You Give Birth At Home. (Request)

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Michael - “Michael, i’m not so sure about this. I already booked a room at the hospital.” You and Michael had been fussing about the birth of your first baby ever since you found out you were pregnant. “The fans already know what hospital we’ll be at and it will only make it more stressful for you and I. So why don’t we remove some of that stress and you give birth here?” He had a point, but you were afraid. One thing comes with giving birth at home, and that means you won’t have any kind of epidurals or IV’S so you’ll have to deal with the pain yourself. Few days later, you went into labor and soon you started to regret agreeing with Michael. “It hurts so bad.” You cried, as he helped you into the tub. “I’m sorry baby.” He cried with you, your mom, his mom and a nurse came into the bathroom. “If you don’t mind, Mrs. Clifford I am going to see how much you’re dilated.” You squeezed Michael’s hand hard, as she sighed. “4 centimeters. You’re going to be fine, baby.” The hours went on and your pain only increased and Michael knew it was almost time. “Michael, we need you to help us.” Michael nodded, grabbing some gloves as your mom and his mom held up your legs. “Okay baby listen to me,” He stopped, patting your knee cap as he smiled sweetly at you. “Look at me, concentrate on my voice. You can do this, okay?” You nodded, him winking at you as the nurse held a light down. “On the count of three,” Your mom said, counting down as you started to push. Michael pursed his lips as you felt your baby coming down. “You’re doing it, push harder.” You took a breath, pushing harder and Michael laughed. “That’s it! Concentrate Y/N. Push!” You let out one last wail, Michael pulling your baby out as he started crying. “A girl. Y/N you did it!” You smiled as he helped the nurse clean her off, admiring how brave Michael was.

Luke - Luke was the one who insisted on a home birth. Since they were starting their North America tour soon, the media and fans were getting a little too hectic for you two to go to the hospital. Last false labor, the hospital was surrounded by screaming girls and annoying paparazzi. Even both of your families thought it would be a pretty good idea. Your at home nurse already told you it was going to be painful, since she won’t be able to bring you any labor inducers and she insured you two that you could go to the hospital and get your paper work done after the birth. It was pushing close to midnight, the two of you lying on the couch. Luke was curled up on the other end, as you played with his feet, also dozing in and out of sleep. You felt a sharp pang in your lower region, exhaling rather loudly as Luke shifted some in his sleep. You felt another sharp pang, causing you to yelp in pain and your water to break. “Luke!” You pulled his toe, causing him to jump up and sigh. “What was that for?” “I’m going into labor.” His eyes went wide as he ran upstairs, and you heard him running some water. “Come on, babe.” He helped you up the stairs, sitting you on the bed as he proceeded to call the family you wanted in the room and also your nurse. After everyone arrived, your pain intensified and walking it off wasn’t helping. “I wish we would’ve went to the hospital.” You sighed, a pout growing on his face as he kissed you. “It’ll all be over soon.” After a while you were ready to push and Luke was right by your side, the nurse and your mom helping deliver. “Y/N, you can do this, okay?” His mom said, you nodding as they held your hands. You started pushing, your head falling against the tub as you groaned out in pain. “Keep going babe, you’re fine you’re fine.” You let Luke’s voice calm you as you kept pushing and pushing until finally you heard the small cries of your baby boy. “You did it!” Luke grabbed your face, kissing you as everyone congratulated you, Luke being the proudest.

Ashton - As nervous as Ashton was, you were equally as nervous. You two were expecting your first baby and you insisted on having an in home birth. You read how multiple people were saying it was easier and less troubling, but he tried to change your mind many of times. But after lots and lots of begging, Ashton was convinced and he didn’t want any pictures from the doctors and headlines saying, “Ashton Irwin’s wife gives birth and nurses even got pictures with the new baby!” Ashton was asleep in the bed behind you as you were at your desk, reading online trying to go more in depth about your decision. A very sharp kick in your bladder made you gasp and sit back from the desk, looking down at your yoga pants and see you were leaking. You waddled over to Ashton, slapping him on the shoulder as he rolled over. “Babe, what’s wrong?” “I think I am in labor.” You said, as he sprung up from the bed. Now you were nervous. Ashton began making phone calls, as you got situated in bed, adjusting the pillows and awaiting the pain to come to you. “Need anything?” He asked, setting down his phone as he looked at you with concern. “Water.” He went to get some water as you felt another sharp pain in your stomach. After your moms and nurses arrived, your pain increased by 100%. “I want him out of me now!” You demanded, being only 6 centimeters dilated and cranky. “You have a while to go, baby calm down.” Ashton said, rubbing your back as you started to cry. “It hurts so bad.” After being in pain for another hour, you were needing to push. Ashton was at the end of the bed, the nurses ready to help as both your mothers were holding your hands. “Push Y/N, push.” He said, smiling as you felt your baby moving down. “We can see his hair! Oh my god.” He started to get giggly, causing you to push even harder. “He’s almost out!” With another scream of pain, he was out and Ashton cheered. “You’re such a trooper.” He said, running to kiss you passionately before checking on your baby.

Calum - You and Cal were both no big fans of paparazzi, so he wanted so desperately to do an in home birth. After last weeks epidemic, where you two were stuck in a circle of screaming girls and horrible camera flashes, you were rushed to the hospital straight after in hopes you didn’t become stressed again. You also had a lot of other difficulties in your pregnancy, from false labors to an almost miscarriage. So Calum wanted everything to go well so he made the decision for you to have the in home birth he wanted in the first place. You were asleep soundly next to Calum, as you sat up straight. Your stomach was hurting immensely and you felt some sharp pains here and there. “Calum?” You shook him as he groaned, shaking you away and continuing to sleep. “Cal-AH!” He opened his eyes, to see your eyes clenched as your hand sat on top of your stomach. “Is it time?” You nodded as he got up, beginning to get everything ready. You grabbed your phone, calling everyone and letting them know it was time. An hour later you could barely walk and both of your families were downstairs. The nurses came up and began calming you down as Calum walked downstairs. “How is she?” Mali-Koa asked, as your mom went up to check on you. “In a lot of pain, but she’s already 3 centimeters dilated.” “I wish you two would’ve went to the hospital.” Calum sighed and shook his head. “This is less stressful for her.” He returned to you and soon, you were ready to push. “Calum, you’re going to have to help me deliver her.” Calum nervously nodded, putting on some gloves as he sat at the end of the bed. “Nothing but positive thoughts, Y/N.” He said, kissing your leg before you started pushing. Calum began crying as he saw his baby girl pushing her way out. “Keep going, she’s coming!” He smiled wider, tears leaking from his eyes as her shoulders came out, him pulling her the rest of the way out. “Oh my god, I just delivered a baby.” He laid her down as the nurse cleaned her off, Calum smiling at you. “I’m proud of you.” 

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