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Mia's POV

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Mia's POV

As I made my way through the fire I finally made it to Elizabeth and Sarah. I crouched down even lower than before; I pressed my finger onto Sarah's wrist and checked her pulse; it was weak but I knew she would fight this. I picked Sarah up bridal style.

"Liv! I'll be back to get you; I promise" I called as I got Elizabeth to follow me as I carried Sarah; I heard Liv coughing as she answered me, I quickly got Lizzy and Sarah as safely and fast as I could.

"Mia" mum shouted as I finally stopped and placed Sarah down; I looked around and sighed seeing no ambulance or fire brigade

"She needs a ambulance really fast, her pulse is weak" I coughed before turning to head back into the fire but I felt a hand grab my arm.

"I can't leave Liv in their" i almost screamed.

"Mia you can't go back in; it's not safe" mum panicked, I could tell she was trying not to cry but I knew I had to go back in.

"I'll be careful mum, I told Liv I'd be back for her" I responded pulling my arm free from mums grip, I looked over to Hetty and took a deep breath shrike I coughed.

"I love you Hat' I'll be okay" I tried to reassure my girlfriend who looked extremely worried.

"Mims' please be careful. I love you" Hetty called as I legged it into the fire.

"Liv call out" I yelled breathing in smoke as I kept low and made my way in the direction of where Liv was.

"Mia hurry; I think the buildings going to collapse" Liv yelled coughing.

"I'm coming; I'm going to get you out of here" I called heading in the direction of her voice.

"It's okay Liv, I'm going to get you out of here" I coughed when I finally got to Liv, I grabbed her hand and told her to stay low as I lead her towards the edit, creaks began and I knew their was only a matter of time until the whole place fell down around us and I was right.

"Ahhhh!!" Both Liv and I screamed as the roof fell down landing on top of me, Liv was only footsteps away from being crushed too as I layer under the rubble I heard the sirens outside.

"Liv you need to get yourself out" I coughed feeling my eyes get heavy

"I can't leave you, you came back in for me" Liv practically shouted at me but I couldn't let her stay with me.

"Liv, you go out, you get help I'm fine" I coughed

Third Person

Liv didn't want to leave Mia inside the burning village hall but Mia was extremely convincing and made her go out to get help, outside of the village hall Hetty was panicking that Mia wasn't alright especially when Liv came out and their was no sight of Mia. The fire men and women ran into the fire and managed together Mia out but she had already lost consciousness so she was immediately rushed to hospital leaving Hetty, Chas and the rest of the village worried about not only Mia but about Sarah too.

"You can follow behind" the paramedics told the group of worried families and friends and they all said thank you

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