You Have A Mental Breakdown

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Michael - Michael groaned as he slammed the door behind him, throwing his bag on the ground as he trumped to the fridge. He was waiting on it. He was an hour late home, and he knew you would be down bitching any moment. He grabbed a beer to wait for it, but instead, he heard weeping upstairs and immediately, his bad boy persona changed. “Y/N?” Just before he opened the door to your bedroom, he heard the voice of your best friend. “Y/N, you don’t need him in your life if all he does is treat you like shit. You’re way too good for that.” You sniffled loudly and wiped at your nose. “I can’t help but love him through it all. I care for him, I cook, I clean and I FIGHT for this relationship and he does nothing but treat me like i’m in the wrong! I always feel like i’m walking on eggshells around him.” You cried harder, your best friend hugging you tight to her as Michael dropped his head. “Let me break you two up. I hate seeing you like this.” “No please don’t. I guess I just have to grit and bear it.” Just as you said that, he opened the door, not being able to hear anymore. You both looked up as your best friend sighed. “I’ll be outside. Call if you need me.” She left with a glare at Michael as he kneeled in front of you. “Do you really think that of me?” You nodded and sighed. “I’m holding up this relationship on my own and I hate it. I feel like you just hate me.” He shook his head and took your face in his hands, and held your face tight. “Baby, no. I love you to pieces. Sometimes I feel like you’re always nagging me and it makes me feel like you hate me.” You sighed and blinked away some tears. “What do we do?” He kissed you gently, wiping away your tears as you put your head in his neck. “Let’s both try okay? I’ll treat you better and you have to stop nagging me, okay?” You nodded and sniffled, snuggling more into him as he rubbed soothing circles on your back, making your eyes close. “I love you so much.” You nodded as he sighed, holding back some tears of his own.

Luke - You felt like you were drowning. Your parents screaming at you left and right and you felt like you were on the edge of breaking down. “Y/N are you even listening to your mother?” Your dad yelled, his face red and pupils dilated as you nodded. “Yes.” “Then stop staring off into space like an idiot!” You couldn’t take it anymore, the time to leave was now. “I can’t take this anymore! You guys hate me!” You stood from the chair, ripping open the front door as you took off running. You could hear them calling for you but with your vision half blurred and your legs carrying you as fast as they could go, you didn’t want to look back. Soon you found yourself in front of Luke’s driveway. Running up you noticed he was the only one home, which was good. You knocked on the door and soon you started to cry again, just the thought of your parents making you scared again. “Who is i- Y/N, what’s wrong?” You grabbed him and held him tight, crying into your boyfriends flannel as he held you tighter, kissing your head. “M-My parents again.” You pulled back as he shook his head, taking the end of his flannel and rubbing your eyes. “What this time?” “I just feel like shit around them. They don’t even treat me like their daughter, it’s like i’m a toy. They hate me Luke.” He didn’t know what to say, he just sighed and hugged you tight. “Listen, just stay here tonight and when they leave for work tomorrow, get your stuff and you can move in.” “L-Luke I ca-” “You can and you will. I don’t want you to live in an unhealthy environment like that, okay?” You nodded as he bent down, kissing your forehead. 

Ashton - “Babe! Come here for a second.” You heaved yourself off of the couch, fixing Ashton’s shirt as it hung off your pregnant belly, a grunt rolling off your lips as you reached the top of the staircase. You opened the door to the nursery and your eyes almost bulged out of your eye sockets. “So I was thinking we can get some of those let-” “Why is it white?” You examined the walls again, blinking and pinching yourself to make sure you weren’t color blind or seeing things. “You specifically said white paint, love.” You shook your head and began to get teary eyed. “Ashton no! No no no! I said creme, not white! This is going to clash so bad with the furniture! What were you thinking?” You began to weep, cupping your face with your hands as Ashton looked around, sighing heavily as he put the brush down, rubbing his forehead as he wiped some paint across it accidentally. “Y/N?” He went to grab your hands and you stepped back, shaking your head. “You ruined this whole nursery! Now we have to order new paint, and wait 2 more weeks for it to get here and i’m due in another month! The furniture will be here this weekend and dammit Ashton! You really screwed up!” Your words kind of hurt Ashton’s feelings and he would feel the urge to scream back if you weren’t his hormonal, pregnant wife. “Y/N, it’s not that big of a deal. I only got one wall done. I’ll order the paint right now, and we can hold off on putting the furniture together. Everything will be okay, I just misheard you.” You stopped sobbing, looking at him as he smiled weakly. “Stop overreacting, everything’s going to be fine.” He held you tight and you sighed, gently running your nails up and down his bare back. “I’m so sorry Ash.” He chuckled, “It’s okay cutie. Go lie down and get some rest, ok?” You nodded and kissed him, before going to lie down.

Calum - “Welcome to casa del Hood!” Your smile faded as you saw the house Calum bought to surprise you with. “Come on babe!” He jumped out, giggling to himself as he shut the door. There were so many things wrong with it, too small, the driveway barely fit two cars, the porch wasn’t that big and the backyard was also small. He opened the door for you and you slowly slid out, still not impressed. He took your hand and skipped to the door, unlocking it before pushing the door open. “Isn’t it just dandy? We can do some work on it though.” You hated the wall color, the kitchen was barely big enough and everything seemed to cluttered and you didn’t want to hurt poor Calum’s feelings. “Let’s go see the bedroom.” He sort of winked and dragged you up, opening the door as you examined it. “Please say something, you’re looking a bit lost.” You shook your head and sat on the couch in the corner of the room, before feeling it shake beneath you and soon it fell. That did it. You burst into tears, immediately Calum came over. “I hate it Calum.” His face dropped and his grip on you loosened. “W-what? I spent a lot of money on this and you hate it?” “It’s not what I envisioned for our first house together! It’s too tiny for us! What if I get pregnant, where is the nursery going to go, outside?” You cried harder, Calum sighing as he held you. “Maybe I can try to get out of the contract?” He stood to call, sighing as you looked up and wiped at your eyes. “Hi Mr-” You grabbed his phone and ended the call, tossing his phone onto the bed. “What are you doing?” “Don’t feel bad, i’m just a picky bitch I guess. I should at least appreciate it. I’m sorry.” He half smiled and stuffed his hands into his pockets. “I guess we need new furniture?” He said, chuckling as you nodded. “That’d be a good idea.”

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