He Tells You He Wants To Try For A Baby.

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Michael - It was another one of those nights, Michael was in the mood and so were you. It started out as a little groping here and there, but now you were straddling Michael on the couch, hands tangled in each other’s hair as you two made out. “You’re so sexy.” He whispered, moving his hands down your back as he pulled you closer to him. You moaned into the kiss, pulling your top over your head as he smirked, beginning to kiss your neck. You knew where this was leading to. “Michael, condom.” You reached in his pocket for his wallet, but he slapped it away. “We’re both 18, why don’t we try it without a condom?” He said, his kissing you halting as he looked up at you in seriousness as you looked back at him. “You mean, try for a baby?” The thought scared you, but with the look on Michael’s face, he was more than ready. “Yeah, a baby.” His smile grew wider as you bit your lip, nodding. “Yeah, let’s try for a baby.” He laid you down on the couch, continuing your sinful antics.

Luke - “I’m bored.” You whispered to Luke, as you were watching a movie with the boys in the den. “Ssh.” He said, his eyes never leaving the screen as you silently groaned in annoyance. Michael had you all watching a Pokemon movie and it was far from interesting. As a matter of fact, you lost interest as soon as the title came on. You stood, walking to yours and Luke’s room and flopped onto the bed. A few minutes later, he joined you. “Are you okay?” You nodded, sighing. “I’m just bored.” He smirked, laying on top of you as he wiggled his eyebrows. “Well let’s have some fun.” He growled, beginning to kiss you. Clothes flew everywhere until you were both naked, him lying on top of you as he pulled the blanked up over him, smiling. “Let’s go no condom tonight.” You ran your nails up his back, sighing. “But you know I am off the pills.” He shrugged, kissing your neck as you knew what he was hinting at. “Luke we’re too young.” You whispered, him lifting your chin with his index finger as he kissed your nose. “I know, but I really want to have one with you. And I love you.” You thought for a minute, and decided it wouldn’t be all that bad. “I love you too.” His smile grew wider, as he pressed his lips to yours, beginning to push into you.

Ashton - You came out of the bathroom, brushing your teeth as Ashton was throwing the decorative pillows off of the bed. “By the door or window?” He asked, pulling off his shirt as you smirked, staring at him. “Window.” He nodded, and climbed into the bed. You spit into the sink, putting your toothbrush back as you cut off the light, the lamp still on as you laid next to him. “You smell so good.” He whispered, running his nose up the line of your neck as his fingertips ghosted over your upper thigh. He placed a few kisses below your ear, as he lifted up your shirt, his fingers now running over your stomach. He turned your body to the side as he put his lips on yours, soft and sweet. You threw your leg over his waist, rolling over on top of him as you two continued kissing. When this side of Ashton came out, you knew where this was going and you weren’t going to stop it. His hands rested on your bum as you reached over to the side table, looking for a condom when he stopped kissing you. “Let’s not use one of those tonight.” He says, gently moving your hand away as you stared at him, confused. “Ashton, we can’t.” He has been hinting at trying for a baby for the longest time. “Yes we can. You’re perfect and I plan on being with you for a long time and I am ready to start parenthood with you.” You smiled, kissing his nose as he giggled. “Then let’s do this.” He reached over, pulling off the bedside lamp as you two giggled in the darkness.

Calum - You and Calum stood in the kitchen, washing dishes from a very romantic dinner. Tonight was you guys’ 2 year anniversary and he surprised you with a bouquet of your favorite flowers at work, and then you came home to a candlelit dinner cooked by yours truly. “So was today nice?” He asked, putting the plates away as you drained the water, smiling. “Yeah, it was perfect.” He put down his rag, trapping you against the counter as he smirked, “The day isn’t over yet.” He grabbed your face in his hands, kissing you deep and passionate. You put your arms around his neck, as he lifted you, sitting you on the counter. His hands rested on your thighs, as he moved his lips down to your neck. “What do you say about us trying for a baby?” Your eyes almost bulged out of your head as he looked at your face, smiling. “C-Calum, we’re just babies ourselves.” “I know, but having someone else in the house, especially a baby would be fun ya’ know?” You shrugged and looked down, “Hey,” He put his forehead on yours, smiling. “I plan on marrying you soon, so why don’t we try for a baby, baby?” He giggled as you did too, biting your lip and nodding. “Yes, let’s do it.” His smile grew wider, picking you up and almost running upstairs, kicking the door shut behind him.

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