You think he's going to hit you

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Calum : 

Your fighting had become more constant, you were becoming more aggressive and you started to lose hope. You wanted this relationship to work but you felt it was time to end it. ‘You what?’ Calum shouted at you anger in his eyes, his fists were clenched and you couldn’t pull up any emotion. ‘I’m sorry, I just don’t feel it’s working.’ You whispered and he walked towards you, cowering back in defeat you saw him freeze a questioning look on his face. ‘You-you didn’t think I was going to hit you?’ he whispered his voice broken. You just had tears in your eyes and Calum fell to the floor, ‘I would never.’ He couldn’t finish his sentence, his tears forcing him to stop talking. You crawled over to him, ‘I’m sorry Cal.’ you whispered kissing his cheek, ‘You don’t need to be sorry. I’m sorry. I’ve been a crappy boyfriend; I don’t want you to leave. I need you. I love you.’ He whispered and you couldn’t say no, just kissing him bought happiness to your life.


It was hot outside so you decided to have a water fight, you and Luke the power couple vs. the rest of the band. You had bottles of water and buckets with balloons in them. You were hiding behind a bush whispering to Luke when you saw his hand slip behind his back, grabbing a balloon. Your eyes went wide, was he trying to get you soaked? ‘What are you doing?’ he whispered harshly and he smiled, he slowly lifted the balloon above your head and you froze preparing for the cold water. Except it didn’t come, instead you heard a scream and a laugh before Luke sat back down. ‘I thought you were going to get me.’ You whispered and he smiled holding your hand. ‘Why would I, you on my tear.’ He said kissing your lips. 


Ashton was drunk, as were you but you could tell he had more drinks than you. ‘Ash, it’s time to go.’ You shouted over the music but he shook his head refusing. ‘C’mon baby.’ You said smiling grabbing his hand but he quickly took it back holding it up by your shoulder looking like he was going to hit you. ‘Ashton!’ you whispered shouted, your eyes wide but he bought it down. ‘I need to get something first.’ He said before turning round not realising the terror he bought you. You stood there waiting for him and you felt hands on your waist, ‘Found it.’ He whispered before you both walking away. 


Video games were the highlight of your night, especially with Michael as your boyfriend. You two were very competitive and ended up trying to cheat by teasing each other. You would kiss his neck, knowing he loved that and he would have his hand on your thigh, slowly rubbing it making you distracted. Today though you had managed to win, through everything he had tried you won. You could feel the anger radiating off him, he looked at you and for a moment you thought he would raise his fists up and hit you by he smiled instead. ‘You won this time.’ He whispered kissing your cheek before playing it again. ​

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