He Has A Mental Breakdown.

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Michael - You had just started back attending school, and Michael was beyond nervous. Not because you were going back and being away from him, but because you were going back to the supervision of your ex-boyfriend, violent ex-boyfriend at that. He parked outside the school, looking at you as you sighed. “Are you sure? I can still pick you up early.” You sighed, kissing him as he tensed. “I have to stay all day. Please be here to get me right after.” You blew him one last kiss as he was gone, leaving you to face the day alone. It was finally the end of the day, and you were completely exhausted. Half the campus was gone and of course, Michael was late. “Waiting on your ride?” You turned, seeing your ex. “Go away.” You said, as he chuckled, grabbing your arm and pulling you to his ear. “Ow, you’re hurting me.” Memories flashed back and forth in your mind. “Did you miss me?” He tightened his grip as you cried out in pain, no one around or even in ear shot to witness it. “Hey!” You both looked up, seeing Michael marching over. “Let her go.” “Sure thing.” He pushed you to Michael, you grunting in pain as he marched away, chuckling. Michael said nothing as you two rode together, “Did he hurt you?” His hands were shaking, you knew he was mad. “He just bruised my arm is all.” Michael growled, slamming his hands on the steering wheel. “God dammit!” He sped up the car, his teeth gnashing and his knuckles turning white from grabbing the wheel so hard. “Michael,” The speedometer went up to 70, then 80, then 85. “Michael, pull over!” You screamed as he slammed on breaks, you grabbing your seat as he pulled over. He jumped out, kicking the car as he cursed out loud. You slowly walked to him, holding his hand as he looked at you. “I’m sorry, I just I-” You shushed him, holding him close as he held you tight. “I just want to protect you.” You nodded and sighed, “I know, but getting mad like that doesn’t help.” He nodded, you two standing and hugging until he was calm enough to drive back home.

Luke - “So you’re telling me this is the solution?” You giggled, poking Luke’s arm as he nodded. “That’s exactly what the teacher said!” “And she also said you have to divide by Pi.” Luke groaned and fell back onto the bed. “That’s it. I’m officially dropping out.” Just as you went to reply, the door burst open. “Lucas, get downstairs and help me with these groceries.” “Mom im kind of in the middle of someth-” “Luke.” He got up, following her downstairs as you waited. You decided to start on the next question, then you heard yelling. “That’s why I’m leaving one day and never coming back!” “Don’t talk to your mother like that!” You heard something break and you sprung up, running down the hallway. You knew it was wrong to get involved in family business, but Luke could get out of control. You gasped when you saw him screaming at his parents, a broken base on the floor. “I fucking hate this!” You grabbed his arm, and he tried jerking it away as you pulled on it. “Luke stop.” “No I want to leave!” “Luke, please.” He stared back at his parents before he started to cry, cowering down slightly. “Come here.” You held him tight, his tears soaking your shirt as you apologized to his parents as they left the living room, leaving you to calm him down more.

Ashton - “Alright boys, time to get this rehearsal on the road.” You gave Ashton a quick kiss as he grabbed his drumsticks, jogging onto the stage. “Alright, Heartbreak Girl.” Luke began counting backwards as you noticed how off Ashton looked. He found your eyes and you gave him a thumbs up, as the song began. You noticed how his eyebrows scrunched together, and how he would miss beats every once in a while. “What’s going on with him?” Their supervisor asked you, nudging your shoulder. “I don’t know.” He held up his hand, everyone stopping and looking at him. “Okay, let’s do Try Hard.” Calum glanced back at Ashton as he was beginning to sweat, his eyes full of worry. Once again, he was missing beats and beginning to get frustrated. He stood mid song, throwing his drumsticks as he stormed off. “Ash,” You called, running after him as you found him backstage, his head in his knees. “Baby?” You stopped moving, hearing him sniffling. “Are you crying?” You got on your knees in front of him, him lifting his head as you saw he was crying. “Never in my life have I seen you cry.” You chuckled, wrapping your arms around his back. “I’m screwing up, i’m so fucking nervous and I just can’t concentrate.” He started to sob, choking himself every once in a while. You’ve never seen him in a state like this before. “Hey, ssh ssh.” He lifted his head, putting his arms around your neck. “You need to get rid of these jitters. This is the first show of the new tour so yeah, the pressure is on. But if you want to succeed you have to get your head in the game, okay?” He nodded, kissing you. “I love you.” You smiled, hugging him until he collected himself.

Calum - “LA here we come! Woo!” Ashton cheered, Michael smiling as Calum was little off. You got the chance to tag along with the boys once again to accompany them in LA. You held Calum’s hand as you all piled into the taxi, heading to their LA house. “You alright, babe?” You asked, pulling his hand out of his pocket so you could hold it. “Yeah, I guess.” You nodded, kissing his neck as the ride to the house was silent, Calum’s eyes seeming to lose a little color. It was later in the evening and you woke up alone. It was a little past 1 a.m and you heard music coming from the living room. You walked in, seeing Luke and Michael watching a movie. “Any idea where Cal is?” They shook their heads, their eyes never leaving the flickering screen. You chuckled, scratching your head as you walked past the balcony, seeing his figure hunched over the railing. You walked to the door, gently knocking on it as he didn’t even flinch. “Calum?” He turned, his face drenched with tears, his eyes beat red. “Woah, what’s happening?” He sat down, you sitting on his lap as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “I miss my family. You know, being with them for so long and then leaving like that, m-makes me,” He paused, beginning to sob again. You held his head close to your chest, Calum has never cried this much, especially over his family. “Listen, this is your job and of course you’re going to be away from them. But you have to realize that you’re going to have to say goodbye eventually.” He nodded, you wiping his tears as he sighed. “I’m such a softie.” You giggled, kissing his temple. “And you have every right to be.”

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