He Cheats On You With Your Sister Michael

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 “God how could you leave your sister at home with Michael knowing they hate each other?” You chuckled, pushing the trolley towards your car as you smiled at your friend. “I left her there for a reason, so they can at least try and get along. I mean I can barely hang out with the two of them without every five seconds they’re arguing.” The first time your sister met Michael, they seemed to get along very well, then Michael starting taking your time away from your sisters and she didn’t like that very well. “Well I hope your apartment isn’t inside out when you get there.” You chuckled at the thought as she pushed your shoulder, smiling as you jumped into the passengers seat. You arrived at your apartment, sighing as you hoped you wouldn’t have to face a messy place to clean up. You struggled up the stairs and smiled when you heard it was quiet on the other side of the door. Walking in you saw your sisters shirt lying across the chair. Hiking up your brows you picked it up, examining it and then heard a sound upstairs. The sound you heard wasn’t what you expected to hear. You kicked open the door of your bedroom, seeing Michael and your sister in a very compromising position. “What the fuck?” You screamed, the two of them screaming as well. “Y/N! We thought that yo—” “I thought you two hated each other?” You asked, almost out of breath as your heart pounded in your ears. “Baby it’s not what it looks like.” You walked over, slapping Michael across the face as your sister gasped. “How could you Michael? My own sister!” He held his face as your sister sat up too. “And you, you little evil bitch.” You rose your arm at her, Michael grabbing it before you could do any damage to her as well. “I’m sorry.” She said, tears welling in her eyes as you scoffed. “Both of you get the fuck out of my house. Michael we’re done and as for you,” You pointed to her as she flinched. “I no longer know you. Not get OUT!” You pushed them out without giving them time to dress as you turned with your back to the door, beginning to cry as you slid to the floor.

 “Both of you get the fuck out of my house. Michael we’re done and as for you,” You pointed to her as she flinched. “I no longer know you. Not get OUT!” You pushed them out without giving them time to dress as you turned with your back to the door, beginning to cry as you slid to the floor. You couldn’t believe this was happening. One minute they’re at each other’s throats, ready to have a smack down and the next minute they’re upstairs, fucking each other’s brains out. They constantly banged against the door, calling for you as you just sat there, crying into your hands as your mind swam with a million thoughts. Soon enough the beating stopped and so did your crying. You don’t need him, you thought and you most definitely don’t need her. You stood, composing yourself as you went upstairs. You stopped right at the bedroom door, disgust filling your nostrils as you slammed the door closed, not even daring to enter. The day seemed to drag on, the thought of Michael and your sister never leaving your mind as you found yourself crying once again. Your heart was completely broken and there was no way no one could make it better. A knock on the door made you jump as you trudged over, revealing Michael on the other side as the love bites on his neck made you cringe. “Why are you here?” You screamed at him, rubbing at your red eyes as he stepped forward, only for you to step back. “Y/N, let me explain.” “There’s no need! You fucked my sister Michael, how could you even explain that?” He sighed, shaking his head as his hand reached out for you again. “Don’t touch me with the hand you touched that bitch with.” “That bitch is your sister.” “Not anymore! I hate her and I hate you!” You fell onto the couch, sniffling as you heard footsteps walking to you. “Y/N,” You recognized that voice, it was your sister. “So help me God, you two better get out of my house.” You stood, towering over her as Michael stepped over quickly. “You knew how much I loved Michael and then you go and have sex with him? Did you even stop to think how that would affect me? Look at me! I’m a mess and it’s all thanks to the two of you assholes.” Your sister sighed, wiping her eyes as Michael sniffled. “I knew someone would hurt me one day, but I never knew it would be my own sister.” You whispered, shaking your head as you walked to the front door. “Michael I said we were done, so just go upstairs and get your shit and don’t come back here ever again,” You paused, looking up to see your sister, tears rolling down her face. Guilt tears. “And I no longer know who you are anymore. So please, get out and never come back.” She dropped her head, walking to the door as she looked up at you. “Y/N, please let me explain.” You gritted your teeth, pushing her out as she gasped. You slammed the door, turning around and seeing Michael standing there, tears in his eyes too. “Michael get your shit and go, or I will call the police.” “Y/N,” You held your hand up as he sighed, walking upstairs.

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