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Ashton: “Ashton It’s been 19 hours already.” you whined laying on your side. “I know but it will be worth it when out little girl is here” he said holding your hand. You smiled and relaxed a little but another contraction came. “How ya feeling” the nurse asked as she walked into your room. “Good I’m ready for this to be over though.” you said laying back so she could check you. “Almost there (Y/N) you’re at 6cm” the nurse said taking off her glove. You groan and lay back on the bed. “Do you want an epidural?” the nurse asked. “No I can do this” you breathed looking at Ashton who had a scared expression on his face. The nurse nodded and left your room. “Okay Sydney it’s time to come out” You groaned. “Sydney mommy and I really want to see you now can you please come a little faster?” Ashton said to your belly causing you to have a big contraction. “I think It’s working” he said smiling. You were too busy hunched over in pain to respond to him. “Come one princess you can do it there is nothing to be afraid of I’m here to protect you.” Ashton said to your belly. “Get the nurse” you yelled at Ashton and he did as you asked. The nurse walked in and asked if everything was alright. “The contraction’s are pretty constant” Ashton said as you were squeezing his hand. She nodded and checked you. “Let me go get the doctor we’re having a baby” the nurse smiled and you were wiping sweat off of your forehead. The doctor came and had you sit back in the bed and has Ashton hold one of your legs while a nurse held another. “(Y/N) your next contraction your going to push. I’m going to count to 10 then you can relax” you nod and get ready because you feel one coming. “You can do this babe” Ashton said and you smiled. Your next contraction you pushed for the full 10 seconds. “I can’t do this” you said laying back. “(Y/N) Look at me. You can do this I am right here” Ashton reassured. you got ready to push again and you pushed hard and relaxed. “I see her head she has a lot of hair” Ashton said tears falling down his face. “One last push (Y/N) then you will get to hold your baby girl” the doctor said and you gave your all. You pushed as hard as you could. After 20 hours of labor you welcomed Sydney Claire Irwin to the world on. She was 19in long and only weighed 5lbs 9oz. “She looks exactly like you” Ashton said placing her in your arms.

Calum: “Calum I know we agreed to wait until my water breaks but It has been over a week since my due date” you said holding your big 41 week belly. “He will be here soon” Calum said trying to confront you. “I want him out now” you yell. “I know your birthday is tomorrow and I’m sorry but I can be pregnant anymore” you sighed. “I know why don’t we go for a walk I read that it will held induce labor.” you nodded got up. Calum had to help squeeze your swollen foot in your shoe and helped you get up. You walked for over an hour and nothing. “Calum” you whined as you got into your apartment. “Here this says pineapple juice will help” he said grabbing his keys. “Get a lot” you said sitting on the couch. Calum returned with a lot of pineapple juice and a whole pineapple. He poured you a glass and cut you a slice. you waited and once again nothing. “Sex” you said after taking a drink of pineapple juice. “Babe I don’t think that’s a good idea” Calum said. “Why because I am a fat whale?” you yelled. “No because I don’t want to hurt him.” he said rubbing your belly. “Calum if you don’t fuck me right now I am going to rip your dick off” you shouted. “Only cause you asked so nicely” he giggled. An hour after you and Calum had sex you started to feel pain. You brushed it off at first then it got more intense and your water broke. “Calum” you yell from the bathroom. “He came running towards you and smiled. “It broke?” he asked running up to your side. “Grab the bag let go have a baby” you smiled and waddled to the door. You get to the hospital and asked for the epidural right away. They waited until you were 3cm to administer it and you couldn’t be happier because the pain was awful. “Looks like this is going to be a quick labor you’re already 4cm” the nurse said. “It’s long over due” you giggled. “What time is it?” you asked trying to find your phone. “10:17pm” the nurse said looking at her wrist. “You might have to share your birthday” you said. “I wished this would happen” Calum said and smiled. “So it’s your fault that I waited an extra week and a few days.” you glared looking him hearing the monitor go off signalling a contraction. Thank god for the epidural I can’t feel any of this” you said relaxing. About an hour later the nurse came to check you again and you were 8cm. “almost there are you excited?” she asked and you both nodded. “I’m going to go get the doctor to come prep you” the nurse said before leaving the room. Before you knew it you were pushing. “(Y/N) he has dark hair like mine” Calum said looking up at you. “One last push and you can see your son” the doctor said. You gave your all and you relaxed. The doctor sucked the fluid out of the mouth and nose. Then he gave Calum the scissors to cut the cord. Calum carried him to the warmer to get cleaned up and wrapped up. “(Y/N) meet our beautiful son Connor Joseph Hood born at 12:00 am on January 25th weighing 8lbs 11oz and 22in long.” Calum said handing him to you. “He has your birthday” you said sobbing. “You did great. I love you” Calum said kissing you. “I love you too” Calum said kissing the baby’s head.

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