Chapter 2

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The world was dark, I could only see black. It felt like I was in the mountains because of the faint voices. I couldn't quite understand what they were saying but it was something like.

''You're alright'' ''Everything is gonna be okay'' ''Out of the way!'' And some other things like that.

I really had no idea what was going on. I couldn't feel anything, only hear. I tried to figure out where is was, but I've never experienced anything like this. The voices in the background started to get clearer. I now heard a man talking to me.

''We're almost there, just hold on!'' I tried to talk back but instead a soft sound escaped my mouth.

I also started to feel again. It felt like someone was carrying me. What was happening to me? I tried to move but my body was to weak, did I pass out?

I started to get my vision back and slowly opened my eyes. Everything was blurry, just like the last thing I remembered. The light hurted my eyes, but I just had to see what was going on. I had to know who was carrying me. So I looked up and I saw a boy with black hair. I wasn't sure because I could barely see.

I tried to speak again but another little sound left my mouth. The arms that we're carrying me put me down. I felt a soft surface on my back. I also heard other people speak.

"Shit is she alright?'' ''What happened to her?'' They had an accent. I did another attempt to open my eyes and surprisingly, my vision wasn't as blurry. I saw three boys looking at me. Two of them had black hair, one long and one short. And one of them had kind of blond hair.

''Shh she's waking up'' One of them said. I tried to speak again.

''W-where am I-I?'' My voice sounded really weak and my throat hurted. I still had no idea why my body did all of this. I was perfectly healthy.

''Hey, you're alright, trust me. Here have some water'' The one with the long hair smiled at me and handed me a glass of water. I took a sip of the water and tried to sit up. My head was hurting.

''W-why am I h-here?'' I wanted to know why I was here. I should be sitting on a bench right now.

''I saw you crossing the road and you almost got run over by a car, so I saved you and decided to bring you here and check if you're alright'' He runned his hand through his long hair and smiled at me again.

''Oh uhh.. T-thanks, but I should really be going. M-my mother is probably worried sick'' I slowly got up and looked around. It looked like I was in some sort of bus?

''Are you sure?'' He asked.

''Y-yeah, where's the door?'' I could barely walk but I had to get to my mom.

''Here let me help you'' He walked over to me and he hold his arm out so I grabbed it. We both walked to the door and he opened it for me.

''Thanks for uhm saving my life'' I said and he chuckled. I looked around the street to see where I was. I saw that I just was some couple blocks away from my apartment.

''You sure you are gonna be fine on you're own?'' He asked and had a concerned look on his face.

''I'm gonna be fine, I just life a couple blocks away from here. Thanks again'' I was on my way to leave until he spoke again.

''I never catched your name?'' I looked back and smiled.

''Y/N'' I said and I saw the two other guys standing in the door frame.

''Dominic'' He said and smiled at me. I chuckled to myself and slowly turned around and started walking to my apartment.


Sorry for the short chapter, but I hope you guys like this book so far! :)

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