teenage pregnancy

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Luke: You needed to tell him; he was the father after all. All that you did after finding out was cry and blame yourself; you had wanted it, after all. Recently, you and Luke had your first time; and it was your first time ever. He wasn't sure if that was what you really wanted, but you assured him you were ready; so you did it. And now, here you were, crying, yet again, 'cause you had discovered you were pregnant. "(Y/N)?", Luke asked entering your house. You had called him over with one thing in mind; telling him. Slowly, you picked yourself up and went downstairs. "Luke, there's something I need to tell you", you said. He instantly sensed that it wasn't something good, rushing to be by your side. "What happened?", he worriedly asked. "I-I'm pregnant", you whispered, feeling the tears rolling down your cheeks again. At first, he was quiet; so quiet that you thought he hadn't heard you. But, when you looked up, his face was white, and his eyes were lost somewhere else. "Luke?", you asked, voice cracking. "Yo-you're what?", he asked, voice cracking just as much as yours. "I'm pregnant", you said, louder this time. "And I'm the father?", he asked. "Well, you're the only guy I've ever slept with", you rolled your eyes. "(Y/N), I'm sorry, but I can't do this", he said, looking deeply inside your eyes. "I can't either, Luke, I'm just a teenager!", you started to sob, and he hugged you. "I'm not ready for this; we're not ready for this.", you whispered. 
Ashton: Currently, Ashton was on tour, but you needed to tell him. On his last night with you, you sure had a hell of a goodbye, but you never expected that goodbye be the hello of a new person; you were pregnant. All that you ever thought was how to tell Ashton, you couldn't wait him to come back home to tell him; you needed to do it now. Your only answer was to do it by phone; best way to tell someone they're going to be a father. So, you dialed his number, scared of his reaction, but knowing it was the right thing to do. "Hey, babe", he picked up at the third ring. "Hey, Ash", you said weakly; he sounded so happy, and you were about to crush his happiness. "What's wrong?", he asked; you could feel his frown. "I need to tell you something". "Go ahead", he slowly said, probably a million thoughts crossing his mind. "I'm pregnant", you said, quicker than you had expected. Silence. "Ash?", you asked carefully. "I-I can't do this", he said. You didn't expected him to agree with it; he was at the high of his career, a baby would destroy that. "I know", you whispered. "What are we going to do?", he asked, still sounding shocked. "I don't know", you whispered again, "I don't want it too, I'm not ready". And you broke down in tears, having him to try to make you feel better and sort things out on the other side of the world. 
Michael: There he was; calmly drinking coffee. You had just had another of your morning sickness, and realized that it'd be better if he found out by you than discovering by himself. "Are you feeling fine, babe? This isn't the first time you've felt sick in the morning". You sighed; it was now or never. "Actually, I need to tell you something", you took a seat next to him. He innocently looked at you, saying to go on. "I'm pregnant", the next scene would have been hilarious; if it wasn't for a horrible reason. His green eyes went wide, he spit all of the coffee in his mouth on the plate in front of him; swearing after that, but forgetting about it, and turning to look at you. "What?!", he asked, now looking like a scared little kid. "I'm pregnant", you said, a little louder this time. "How?!", he asked. "Well, I'm sure you remember what we did for this to happen", you rolled your eyes at the question. He blushed a little bit and smirked; remembering what you guys had done. "Do you want it?", he carefully asked. "No! I'm too young for that!", you answered almost immediately after he asked, feeling your eyes water again. "Well, I don't think we're ready too, you know? I'd love to begin a family with you; but I'm just not ready for that right now." , he whispered, hugging you. "I feel the same way", you whispered in his chest; drenching his shirt with your tears. 
Calum: You had just taken the test; positive. After you cried to yourself for hours on the bathroom, you decided that you were going to tell Calum in a nice way, but he had found out before you could even decided what words to say. (Y/N)?", he called you from the bathroom. "Yeah?", you said going to meet him there. "Is there something you need to tell me?", he asked, looking deep inside your eyes. You looked down at his hand, and there was it; the test. "I'm so sorry, I just found out. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how to.", you broke down in tears. "I can't do this, you know, right?", he asked, stepping closer to hug you. "And you think I can do this? We're just teenagers, Cal!", you said, hugging him tightly back. "Well, at least we agree on that", he chuckled, but you just kept on sobbing. "Hey, hey, we're going to get through this, okay? We're going to find a way, okay? I love you", he said. "I love you too, so much", you whispered back. "Shh, it's okay; we're going to be okay", he kissed the top of your head. "It's just that, to think that I'm carrying someone... I'm too young.", you kept on sobbing. He kept hugging you until you had no more tears to cry, and you sat down to discuss what you were going to do about it. One thing was for sure; you were staying on each other's side the whole time.

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