023 | Hetty's Missing

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Mia's POV

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Mia's POV

After I had gotten my cast off mum drove me to school, I had been texting and texting Hetty but got no reply, Gabby and Liv haven't even seen her which worried me completely, if she wasn't well she would text or call but nothing.

"Mum if you see Hat' could you get her to give me a call" I asked mum as I stood with the car door open once she had parked the car to see me off.

"Of course Mimi' and I will keep an eye out for her" mum gave me a reassuring smile before driving off; I waved goodbye and made my way into the school grounds to go and sign in. Once I was signed in I decided to give Hetty's head care worker a call.

"Mia, what's the problem?" I heard the voice of her care worker.

"I was wondering if Hetty was coming to school today? I've just got in from having my plaster cast on but she's not replied to any of my texts or calls and I'm really worried about her" I asked curiously as I walked slowly towards science where I was to meet Gabby and Liv since their was no point in me going to lesson with only a few minutes left.

"She left this morning and said she was coming round yours for tea tonight" her care worker responded sending a rush of panic through my vains.

"I'll look around school, she might have just missed Gabby and Liv, if not I'll look for her, nothing bad could have happened to her, I hope" I panicked as I mumbled the last word.

"I'll phone you if I hear from her" Hetty's care worker informed me before we both hung the phones up. I paced the halls while waiting for Gabby and Liv to come out of lesson as well as trying to think where Hetty could be.

"Are you two sure you've not seen Hat' today? Her care worker said she left for school this morning" was the first thing I said to my two friends as they came out of class.

"We are sure Mimi' but do you know who else we've not seen today?" Gabby paused as she looked at Liv, I must have had a worried look on my face.

"Who" I nearly screamed hating the silence.

"Jason" Liv told me. He couldn't have Hetty could he? If he did why would he, or would he know that hurting the ones I love would make me want to find them? Surely he wouldn't know that, only my friends knew.

"He, he wouldn't have taken her would he?" I said in more of a question than anything else just as my phone began to ring.

"Hat' where are you" I panicked as I answered the phone once I had seen it was Hetty calling.

"I knew you'd be worried" I heard a laugh but it wasn't Hetty's voice; it was Jason.

"Don't you dare touch her! Do you hear me! If you lay one hand on her, I'll break every single bone in your body" I threatened

"I won't hurt her as long as you come and meet me alone" Jason spoke.

"Mims' don't come! I'm fine" I heard Hetty shout, she sounded scared but also had the sound of confidence in her voice, that was my girl.

"I'll come" I whispered as the line went dead. How was I meant to find him if he didn't tell me where he was.

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