016 | Tiredness

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Mia's POV

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Mia's POV

The next way was a school day, Hetty has stayed over last night which was such a bad idea because we stayed up talking and watching films until the early hours of the morning, we definitely shouldn't have done that, it was a good thing Elizabeth was driving Liv, myself and Hetty otherwise we would be late for school.

"We shouldn't have stayed up till 3am, I'm so tired I can't be bothered with school" I sighed pulling a pillow over my head and closing my eyes again.

"I think even my tiredness is tired" Hetty sighed

"But we have to get up, so come on Mims' you can sleep in school" Hetty added in as she joked with me.

"Can I really sleep in school?" I grinned with my eyes closed,

"Well you can as long as you don't get caught" Hetty laughed, I opened my eyes a glared at her playfully.

"Well if I don't wanna get caught I can't sleep" I frowned.

"Don't give me that look" I hear Hetty chuckle.

"Mia! Hetty! you girls better be ready for school! Liv and Lizzy are here waiting for you" we heard mum call to us making up jump.

"It's not 8 already is it?" I asked Hetty when I finally sat up after mum had shouted up to us.

"Oh fudge nuggets" Hetty frowned while looking at her phone, I laughed slightly.

"Okay fudge nuggets we need to quickly get dressed or mum will never let us have sleepovers on a school night" I shot out of bed and faced Hetty who had also just got out of the other side of my double bed.

"Mia Dingle did you not hear me! Lizzy and Liv are here!" Mums voice echoed my ears as Hetty and I quickly threw in our school uniforms on.

"Quickly sit down, I'll do your hair; we can make out that's what was taking us so long" Hetty suggested as we heard footsteps getting closer to my bedrooom. I quickly sat down and let Hetty begin to brush my hair just as my mum opens the door.

"Come on you two; your going to be late" mum warned us; Hetty put my hair brush down and we both grabbed our school bags to head to head downstairs.

"What was taking you both so long?" Mum questioned us as we began walking down the stairs.

"Sorry; we were too busy talking instead my hair was being done" I giggled hoping mum would fall for it

"Well you don't have time for breakfast so here's money for you both to get something at school, have a good day both of you" Mum told us when we got downstairs. The pair of us thanked mum and joined Lizzy and Liv to head to school. I had a feeling something was going to happen today but something told me it wasn't going to be that good.

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