034 | Millie.

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Another couple of months had passed since prom and college starts soon, we got our exam results and passed most of them, I have to resit my maths exam which I knew would happen

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Another couple of months had passed since prom and college starts soon, we got our exam results and passed most of them, I have to resit my maths exam which I knew would happen. Hetty and I spent the day sitting at the park just talking about life.

"I really don't want to start college in the next few weeks, it means we won't be able to spend as much time together" I frowned gently swinging myself on the swing.

"I'll always have time for you Mims' I mean that" Hetty tried to reassure me, I smiled slightly at my girlfriend.

"I fancy chocolate" I grinned stopping the swing after we had been at the park for a little while longer.

"Okay, how about last one to David's has to buy the chocolate" Hetty grinned in response.

"Your on" I laughed, the pair of us got off the swings and began running, Hetty was in the lead so I knew I'd be paying for the chocolate but I don't care. Hetty got to the shop first with me not far behind her.

"Your buying" Hetty laughed as I finally stopped to catch my breath. I took a couple of deep breaths before Hetty and I walked into the shop together.

"Pick a chocolate, any chocolate" I chuckled when we got to the chocolates.

"I want it all" Hetty jokes making me laugh.

"Well so do I but we can't have it all" I laughed, Hetty and I both picked out our chocolate and went to pay just as my phone began ringing, it was a unknown number.

"Hello is that Mia Dingle?" A males voice asked once I had answered it.

"Speaking" I placed a five pound note on the side and left Hetty to get the change

"This is doctor Jay Roscoe from Hotten General. your sister Millie Carter has been rushed into hospital with serious injuries, we found your number in her phone" the doctor who I found to be called Jay told me. I felt my heart beat race as I heard my sister was in hospital.

"Is, is she okay!" I asked anxiously

"She's in critical condition right now" Jay told me, I froze in my spot outside the shop, my sister was in hospital, I had to get their and fast.

"Okay, Thank you for telling me; I'll be their soon" I answered before hanging up and turning to see Hetty with my change and the chocolate.

"Mims' are you okay?" Hetty asked

"It's Millie; she's in critical condition in hospital" I broke down shaking slightly with the fear I was going to loose my sister.

"Mia breath" Hetty paused holding my hands to calm me down.

"come on let's get you home and then chas can get you to the hospital to see Millie, how does that sound" Hetty asked me, I couldn't find my words so I just nodded.

"Chas. Millie's in hospital I think you should take Mia their; she's in a state" Hetty told mum once we were inside the woolpack. I could only think of Millie; was she going to make it was all I could think of.

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