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Mia's PoV

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Mia's PoV

It had been another two weeks since I asked mum for advice on how to tell Hetty that I like her and today we're going into town before she stays over for the night which is going to be fun, I decided that today I'm going to tell her that I like her, I'm going to tell her when we're having our milkshakes.

"You know when we get to town I'm going to order the largest milkshake in the history of milkshakes" Hetty grinned enthusiastically making me laugh.

"Well if your ordering the largest I'll order the smallest" I joked to my best friend.

"You'd hardly have anything to drink" chuckles Hetty.

"Hat' I think I know that" I giggled using the nickname that only I call her; she doesn't like anyone else calling her Hat'

"Let's both have the smallest and largest then" Hetty smirked causing me to roll my eyes

"Sounds like a plan" I joked as we finally got off the bus to head to get milkshakes. We walked from the bus station and towards 'Millionaire Milkshakes' which is my all time favourite milkshake shop.

"I'll get these, What flavour do you want?" I asked Hetty as we waited in the line to order.

"Is that even a question" laughed Hetty as she looked at me smiling.

"Double chocolate chip with mint cream, a flake and chocolate button sprinkles" Hetty and I both said at the same time as one another.

"Jinx" we both laughed as we said it at the same time once again

"Jinx" we both once again said in sync

"Morning Mia, What can I get you two" Jason the manager of 'Millionaire Milkshakes' asked us; Jason knew me from the amount of times I've been in since they opened.

"Hi Jason, could I get two Large Double chocolate chip with mint cream, a flake and chocolate button sprinkles please" I ordered smiling towards the older man.

"That'll be £5.40 please Mia" Jason told me after poking it into the till. I handed my loyalty card over along with my rewards coupon and got ready to enter my pin for my bank card, Jason stamped my coupon with two stamps which meant when I next came in I'd get a free milkshake, Jason also scanned my loyalty card before requesting me to put my card in and add my pin.

"I'll get Steph to bring them over; you going to sit in your usual spot?" Jason asked me curiously, it was quieter and more out of the way, it also had comfortable sofa like chairs.

"Yeah thanks Jason" I smiled before I took Hetty to sit down at my usual table

"This place is so pretty, the vibe in here is amazing" Hetty smiled. Steph brought over Hetty and i's drinks before leaving us alone to talk.

"Hat' I think theirs something you need to know" I spoke nervously

"Come on Mims' spit it out I'm getting old here" Hetty smirked sipping her milkshake

"Okay I'm just going to come out and say it" I paused taking a deep breath

"I like you Hat' ever since you started school I felt something different about you, you made me extremely happy" I admitted to Hetty who's smile widened.

"I was waiting for you to say that; I like you too Mims' I have done for weeks now" Hetty admitted too, I was shocked but over the moon.

"Will you be my girlfriend" both Hetty and I asked each other at the same time.

"I will" We once again answered each other in sync, Hetty and I had made it official, we were now girlfriend and girlfriend.

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