking me back again or not". You had never seen him so broken; so fragile. "Ash, I-I was stupid too, I should have waited until you were sober to talk to you. Let's just forget the past, okay?", you asked, taking his hands on yours. He immediately pulled you in a hug; sobbing into your hair. "Thank you so much, (Y/N), you have no idea how much I love you". 
Michael: Some days had passed since that night on the club, Michael hadn't try to contact you since then, and, today, he was leaving for tour. You were at your house, you had spent the last few days taking care of your bruises, and honestly you just weren't in the mood to go out. It was quiet and peaceful, until your doorbell rang, making you stand up to open the door. You were honestly expecting to see Michael standing there, with a new color on his hair, a hand behind his neck, looking down at the floor awkwardly; but you were rather surprised to see Calum there. "Calum?", you asked confused. "Yeah", he answered awkwardly. "Oh, do you wanna come in?", you asked cautiously. He nodded, and you let him in, walking with him to the living room, both of you sitting down. "So," you started. "Look, (Y/N), I don't even know how to begin," you remained quiet, "Michael really screwed up; and he knows it. He ran off 'cause he was embarrassed, didn't know what to do and felt guilty. He came to my house crying, and I don't think he has stopped crying since then. The only reason why he didn't came here before is 'cause he's a coward, and he knows it. So that's why I'm here.". "To apologize for him?", you asked, starting to get angry. "No, of course not. I'm here to say you should go talk to him.", he said cautiously, realizing you weren't liking it. "Oh, so you think I should go and apologize to the guy that hit me?!", you asked. "I never said apolo-", you cut him. "No, I should also get on my knees and beg for his love back. 'Cause I really deserved it, I was wrong, and he was right, as always". "No, no, no. I never meant it that way, (Y/N) -" he was cut off by the doorbell. "My God, who is it this time?!", you asked yourself, going to open the door. "Michael?", you whispered as you saw him standing there; just as you had imagined before, except that instead of a new hair color, his hair had the same one and looked dead. God, he looked dead; he had dark circles under his eyes, his eyes looked tired, and you could tell he had been crying. "(Y/N)", he whispered, seeming not sure that you really existed. "I'm so sorry", he started to cry. "(Y/N), who's there?", Calum asked going to the door, but stopping when he saw Michael. "Calum, what are you doing here?", he asked, confused. "I was trying to do what you didn't have the guts to", he said patting his friend on the shoulder, before whispering "don't loose her, man", and leaving. "(Y/N) after I did it I was -", you cut him off. "I know, Calum told me". "You have no idea how sorry I am, and I couldn't think of leaving tomorrow and having you mad at me, not apologizing, trying to get you back.", he whispered. "I don't know what happened to me, I was out of my mind, I don't think I'll ever apologize enough for what I did.", there was a long silence after that. "Michael, I'm glad you're here, I think it's good for us to solve this before you leave. I was thinking, you know, and I thought that maybe it'd be good for us to have this time of the tour apart from each other. That way, we'll have time to forget about this, and when you come back I'll be back in your arms", you said. He got closer to you, green eyes staring cautiously at you, and brushed his lips against yours; asking for one last kiss,which you conceded. "I love you, (Y/N), and I want to see you there to pick me up from the airport when I'm back", he whispered before walking out. 
Calum: You couldn't fall asleep; you felt pain in every way possible, for every reason yo could think of. It was about three in the morning and you still were awake in bed, thinking of what had just happened. The house was too quiet for your liking, that's it, except for the noise of a door opening; the front door. You instantly sat up, flinching 'cause of the pain, but you still tried to stand up to go see who was entering the house. Slowly. you made your way to the top of the stairs, and there, at the bottom, was Calum; looking like he had just cried a whole sea. "(Y/N), I was on my way to Ashton's house, when I realized I couldn't leave you; nont right now, not like this. I know that you'd need help, (Y/N), God, even though right now I'm probably the last person you'd want to see. I'm just so sorry, and I love you so much, (Y/N), please let me take care of you, and heal the wounds that I made", he was in tears again; you've never seen Calum crying so hard. "Calum, I'm not sure if I want you here right now", you said cautiously, afraid of what his reaction would be like. "But, (Y/N), I can't leave you alone; I know that you were tossing and turning, but couldn't fall asleep, I want to fix what I did. Please, (Y/N), I love you so much, please don't do this to me.", you slowly and carefully started walking downstairs, flinching once in a while. "I'm so sorry", he whispered again. You gathered all of your strength and raised your hand, hitting him on the cheek. He looked quite confused, but you needed more, so with your little hands, you started to punch his chest; which probably only tickled him. While doing that, you started to cry, and Calum hugged you, letting you cry and punch him until you were tired. "I hate you", you whispered. "I know", he whispered back, before planting a kiss on your forehead and taking care of you.

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