027 | Hetty I Love You

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Mia's POV

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Mia's POV

At the hospital I left mum at the doors and dashed to find Hetty, My heart was rapidly beating in my chest as I stood outside the door where Elizabeth was sat with Hetty.

"Any news?" I asked Elizabeth as I entered the room trying to stay calm as I waited for the nineteen year old to answer me, I chewed on my lower lip anxiously.

"She's fine Mimi' they are just keeping her on really strong painkillers and in the medical coma until tomorrow, they want to make sure she hasn't obtained any other injuries before they bring her round" Elizabeth explained to me making me sigh in relief however I knew she wasn't out of the woods yet. I sat by the side of her bed and held her hand.

"I'll leave you and go and find chas" Elizabeth placed a hand on my shoulder before she left me alone with my girlfriend.

"Hetty I don't know if you can here me but I love you, I will always love you, you shouldn't have been shot! It should have been me. I won't be able to live with myself f you die. Without you I'm nothing. Please Pull through" I cried holding Hetty's hand; I knew Elizabeth said she was going to be fine but I felt guilty, I felt like I had let her down. I sat holding Hetty's hands as mum joined me with a doctor.

"Would you mind leaving the room while I do Hetty's Bloods?" The doctor asked me and I looked to Hetty, I was trying to picture her talking and laughing like normal.

"Okay" I paused standing up while I continued to hold Hetty's hand.

"I'll just be out side Hat' I love you" I whispered before kissing her forehead and letting go of her hand; once I was outside the room I immediately watched in on the doctor and my girlfriend.

"She looks so fragile in their mum, it's all my fault" I cried wrapping my arms around my mother who rubbed my back gently.

"Mimi' it's not your fault baby. It's Jason's. He shout her not you, you saved her by keeping pressure on the bullet wound while the paramedics entered. And like Lizzy' said the doctors have told her that Hetty is going to pull through and you will be laughing together again in no time, you do believe me don't you?" Mum asked as she continued to rub my back soothing me as I cried.

"I do" I whispered wiping my eyes as I pulled away from mum.

"Come on we can go in now" mum kissed my forehead. I dashed back into the hospital room and immediately held Hetty's hand again, I didn't say anything or even move, I just rested my head on the bed, held Hetty's hand and listened to mum, Lizzy and Liv talking however before I knew it they were going home but I wasn't leaving; not until the morning; I don't have my first exam until twelve and mum said she's bring me my school uniform so I didn't have to leave Hetty.

"Hetty I Love You" I whispered as I fell asleep holding Hetty's hand.

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